# Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
require "time"
require "gcloud/resource_manager/project/list"
require "gcloud/resource_manager/project/updater"
require "gcloud/resource_manager/policy"
module Gcloud
module ResourceManager
# # Project
# Project is a high-level Google Cloud Platform entity. It is a container
# for ACLs, APIs, AppEngine Apps, VMs, and other Google Cloud Platform
# resources.
# @example
# require "gcloud"
# gcloud = Gcloud.new
# resource_manager = gcloud.resource_manager
# project = resource_manager.project "tokyo-rain-123"
# project.update do |p|
# p.name = "My Project"
# p.labels["env"] = "production"
# end
class Project
# @private The Service object.
attr_accessor :service
# @private The Google API Client object.
attr_accessor :gapi
# @private Create an empty Project object.
def initialize
@service = nil
@gapi = Gcloud::ResourceManager::Service::API::Project.new
# The unique, user-assigned ID of the project. It must be 6 to 30
# lowercase letters, digits, or hyphens. It must start with a letter.
# Trailing hyphens are prohibited. e.g. tokyo-rain-123
def project_id
# The number uniquely identifying the project. e.g. 415104041262
def project_number
# The user-assigned name of the project.
def name
# Updates the user-assigned name of the project. This field is optional
# and can remain unset.
# Allowed characters are: lowercase and uppercase letters, numbers,
# hyphen, single-quote, double-quote, space, and exclamation point.
# @example
# require "gcloud"
# gcloud = Gcloud.new
# resource_manager = gcloud.resource_manager
# project = resource_manager.project "tokyo-rain-123"
# project.name = "My Project"
def name= new_name
@gapi.name = new_name
@gapi = service.update_project @gapi
# The labels associated with this project.
# Label keys must be between 1 and 63 characters long and must conform to
# the regular expression [a-z]([-a-z0-9]*[a-z0-9])?
# Label values must be between 0 and 63 characters long and must conform
# to the regular expression ([a-z]([-a-z0-9]*[a-z0-9])?)?
# No more than 256 labels can be associated with a given resource.
# (`Hash`)
# @yield [labels] a block for setting labels
# @yieldparam [Hash] labels the hash accepting labels
# @example Labels are read-only and cannot be changed:
# require "gcloud"
# gcloud = Gcloud.new
# resource_manager = gcloud.resource_manager
# project = resource_manager.project "tokyo-rain-123"
# project.labels["env"] #=> "dev" # read only
# project.labels["env"] = "production" # raises error
# @example Labels can be updated by passing a block, or with {#labels=}:
# require "gcloud"
# gcloud = Gcloud.new
# resource_manager = gcloud.resource_manager
# project = resource_manager.project "tokyo-rain-123"
# project.labels do |labels|
# labels["env"] = "production"
# end
def labels
labels = @gapi.labels.to_h
if block_given?
yielded_labels = labels.dup
yield yielded_labels
self.labels = yielded_labels if yielded_labels != labels # changed
# Updates the labels associated with this project.
# Label keys must be between 1 and 63 characters long and must conform to
# the regular expression [a-z]([-a-z0-9]*[a-z0-9])?
# Label values must be between 0 and 63 characters long and must conform
# to the regular expression ([a-z]([-a-z0-9]*[a-z0-9])?)?
# No more than 256 labels can be associated with a given resource.
# (`Hash`)
# @example
# require "gcloud"
# gcloud = Gcloud.new
# resource_manager = gcloud.resource_manager
# project = resource_manager.project "tokyo-rain-123"
# project.labels = { "env" => "production" }
def labels= new_labels
@gapi.labels = new_labels
@gapi = service.update_project @gapi
# The time that this project was created.
def created_at
Time.parse @gapi.create_time
# The project lifecycle state.
# Possible values are:
# * `ACTIVE` - The normal and active state.
# * `DELETE_REQUESTED` - The project has been marked for deletion by the
# user (by invoking ##delete) or by the system (Google Cloud
# Platform). This can generally be reversed by invoking {#undelete}.
# * `DELETE_IN_PROGRESS` - The process of deleting the project has begun.
# Reversing the deletion is no longer possible.
# * `LIFECYCLE_STATE_UNSPECIFIED` - Unspecified state. This is only
# used/useful for distinguishing unset values.
def state
# Checks if the state is `ACTIVE`.
def active?
return false if state.nil?
# Checks if the state is `LIFECYCLE_STATE_UNSPECIFIED`.
def unspecified?
return false if state.nil?
# Checks if the state is `DELETE_REQUESTED`.
def delete_requested?
return false if state.nil?
# Checks if the state is `DELETE_IN_PROGRESS`.
def delete_in_progress?
return false if state.nil?
# Updates the project in a single API call. See {Project::Updater}
# @yield [project] a block yielding a project delegate
# @yieldparam [Project::Updater] project the delegate object for updating
# the project
# @example
# require "gcloud"
# gcloud = Gcloud.new
# resource_manager = gcloud.resource_manager
# project = resource_manager.project "tokyo-rain-123"
# project.update do |p|
# p.name = "My Project"
# p.labels["env"] = "production"
# end
def update
updater = Updater.from_project self
yield updater
if updater.gapi.to_h != @gapi.to_h # changed
@gapi = service.update_project updater.gapi
# Reloads the project (with updated state) from the Google Cloud Resource
# Manager service.
# @example
# require "gcloud"
# gcloud = Gcloud.new
# resource_manager = gcloud.resource_manager
# project = resource_manager.project "tokyo-rain-123"
# project.reload!
def reload!
@gapi = service.get_project project_id
alias_method :refresh!, :reload!
