### Copyright 2016 Pixar ### ### Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "Apache License") ### with the following modification; you may not use this file except in ### compliance with the Apache License and the following modification to it: ### Section 6. Trademarks. is deleted and replaced with: ### ### 6. Trademarks. This License does not grant permission to use the trade ### names, trademarks, service marks, or product names of the Licensor ### and its affiliates, except as required to comply with Section 4(c) of ### the License and to reproduce the content of the NOTICE file. ### ### You may obtain a copy of the Apache License at ### ### http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 ### ### Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software ### distributed under the Apache License with the above modification is ### distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY ### KIND, either express or implied. See the Apache License for the specific ### language governing permissions and limitations under the Apache License. ### ### ### module D3 class Package < JSS::Package ### Create this package in the JSS if needed, and in d3 ### ### @return [Integer] the JSS id of the package ### def create # if it's already there, just return return @id if @in_d3 # gotta know who did this raise JSS::MissingDataError, "An admin name must be set before creating this new d3 package. Use #admin= " unless @admin # create the JSS package if needed super unless @in_jss # who and when are we adding this pkg? @added_date = Time.now @added_by = @admin # change status from unsaved to pilot @status = :pilot # loop through the field definitions, and # use them to get data for the insert statement field_names = [] sql_values = [] P_FIELDS.each_pair do |key,field_def| field_names << field_def[:field_name] # nils and empty strings become NULL sql_values << (self.send(key).to_s.empty? ? 'NULL' : "'#{to_sql(key)}'") end # do |key,field_def # use the two arrays to build the SQL statement stmt = JSS::DB_CNX.db.prepare <<-ENDINSERT INSERT INTO #{P_TABLE[:table_name]} ( #{field_names.join(",\n ")} ) VALUES ( #{sql_values.join(",\n ")} ) ENDINSERT # Execute it to create the record stmt_result = stmt.execute # while we're writing to the db, mark any missing packages as missing mark_missing_packages @in_d3 = true return @id end # create ### Update this package in the JSS and in d3 ### ### @return [Integer] the JSS id of the package ### def update # we might be importing an existing JSS pkg to d3, which # means we need to create the d3 record, but the JSS record needs updating create if @importing and (not @in_d3) # update the JSS first, if needed super # and return unless we need to do something. return unless @need_to_update_d3 # Loop thru the field defs to build the SQL update statement new_vals = [] P_FIELDS.each_pair do |key,field_def| # start builing the SET clause values, e.g. "basename = 'foobar'" field_val = "#{field_def[:field_name]} = " # finish the SET clause value field_val << (self.send(key).to_s.empty? ? 'NULL' : "'#{to_sql(key)}'") # add it to the array new_vals << field_val end # do |key,field_def # use the new_vals array to create the update statement stmt = JSS::DB_CNX.db.prepare <<-ENDUPDATE UPDATE #{P_TABLE[:table_name]} SET #{new_vals.join(", ")} WHERE #{P_FIELDS[:id][:field_name]} = #{@id} ENDUPDATE # Execute it to update the record stmt_result = stmt.execute # while we're writing to the db, mark any missing packages as missing mark_missing_packages return @id end # update ### An alias for both save and update ### def save if @in_jss update # this will create the d3 data if needed else create end end # save ### Make this package the live one for its basename ### ### @param admin[String] the name of the admin doing this. ### ### @return [void] ### def make_live(admin = @admin) return :live if @status == :live # gotta know who did this raise JSS::MissingDataError, "An admin name must be set before making this d3 package live. Use the admin= method." if admin.to_s.empty? @admin = admin # who and when are we making this pkg live? @release_date = Time.now @released_by = @admin id_field = P_FIELDS[:id][:field_name] status_field = P_FIELDS[:status][:field_name] basename_field = P_FIELDS[:basename][:field_name] rel_date_field = P_FIELDS[:release_date][:field_name] rel_by_field = P_FIELDS[:released_by][:field_name] # if any OLDER pkg is live for this basename, make it deprecated q = <<-ENDUPDATE UPDATE #{P_TABLE[:table_name]} SET #{status_field} = '#{P_FIELDS[:status][:to_sql].call(:deprecated)}' WHERE #{basename_field} = '#{to_sql :basename}' AND #{status_field} = '#{P_FIELDS[:status][:to_sql].call(:live)}' AND #{id_field} < '#{to_sql(:id)}' ENDUPDATE stmt = JSS::DB_CNX.db.prepare q stmt_result = stmt.execute # now make any older pilot pkgs for this basename :skipped q = <<-ENDUPDATE UPDATE #{P_TABLE[:table_name]} SET #{status_field} = '#{P_FIELDS[:status][:to_sql].call(:skipped)}' WHERE #{basename_field} = '#{to_sql :basename}' AND #{id_field} < #{to_sql(:id)} AND #{status_field} = '#{P_FIELDS[:status][:to_sql].call(:pilot)}' ENDUPDATE stmt = JSS::DB_CNX.db.prepare q stmt_result = stmt.execute # any NEWER pkgs for this basename, become pilot (perhaps again) # This is for when we re-enliven an old pkg q = <<-ENDUPDATE UPDATE #{P_TABLE[:table_name]} SET #{status_field} = '#{P_FIELDS[:status][:to_sql].call(:pilot)}' WHERE #{basename_field} = '#{to_sql :basename}' AND #{id_field} > '#{to_sql(:id)}' ENDUPDATE stmt = JSS::DB_CNX.db.prepare q stmt_result = stmt.execute # now make this pkg live @status = :live q = <<-ENDUPDATE UPDATE #{P_TABLE[:table_name]} SET #{status_field} = '#{to_sql :status}', #{rel_by_field} = '#{to_sql :released_by}', #{rel_date_field} = '#{to_sql :release_date}' WHERE #{id_field} = #{@id} ENDUPDATE stmt = JSS::DB_CNX.db.prepare q stmt_result = stmt.execute # update our knowledge of the world self.class.package_data :refresh # while we're writing to the db, mark any missing packages as missing mark_missing_packages puts "Done '#{edition}' is now live." # auto_clean if we should auto_clean(admin) if D3::CONFIG.admin_auto_clean # run any post-make-live script if needed run_make_live_script end # make live ### Add or replace a pre- or post- script for this package. ### ### This adds a new script to the JSS, and the sets this package to ### use it. ### ### If the desired script already exists in the JSS, use an appropriate setter method: ### {#pre_install_script_id=}, {#post_install_script_id=}, {#pre_remove_script_id=}, {#post_remove_script_id=}, ### {#pre_install_script_name=},{#post_install_script_name=}, {#pre_remove_script_name=}, {#post_remove_script_name=} ### ### @param args[Hash] ### ### @option args :script_type[Symbol] which script to set? One of :pre_install, :post_install, :pre_remove, :post_remove ### ### @option args :source[String,Pathname] the script code, or a full path to a file containing the script code. ### If the value is a String and doesn't start with a /, it's considered to be the script code. ### ### @option args :script_name[String] the name of the new script in the JSS. Defaults to "-d3-YYYYmmddHHMMSS" ### ### @option args :script_category[String] the name of the JSS category for this script. Defaults to the value of D3:Package::DFT_SCRIPT_CATEGORY ### ### @option args :delete_current[Boolean] if this new script is replacing one for this pkg, should the old one be deleted from the JSS? ### ### @return [Integer] the id of the newly created JSS::Script. ### def new_script (args = {}) raise JSS::InvalidDataError, ":script_type must be one of :#{SCRIPT_TYPES.join(', :')}" unless SCRIPT_TYPES.include? args[:script_type] args[:script_category] ||= D3::CONFIG.jss_default_script_category if args[:script_category] raise JSS::NoSuchItemError, "No such category '#{args[:script_category]}' in the JSS." unless JSS::Category.all_names.include? args[:script_category] end args[:script_name] ||= "#{@basename}-d3#{args[:script_type]}-#{Time.now.strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M%S')}" file_source = nil file_source = case args[:source] when Pathname args[:source] when String Pathname.new(args[:source]) if args[:source].start_with? "/" else raise JSS::InvalidDataError, ":source must be a full path (Pathname or String), or a String containing the script code." end # case if file_source raise JSS::MissingDataError, "The file #{file_source} is missing or unreadable." unless file_source.readable? code = file_source.read else code = args[:source] end # get the new script into the JSS script = JSS::Script.make :name => args[:script_name] script.contents = code script.category = args[:script_category] new_script_id = script.save # update our knowledge of all JSS scripts so the next steps don't fail. JSS::Script.all :refresh case args[:script_type] when :pre_install old_script_id = pre_install_script_id self.pre_install_script_id = new_script_id when :post_install old_script_id = post_install_script_id self.post_install_script_id = new_script_id when :pre_remove old_script_id = pre_remove_script_id self.pre_remove_script_id = new_script_id when :post_remove old_script_id = post_remove_script_id self.post_remove_script_id = new_script_id end # delete the old? if args[:delete_current] and old_script_id JSS::Script.fetch(:id => old_script_id).delete if JSS::Script.all_ids.include? old_script_id end new_script_id end # new_script ### Perform any auto_cleanup, if the config says we should ### ### @param admin[String] the admin doing the make-live ### ### @return [void] ### def auto_clean (admin) ### safety return unless D3::CONFIG.admin_auto_clean puts "Starting auto-clean of old packages for '#{@basename}'" #### First the deprecated pkgs # the id's of the deprecated pkgs for this basename, in numerical order # the last ones are the newest. deprecated_ids = D3::Package.deprecated_data.values.select{|dp| dp[:basename] == @basename} deprecated_ids.map!{|dp| dp[:id] }.sort! # keeping any? number_deprecated_to_keep = D3::CONFIG.admin_auto_clean_keep_deprecated number_deprecated_to_keep ||= 0 puts "Keeping #{number_deprecated_to_keep} deprecated packages." # 'pop' pulls them off the end deprecated_ids_to_keep = [] number_deprecated_to_keep.times{ deprecated_ids_to_keep << deprecated_ids.pop } deprecated_ids_to_keep.compact! # delete them if we should deprecated_ids.each do |id| next if deprecated_ids_to_keep.include? id victim = D3::Package.fetch(:id => id) victim.delete( admin: admin, keep_scripts: false, keep_in_jss: false, rwpw: D3::Admin::Auth.rw_credentials(:dist)[:password] ) puts "Deleted deprecated package: #{victim.edition}, id:#{victim.id}, filename: #{victim.filename}." end #### then the skipped pkgs skipped_ids = D3::Package.skipped_data.values.select{|sp| sp[:basename] == @basename} skipped_ids.map!{|sp| sp[:id] }.sort! # keep the ones newer than the just-deprecated pkg? if D3::CONFIG.admin_auto_clean_keep_latest_pilots deprecated_ids = D3::Package.deprecated_data(:refresh).values.select{|dp| dp[:basename] == @basename} deprecated_ids.map!{|dp| dp[:id] } just_deprecated = deprecated_ids.max just_deprecated ||= 0 skipped_ids_to_keep = skipped_ids.select{|id| id > just_deprecated } puts "Keeping most recent pilot packages as skipped." # no, delete them all else skipped_ids_to_keep = [] puts "Not keeping any pilot or skipped packages." end # delete them if we should skipped_ids.each do |id| next if skipped_ids_to_keep.include? id victim = D3::Package.fetch(:id => id) victim.delete( admin: admin, keep_scripts: false, keep_in_jss: false, rwpw: D3::Admin::Auth.rw_credentials(:dist)[:password] ) puts "Deleted skipped package: #{victim.edition}, id:#{victim.id}, filename: #{victim.filename}." end puts "Finished auto-clean of old packages for '#{@basename}'" return true end ### Delete this package from d3, possibly leaving it in the JSS ### ### @param keep_in_jss[Boolean] should we keep the JSS package around? defaults to false ### ### @param keep_scripts[Boolean] should the related scripts be kept in the JSS? ### ### @param admin[String] who's doing this? ### ### @param rwpw[String] the read-write for the master distr. point ### ### @return [Array] a textual list of scripts delted and not ### deleted because they're in use by other d3 pkgs or jamf policies ### (empty if keep_scripts is true) ### def delete (keep_in_jss: false, keep_scripts: false, admin: @admin, rwpw: nil) unless keep_in_jss # raise an exception if any polcies are using this pkg. pols = policy_ids unless pols.empty? names = pols.map{|pid| JSS::Policy.map_all_ids_to(:name)[pid]}.join(', ') raise JSS::UnsupportedError, "Can't delete package from JSS, used by these policies: #{names} " end # unless pols.empty end # unles keep in jss # use @ admin if its defined and needed admin ||= @admin # delete scripts or not? the result is an array of what happened. script_actions = keep_scripts ? [] : delete_pkg_scripts # delete it from the pakcages table stmt = JSS::DB_CNX.db.prepare "DELETE