module Excon class Connection attr_reader :data def params $stderr.puts("Excon::Connection#params is deprecated use Excon::Connection#data instead (#{caller.first})") @data end def params=(new_params) $stderr.puts("Excon::Connection#params= is deprecated use Excon::Connection#data= instead (#{caller.first})") @data = new_params end def proxy $stderr.puts("Excon::Connection#proxy is deprecated use Excon::Connection#data[:proxy] instead (#{caller.first})") @data[:proxy] end def proxy=(new_proxy) $stderr.puts("Excon::Connection#proxy= is deprecated use Excon::Connection#data[:proxy]= instead (#{caller.first})") @data[:proxy] = new_proxy end def assert_valid_keys_for_argument!(argument, valid_keys) invalid_keys = argument.keys - valid_keys return true if invalid_keys.empty? raise ArgumentError, "The following keys are invalid: #{', ')}" end private :assert_valid_keys_for_argument! # Initializes a new Connection instance # @param [Hash] params One or more optional params # @option params [String] :body Default text to be sent over a socket. Only used if :body absent in Connection#request params # @option params [Hash] :headers The default headers to supply in a request. Only used if params[:headers] is not supplied to Connection#request # @option params [String] :host The destination host's reachable DNS name or IP, in the form of a String # @option params [String] :path Default path; appears after 'scheme://host:port/'. Only used if params[:path] is not supplied to Connection#request # @option params [Fixnum] :port The port on which to connect, to the destination host # @option params [Hash] :query Default query; appended to the 'scheme://host:port/path/' in the form of '?key=value'. Will only be used if params[:query] is not supplied to Connection#request # @option params [String] :scheme The protocol; 'https' causes OpenSSL to be used # @option params [String] :proxy Proxy server; e.g. '' # @option params [Fixnum] :retry_limit Set how many times we'll retry a failed request. (Default 4) # @option params [Class] :instrumentor Responds to #instrument as in ActiveSupport::Notifications # @option params [String] :instrumentor_name Name prefix for #instrument events. Defaults to 'excon' def initialize(params = {}) assert_valid_keys_for_argument!(params, Excon::VALID_CONNECTION_KEYS) @data = Excon.defaults.dup # merge does not deep-dup, so make sure headers is not the original @data[:headers] = @data[:headers].dup @data.merge!(params) if @data[:scheme] == HTTPS && (ENV.has_key?('https_proxy') || ENV.has_key?('HTTPS_PROXY')) @data[:proxy] = setup_proxy(ENV['https_proxy'] || ENV['HTTPS_PROXY']) elsif (ENV.has_key?('http_proxy') || ENV.has_key?('HTTP_PROXY')) @data[:proxy] = setup_proxy(ENV['http_proxy'] || ENV['HTTP_PROXY']) elsif @data.has_key?(:proxy) @data[:proxy] = setup_proxy(@data[:proxy]) end if @data[:proxy] @data[:headers]['Proxy-Connection'] ||= 'Keep-Alive' # https credentials happen in handshake if @data[:scheme] == 'http' && (@data[:proxy][:user] || @data[:proxy][:password]) auth = ['' << @data[:proxy][:user].to_s << ':' << @data[:proxy][:password].to_s].pack('m').delete(Excon::CR_NL) @data[:headers]['Proxy-Authorization'] = 'Basic ' << auth end end if ENV.has_key?('EXCON_DEBUG') || ENV.has_key?('EXCON_STANDARD_INSTRUMENTOR') @data[:instrumentor] = Excon::StandardInstrumentor end # Use Basic Auth if url contains a login if @data[:user] || @data[:password] @data[:headers]['Authorization'] ||= 'Basic ' << ['' << @data[:user].to_s << ':' << @data[:password].to_s].pack('m').delete(Excon::CR_NL) end @socket_key = '' << @data[:host] << ':' << @data[:port].to_s reset end def error_call(datum) if datum[:error] raise(datum[:error]) end end def request_call(datum) begin if datum.has_key?(:response) # we already have data from a middleware, so bail return datum else = datum # start with "METHOD /path" request = datum[:method].to_s.upcase << ' ' if @data[:proxy] request << datum[:scheme] << '://' << @data[:host] << ':' << @data[:port].to_s end request << datum[:path] # add query to path, if there is one case datum[:query] when String request << '?' << datum[:query] when Hash request << '?' datum[:query].each do |key, values| if values.nil? request << key.to_s << '&' else [values].flatten.each do |value| request << key.to_s << '=' << CGI.escape(value.to_s) << '&' end end end request.chop! # remove trailing '&' end # finish first line with "HTTP/1.1\r\n" request << HTTP_1_1 if datum.has_key?(:request_block) datum[:headers]['Transfer-Encoding'] = 'chunked' elsif ! (datum[:method].to_s.casecmp('GET') == 0 && datum[:body].nil?) # The HTTP spec isn't clear on it, but specifically, GET requests don't usually send bodies; # if they don't, sending Content-Length:0 can cause issues. datum[:headers]['Content-Length'] = detect_content_length(datum[:body]) end # add headers to request datum[:headers].each do |key, values| [values].flatten.each do |value| request << key.to_s << ': ' << value.to_s << CR_NL end end # add additional "\r\n" to indicate end of headers request << CR_NL # write out the request, sans body socket.write(request) # write out the body if datum.has_key?