// Generated by CoffeeScript 1.3.3 (function() { (function(chaiChanges) { if (typeof require === "function" && typeof exports === "object" && typeof module === "object") { return module.exports = chaiChanges; } else if (typeof define === "function" && define.amd) { return define(function() { return chaiChanges; }); } else { return chai.use(chaiChanges); } })(function(chai, utils) { var changeBy, changeByAssert, changeFrom, changeFromAssert, changeFromBeginAssert, changeTo, changeToAssert, changeToBeginAssert, flag, formatFunction, inspect, noChangeAssert; inspect = utils.inspect; flag = utils.flag; /* # # Changes Matchers # */ chai.Assertion.addMethod('when', function(val, options) { var action, definedActions, done, isPromise, newPromise, object, promiseCallback, result, _i, _j, _len, _len1, _this = this; if (options == null) { options = {}; } definedActions = flag(this, 'whenActions') || []; object = flag(this, 'object'); flag(this, 'whenObject', object); for (_i = 0, _len = definedActions.length; _i < _len; _i++) { action = definedActions[_i]; if (typeof action.before === "function") { action.before(this); } } result = val(); isPromise = (result != null ? result.then : void 0) != null; if (((typeof DS !== "undefined" && DS !== null ? DS.Model : void 0) != null) && result instanceof DS.Model) { isPromise = false; } if (isPromise) { done = options != null ? options.notify : void 0; if (done == null) { done = function() {}; } promiseCallback = function() { var _j, _len1; try { for (_j = 0, _len1 = definedActions.length; _j < _len1; _j++) { action = definedActions[_j]; if (typeof action.after === "function") { action.after(_this); } } return done(); } catch (error) { done(new Error(error)); throw new Error(error); } }; newPromise = result.then(promiseCallback, promiseCallback); flag(this, 'object', newPromise); } else { for (_j = 0, _len1 = definedActions.length; _j < _len1; _j++) { action = definedActions[_j]; if (typeof action.after === "function") { action.after(this); } } flag(this, 'object', result); } flag(this, 'negate', false); return this; }); noChangeAssert = function(context) { var endValue, negate, object, relevant, result, startValue; relevant = flag(context, 'no-change'); if (!relevant) { return; } negate = flag(context, 'negate'); flag(context, 'negate', this.negate); object = flag(context, 'whenObject'); startValue = flag(context, 'changeStart'); endValue = object(); result = !utils.eql(endValue, startValue); context.assert(result, "expected `" + (formatFunction(object)) + "` to change, but it stayed " + (utils.inspect(startValue)), "expected `" + (formatFunction(object)) + "` not to change, but it changed from " + (utils.inspect(startValue)) + " to " + (utils.inspect(endValue))); return flag(context, 'negate', negate); }; changeByAssert = function(context) { var actualDelta, endValue, negate, object, startValue; negate = flag(context, 'negate'); flag(context, 'negate', this.negate); object = flag(context, 'whenObject'); startValue = flag(context, 'changeStart'); endValue = object(); actualDelta = endValue - startValue; context.assert(this.expectedDelta === actualDelta, "expected `" + (formatFunction(object)) + "` to change by " + this.expectedDelta + ", but it changed by " + actualDelta, "expected `" + (formatFunction(object)) + "` not to change by " + this.expectedDelta + ", but it did"); return flag(context, 'negate', negate); }; changeToBeginAssert = function(context) { var negate, object, result, startValue; negate = flag(context, 'negate'); flag(context, 'negate', this.negate); object = flag(context, 'whenObject'); startValue = object(); result = !utils.eql(startValue, this.expectedEndValue); if (negate) { result = !result; } context.assert(result, "expected `" + (formatFunction(object)) + "` to change to " + (utils.inspect(this.expectedEndValue)) + ", but it was already " + (utils.inspect(startValue)), "not supported"); return flag(context, 'negate', negate); }; changeToAssert = function(context) { var endValue, negate, object, result; negate = flag(context, 'negate'); flag(context, 'negate', this.negate); object = flag(context, 'whenObject'); endValue = object(); result = utils.eql(endValue, this.expectedEndValue); context.assert(result, "expected `" + (formatFunction(object)) + "` to change to " + (utils.inspect(this.expectedEndValue)) + ", but it changed to " + (utils.inspect(endValue)), "expected `" + (formatFunction(object)) + "` not to change to " + (utils.inspect(this.expectedEndValue)) + ", but it did"); return flag(context, 'negate', negate); }; changeFromBeginAssert = function(context) { var negate, object, result, startValue; negate = flag(context, 'negate'); flag(context, 'negate', this.negate); object = flag(context, 'whenObject'); startValue = object(); result = utils.eql(startValue, this.expectedStartValue); context.assert(result, "expected the change of `" + (formatFunction(object)) + "` to start from " + (utils.inspect(this.expectedStartValue)) + ", but it started from " + (utils.inspect(startValue)), "expected the change of `" + (formatFunction(object)) + "` not to start from " + (utils.inspect(this.expectedStartValue)) + ", but it did"); return flag(context, 'negate', negate); }; changeFromAssert = function(context) { var endValue, negate, object, result, startValue; negate = flag(context, 'negate'); flag(context, 'negate', this.negate); object = flag(context, 'whenObject'); startValue = flag(context, 'changeStart'); endValue = object(); result = !utils.eql(startValue, endValue); if (negate) { result = !result; } context.assert(result, "expected `" + (formatFunction(object)) + "` to change from " + (utils.inspect(this.expectedStartValue)) + ", but it did not change", "not supported"); return flag(context, 'negate', negate); }; chai.Assertion.addProperty('change', function() { var definedActions; flag(this, 'no-change', true); definedActions = flag(this, 'whenActions') || []; definedActions.push({ negate: flag(this, 'negate'), before: function(context) { var startValue; startValue = flag(context, 'whenObject')(); return flag(context, 'changeStart', startValue); }, after: noChangeAssert }); return flag(this, 'whenActions', definedActions); }); formatFunction = function(func) { return func.toString().replace(/^\s*function \(\) {\s*/, '').replace(/\s+}$/, '').replace(/\s*return\s*/, ''); }; changeBy = function(delta) { var definedActions; flag(this, 'no-change', false); definedActions = flag(this, 'whenActions') || []; definedActions.push({ negate: flag(this, 'negate'), expectedDelta: delta, after: changeByAssert }); return flag(this, 'whenActions', definedActions); }; chai.Assertion.addChainableMethod('by', changeBy, function() { return this; }); changeTo = function(endValue) { var definedActions; flag(this, 'no-change', false); definedActions = flag(this, 'whenActions') || []; definedActions.push({ negate: flag(this, 'negate'), expectedEndValue: endValue, before: changeToBeginAssert, after: changeToAssert }); return flag(this, 'whenActions', definedActions); }; chai.Assertion.addChainableMethod('to', changeTo, function() { return this; }); changeFrom = function(startValue) { var definedActions; flag(this, 'no-change', false); definedActions = flag(this, 'whenActions') || []; definedActions.push({ negate: flag(this, 'negate'), expectedStartValue: startValue, before: changeFromBeginAssert, after: changeFromAssert }); return flag(this, 'whenActions', definedActions); }; return chai.Assertion.addChainableMethod('from', changeFrom, function() { return this; }); }); }).call(this);