FROM #{P_TABLE[:table_name]} WHERE #{P_FIELDS[:id][:field_name]} = '#{@id}'" stmt_result = stmt.execute @status = :deleted # delete it from the JSS unless asked not to unless keep_in_jss super delete_file: true, rw_pw: rwpw, unmount: false end # while we're writing to the db, mark any missing packages as missing mark_missing_packages # update our knowledge of the world D3::Package.package_data :refresh return script_actions end ### Learn the apple package id's installed by this pkg by ### querying the package on the current dist. point. This is primarily used ### for importing or repairing packages already on the server. ### ### When adding new packages, the {#upload_master_file} method will query the ### data before uploading the file. ### ### ### @param dist_pw[String] the read-only or read-write password for the dist. point for this machine ### ### @param unmount[Boolean] should the dist.point be unmounted when done? ### ### @return [void] ### def update_apple_receipt_data(dist_pw, unmount = true) return nil if @filename.end_with? ".dmg" raise JSS::NoSuchItemError, "Please create this package on the server before updating the Apple receipt data" unless @in_jss mdp = JSS::DistributionPoint.my_distribution_point raise JSS::MissingDataError, "Missing :dist_pw for distrib. point '#{mdp.name}'" unless dist_pw # try the passwd both with ro and rw begin mnt_path = mdp.mount(dist_pw, :ro) rescue JSS::InvalidDataError mnt_path = mdp.mount(dist_pw, :rw) end pkg_path = mnt_path + JSS::Package::DIST_POINT_PKGS_FOLDER + @filename raise JSS::NoSuchItemError, "Package file #{@filename} doesn't exist on the current dist. point." unless pkg_path.exist? pkg_to_query = pkg_path # do we need to unzip a bundle pkg? if @filename.end_with? ".zip" work_dir = Pathname.new Dir.mktmpdir unless system "/usr/bin/unzip -qq -o -d #{Shellwords.escape work_dir.to_s} #{Shellwords.escape pkg_path.to_s}" raise RuntimeError, "Failed to unzip bundle pkg #{@filename}" end #system pkg_to_query = work_dir + @filename.sub(/\.zip$/, '') cleanup_work_dir = true end # if @filename.end_with? ".zip" @apple_receipt_data = D3::Package.receipt_data_from_pkg(pkg_to_query) @need_to_update_d3 = true unless @initializing work_dir.rmtree if cleanup_work_dir mdp.unmount if unmount end # update_apple_receipt_data ### Mark missing packages as so on the server ### ### This should run any time we write to the d3_packages table ### ### @return [void] def mark_missing_packages missing_ids = self.class.missing_data.keys unless missing_ids.empty? q = <<-ENDUPDATE UPDATE #{P_TABLE[:table_name]} SET #{ P_FIELDS[:status][:field_name]} = '#{P_FIELDS[:status][:to_sql].call(:missing)}' WHERE #{P_FIELDS[:id][:field_name]} IN (#{missing_ids.join(',')}) ENDUPDATE stmt = JSS::DB_CNX.db.prepare q stmt_result = stmt.execute end # unless empty end # mark missing pkgs ### Upload a locally-readable file to the master distribution point. ### If the file is a directory (like a bundle .pk/.mpkg) it will be zipped before ### uploading and the @filename will be adjusted accordingly ### ### If you'll be uploading several files you can specify unmount as false, and do it manually when all ### are finished with JSS::DistributionPoint.master_distribution_point.unmount ### ### This method is mostly performed by the parent class, see {JSS::Package.upload_master_file}. ### Before calling super, this method populates @apple_receipt_data with info ### from the local file. ### ### @param local_file_path[String,Pathname] the local path to the file to be uploaded ### ### @param rw_pw[String,Symbol] the password for the read/write account on the master Distribution Point, ### or :prompt, or :stdin# where # is the line of stdin containing the password See {JSS::DistributionPoint#mount} ### ### @param unmount[Boolean] whether or not ot unount the distribution point when finished. ### ### @return [void] ### def upload_master_file (local_file_path, rw_pw, unmount = true) raise JSS::NoSuchItemError, "Please create this package in d3 before uploading it." unless @in_d3 if local_file_path.to_s =~ PKG_RE @apple_receipt_data = D3::Package.receipt_data_from_pkg(local_file_path) @need_to_update_d3 = true end # if local_file_path.to_s =~ PKG_RE super update end ### Create, or re-create, the BOM index records for this ### Package in the JSS Database. ### ### This is the