(:request_block) while true chunk = datum[:request_block].call if FORCE_ENC chunk.force_encoding('BINARY') end if chunk.length > 0 socket.write(chunk.length.to_s(16) << CR_NL << chunk << CR_NL) else socket.write('0' << CR_NL << CR_NL) break end end elsif !datum[:body].nil? if datum[:body].is_a?(String) unless datum[:body].empty? socket.write(datum[:body]) end else if datum[:body].respond_to?(:binmode) datum[:body].binmode end if datum[:body].respond_to?(:pos=) datum[:body].pos = 0 end while chunk = datum[:body].read(datum[:chunk_size]) socket.write(chunk) end end end end rescue => error case error when Excon::Errors::StubNotFound, Excon::Errors::Timeout raise(error) else raise( end end datum end def response_call(datum) datum end # Sends the supplied request to the destination host. # @yield [chunk] @see Response#self.parse # @param [Hash] params One or more optional params, override defaults set in # @option params [String] :body text to be sent over a socket # @option params [Hash] :headers The default headers to supply in a request # @option params [String] :host The destination host's reachable DNS name or IP, in the form of a String # @option params [String] :path appears after 'scheme://host:port/' # @option params [Fixnum] :port The port on which to connect, to the destination host # @option params [Hash] :query appended to the 'scheme://host:port/path/' in the form of '?key=value' # @option params [String] :scheme The protocol; 'https' causes OpenSSL to be used def request(params, &block) # @data has defaults, merge in new params to override datum = @data.merge(params) assert_valid_keys_for_argument!(params, VALID_CONNECTION_KEYS) datum[:headers] = @data[:headers].merge(datum[:headers] || {}) datum[:headers]['Host'] ||= '' << datum[:host] << ':' << datum[:port].to_s datum[:retries_remaining] ||= datum[:retry_limit] # if path is empty or doesn't start with '/', insert one unless datum[:path][0, 1] == '/' datum[:path].insert(0, '/') end if block_given? $stderr.puts("Excon requests with a block are deprecated, pass :response_block instead (#{caller.first})") datum[:response_block] = end datum[:connection] = self datum[:stack] = datum[:middlewares].map do |middleware| lambda {|stack|} end.reverse.inject(self) do |middlewares, middleware| end datum = datum[:stack].request_call(datum) unless datum[:pipeline] datum = response(datum) if datum[:response][:headers]['Connection'] == 'close' reset end[:response]) else datum end rescue => error datum[:error] = error if datum[:stack] datum[:stack].error_call(datum) else raise error end end # Sends the supplied requests to the destination host using pipelining. # @pipeline_params [Array] pipeline_params An array of one or more optional params, override defaults set in, see #request for details def requests(pipeline_params) do |params| request(params.merge!(:pipeline => true)) do |datum|[:response]) end end def reset (old_socket = sockets.delete(@socket_key)) && old_socket.close end # Generate HTTP request verb methods Excon::HTTP_VERBS.each do |method| class_eval <<-DEF, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1 def #{method}(params={}, &block) request(params.merge!(:method => :#{method}), &block) end DEF end def retry_limit=(new_retry_limit) $stderr.puts("Excon::Connection#retry_limit= is deprecated, pass :retry_limit to the initializer (#{caller.first})") @data[:retry_limit] = new_retry_limit end def retry_limit $stderr.puts("Excon::Connection#retry_limit is deprecated, pass :retry_limit to the initializer (#{caller.first})") @data[:retry_limit] ||= DEFAULT_RETRY_LIMIT end def inspect vars = instance_variables.inject({}) do |accum, var| accum.merge!(var.to_sym => instance_variable_get(var)) end if vars[:'@data'][:headers].has_key?('Authorization') vars[:'@data'] = vars[:'@data'].dup vars[:'@data'][:headers] = vars[:'@data'][:headers].dup vars[:'@data'][:headers]['Authorization'] = REDACTED end inspection = '#' inspection end private def detect_content_length(body) if body.is_a?(String) if FORCE_ENC body.force_encoding('BINARY') end body.length elsif body.respond_to?(:size) # IO object: File, Tempfile, etc. body.size else begin File.size(body) # for 1.8.7 where file does not have size rescue 0 end end end def response(datum={}) unless datum.has_key?(:response) datum = Excon::Response.parse(socket, datum) end datum[:stack].response_call(datum) rescue => error case error when Excon::Errors::HTTPStatusError, Excon::Errors::Timeout raise(error) else raise( end end def socket sockets[@socket_key] ||= if @data[:scheme] == HTTPS else end end def sockets Thread.current[:_excon_sockets] ||= {} end def setup_proxy(proxy) case proxy when String uri = URI.parse(proxy) unless and uri.port and uri.scheme raise Excon::Errors::ProxyParseError, "Proxy is invalid" end { :host =>, :password => uri.password, :port => uri.port.to_s, :scheme => uri.scheme, :user => uri.user } else proxy end end end end