# Marks the project for deletion. This method will only affect the project
# if the following criteria are met:
# * The project does not have a billing account associated with it.
# * The project has a lifecycle state of `ACTIVE`.
# * This method changes the project's lifecycle state from `ACTIVE` to
# `DELETE_REQUESTED`. The deletion starts at an unspecified time, at
# which point the lifecycle state changes to `DELETE_IN_PROGRESS`.
# Until the deletion completes, you can check the lifecycle state by
# calling #reload!, or by retrieving the project with Manager#project. The
# project remains visible to Manager#project and Manager#projects, but
# cannot be updated.
# After the deletion completes, the project is not retrievable by the
# Manager#project and Manager#projects methods.
# The caller must have modify permissions for this project.
# @example
# require "gcloud"
# gcloud = Gcloud.new
# resource_manager = gcloud.resource_manager
# project = resource_manager.project "tokyo-rain-123"
# project.active? #=> true
# project.delete
# project.active? #=> false
# project.delete_requested? #=> true
def delete
service.delete_project project_id
# Restores the project. You can only use this method for a project that
# has a lifecycle state of `DELETE_REQUESTED`. After deletion starts, as
# indicated by a lifecycle state of `DELETE_IN_PROGRESS`, the project
# cannot be restored.
# The caller must have modify permissions for this project.
# @example
# require "gcloud"
# gcloud = Gcloud.new
# resource_manager = gcloud.resource_manager
# project = resource_manager.project "tokyo-rain-123"
# project.delete_requested? #=> true
# project.undelete
# project.delete_requested? #=> false
# project.active? #=> true
def undelete
service.undelete_project project_id
# Gets and updates the [Cloud IAM](https://cloud.google.com/iam/) access
# control policy for this project.
# @see https://cloud.google.com/iam/docs/managing-policies Managing
# Policies
# @see https://cloud.google.com/resource-manager/reference/rest/v1beta1/projects/setIamPolicy
# projects.setIamPolicy
# @param [Boolean] force Force load the latest policy when `true`.
# Otherwise the policy will be memoized to reduce the number of API
# calls made. The default is `false`.
# @yield [policy] A block for updating the policy. The latest policy will
# be read from the service and passed to the block. After the block
# completes, the modified policy will be written to the service.
# @yieldparam [Policy] policy the current Cloud IAM Policy for this
# project
# @return [Policy] the current Cloud IAM Policy for this project
# @example Policy values are memoized to reduce the number of API calls:
# require "gcloud"
# gcloud = Gcloud.new
# resource_manager = gcloud.resource_manager
# project = resource_manager.project "tokyo-rain-123"
# policy = project.policy # API call
# policy_2 = project.policy # No API call
# @example Use `force` to retrieve the latest policy from the service:
# require "gcloud"
# gcloud = Gcloud.new
# resource_manager = gcloud.resource_manager
# project = resource_manager.project "tokyo-rain-123"
# policy = project.policy force: true # API call
# policy_2 = project.policy force: true # API call
# @example Update the policy by passing a block:
# require "gcloud"
# gcloud = Gcloud.new
# resource_manager = gcloud.resource_manager
# project = resource_manager.project "tokyo-rain-123"
# policy = project.policy do |p|
# p.add "roles/owner", "user:owner@example.com"
# end # 2 API calls
def policy force: false
@policy = nil if force || block_given?
@policy ||= begin
gapi = service.get_policy project_id
Policy.from_gapi gapi
return @policy unless block_given?
p = @policy.deep_dup
yield p
self.policy = p
# Updates the [Cloud IAM](https://cloud.google.com/iam/) access control
# policy for this project. The policy should be read from {#policy}.
# See {Gcloud::ResourceManager::Policy} for an explanation of the policy
# `etag` property and how to modify policies.
# You can also update the policy by passing a block to {#policy}, which
# will call this method internally after the block completes.
# @see https://cloud.google.com/iam/docs/managing-policies Managing
# Policies
# @see https://cloud.google.com/resource-manager/reference/rest/v1beta1/projects/setIamPolicy
# projects.setIamPolicy
# @param [Policy] new_policy a new or modified Cloud IAM Policy for this
# project
# @example
# require "gcloud"
# gcloud = Gcloud.new
# resource_manager = gcloud.resource_manager
# project = resource_manager.project "tokyo-rain-123"
# policy = project.policy # API call
# policy.add "roles/owner", "user:owner@example.com"
# project.policy = policy # API call
def policy= new_policy
gapi = service.set_policy project_id, new_policy.to_gapi
# Convert symbols to strings for backwards compatibility.
# This will go away when we add a ResourceManager::Policy class.
@policy = Policy.from_gapi gapi
# Tests the specified permissions against the [Cloud
# IAM](https://cloud.google.com/iam/) access control policy.
# @see https://cloud.google.com/iam/docs/managing-policies Managing
# Policies
# @param [String, Array] permissions The set of permissions to
# check access for. Permissions with wildcards (such as `*` or
# `storage.*`) are not allowed.
# @return [Array] The permissions that have access
# @example
# require "gcloud"
# gcloud = Gcloud.new
# resource_manager = gcloud.resource_manager
# project = resource_manager.project "tokyo-rain-123"
# perms = project.test_permissions "resourcemanager.projects.get",
# "resourcemanager.projects.delete"
# perms.include? "resourcemanager.projects.get" #=> true
# perms.include? "resourcemanager.projects.delete" #=> false
def test_permissions *permissions
permissions = Array(permissions).flatten
gapi = service.test_permissions project_id, permissions
# @private New Change from a Google API Client object.
def self.from_gapi gapi, service
new.tap do |p|
p.gapi = gapi
p.service = service
# Raise an error unless an active service is available.
def ensure_service!
fail "Must have active connection" unless service