equivalent of clicking the "index" button ### in Jamf Admin.app, and is necessary for Jamf Pro to ### be able to uninstall items. It can only happen after the ### item has already been saved to the JSS and has an ### id in the database. ### ### @param args[Hash] The arguments for the method ### ### @option args :local_filepath[String,Pathname] the path ### to a local copy of the installer pkg/dmg ### ### @option args :ro_pw[String] the read-only password ### for the AFP/SMB share of the master distribution point. ### ### @return [void] ### def mk_index(args = {}) raise JSS::NoSuchItemError, "Please create this package in the JSS before indexing it." unless @in_jss raise JSS::InvalidConnectionError, "Indexing a package requires a database connection. Use JSS::DB_CNX.connect" unless JSS::DB_CNX.connected? if args[:local_filepath] file_to_index = Pathname.new(args[:local_filepath]) elsif args[:ro_pw] mdp = JSS::DistributionPoint.master_distribution_point file_to_index = mdp.mount(args[:ro_pw], :ro) +"#{DIST_POINT_PKGS_FOLDER}/#{@filename}" if file_to_index.to_s.end_with? ".zip" tmpdir = Pathname.new "/tmp/jss-tmp-#{$$}" system "/usr/bin/unzip '#{thing_to_index}' -d '#{tmpdir}'" file_to_index = tmpdir + file_to_index.basename.to_s.sub(/.zip$/, '') end else raise JSS::InvalidDataError, "Need a :local_filepath or :ro_pw" end # get the index data # is it an (m)pkg? if file_to_index.to_s =~ /\.m?pkg$/ bom_lines = '' # if the thing is a pkg bundle, find and read all the bom files it contains if (file_to_index + "Contents").directory? (file_to_index + "Contents").find do |path| bom_lines += `echo; /usr/bin/lsbom -p fugTsMc '#{path}'` if path.to_s =~ /\.bom$/ end # do path else # else its a flat file - so do it using pkgutil bom_files = `/usr/sbin/pkgutil --bom '#{file_to_index}'` bom_files.split("\n").each do |file| bom_lines += `/usr/bin/lsbom -p fugTsMc '#{file}'` end end # .directory? elsif file_to_index.to_s =~ /\.dmg$/ # if its a .dmg, mount it, make a tmp bom file, and read that mnt_line = `/usr/bin/hdiutil attach -readonly -nobrowse -noautoopen -owners on '#{file_to_index}'`.lines.last mnt_point = Pathname.new mnt_line.split("\t").last.chomp raise FileServiceError, "There was a problem mounting the image #{file_to_index}" unless mnt_point.mountpoint? tmp_bom = "/tmp/#{@filename}.#{$$}.bom" system "/usr/bin/mkbom '#{mnt_point}' '#{tmp_bom}'" bom_lines = `/usr/bin/lsbom -p fugTsMc '#{tmp_bom}'` system "/usr/bin/hdiutil detach '#{mnt_point}'" system "rm -rf '#{tmp_bom}'" else raise JSS::InvalidDataError, "#{@filename} doesn't looks like a .pkg or .dmg. Try Jamf Admin to index it." end # if filename .pkg # If there are no bomlines (perhaps a payloadless pkg?) just return return true if bom_lines.empty? # split the bom lines index_records = bom_lines.split "\n" # reset our lists of files @index = [] @file_list = [] # the start of the SQL insert statement insert_stmt = "INSERT INTO package_contents (package_id,file,owner_name,group_name,modification_date,size,mode,checksum) VALUES" insert_vals = [] # loop through the bom data and make a new record for each line index_records.each do |line| next if line.empty? #break out the data for each item (path,uid,gid,modtime,size,mode,checksum) = line.split "\t" # if the path is just a dot (usually the first one) # make it a / if path == "." clean_path = "/" elsif path.start_with? "." clean_path = path.sub ".", "" else clean_path = path end # rebuild our local lists of files @index << { 'path' => clean_path, 'uid' => uid, 'gif' => gid, 'modtime' => modtime, 'size' => size, 'mode' => mode } @file_list << clean_path unless mode.start_with? "d" # JSS stores modtime as string w/o the weekday modtime.gsub!(/^(Sun|Mon||Tue|Wed|Thu|Fri|Sat) /, '') if defined? modtime insert_vals << "('#{@id}','#{Mysql.quote clean_path}','#{uid}','#{gid}','#{modtime}','#{size}','#{mode}','#{checksum}')" end # do line # first delete any existing index records for this pkg stmt = JSS::DB_CNX.db.prepare "DELETE FROM #{PKG_CONTENTS_TABLE} WHERE package_id = #{@id}" stmt_result = stmt.execute # now insert the new values stmt = JSS::DB_CNX.db.prepare(insert_stmt + " " + insert_vals.join(',')) stmt_result = stmt.execute # while we're writing to the db, mark any missing packages as missing mark_missing_packages return true end #mk_index end # class Package end # module D3