require 'thread' module Nuri::Orchestrator include Nuri::Helper def execute_plan(options={}) raise Exception, "Plan file is not exist!" if not File.exist?(options[:execute].to_s) and !options[:plan] raise Exception, "Plan is not exist (parameter :plan must be given)!" if !options[:plan] push_agents_list success = false benchmark = Benchmark.measure { plan = (options[:plan] ? options[:plan] : JSON[[:execute])]) raise Exception, "No plan." if plan['workflow'].nil? if plan.is_a?(Hash) and plan['type'] == 'sequential' success = execute_sequential_plan(plan, options) elsif plan.is_a?(Hash) and plan['type'] == 'parallel' success = execute_parallel_plan(plan, options) else raise Exception, "Invalid plan." end } puts "Execution " + format_benchmark(benchmark) success end protected def send_action_data(action, address, port, options={}) action['parameters'].each do |name,value| next if !value.is_a?(String) or !value.isref or value.split('.').length > 2 _, target_name = value.split('.', 2) data = {'model' => Sfp::Helper.deep_clone(@model[target_name])} data.accept( data = {'model' => JSON.generate(data)} code = nil begin code, _ = put_data(address, port, "/model/cache/#{target_name}", data) rescue end if code != '200' $stderr.print "Sending action data of #{value} to #{address}:#{port} " $stderr.puts (options[:color] ? "[Failed]".red : "[Failed]") return false end end true end def execute_action(action, options={}) _, agent_name, _ = action['name'].split('.', 3) agents = get_agents return false if !agents[agent_name]['sfpAddress'].is_a?(String) address = agents[agent_name]['sfpAddress'].to_s port = agents[agent_name]['sfpPort'].to_s raise Exception, "Cannot find address:port of agent #{agent_name}" if address.length <= 0 or port.length <= 0 send_action_data(action, address, port, options) data = {'action' => JSON.generate(action)} code, _ = post_data(address, port, '/execute', data) if code.to_i == 200 # if the action is "create_vm" or "delete_vm", then # update the VMs' address, and then push agents list postprocess_create_or_delete_vm(action) if action['name'] =~ /^\$(\.[a-zA-Z0-9_]+)*\.(create_vm|delete_vm)/ true else false end end def postprocess_create_or_delete_vm(action) @mutex_postprocess = if !defined?(@mutex_postprocess) @mutex_postprocess.synchronize { _, agent_name, _ = action['name'].split('.', 3) state = {agent_name => get_node_state(agent_name)} vms1, vms2 = update_vms_address(state) if action['name'] =~ /^\$(\.[a-zA-Z0-9_]+)*\.(create_vm)/ vm_name = action['parameters']['$.vm'].sub(/^\$\./, '') get_node_state(vm_name, true) elsif action['name'] =~ /^\$(\.[a-zA-Z0-9_]+)*\.(delete_vm)/ model =['parameters']['$.vm']) if model.is_a?(Hash) model['sfpAddress'] = {'_context'=>'any_value','_isa'=>'$.String'} model['sfpPort'] = {'_context'=>'any_value','_isa'=>'$.Number'} end end push_agents_list } end def execute_sequential_plan(plan, options) begin index = 1 plan['workflow'].each do |action| puts "#{index}. #{action['name']} #{JSON.generate(action['parameters'])} " + (options[:color] ? "[Wait]".yellow : "[Wait]") if execute_action(action, options) puts "#{index}. #{action['name']} #{JSON.generate(action['parameters'])} " + (options[:color] ? "[OK]".green : "[OK]") else puts "#{index}. #{action['name']} #{JSON.generate(action['parameters'])} " + (options[:color] ? "[Failed]".red : "[Failed]") return false end index += 1 end return true rescue Exception => e $stderr.puts "#{e}\n#{e.backtrace.join("\n")}" end false end def execute_parallel_plan(plan, options) @retries = 2 @actions = plan['workflow'] @actions.sort! { |x,y| x['id'] <=> y['id'] } @actions.each { |op| op[:executed] = false op[:executor] = nil op[:string] = "#{op['id'] + 1}: #{op['name']} #{JSON.generate(op['parameters'])}" } @threads = [] @actions_failed = [] @mutex = @failed = false @thread_id = 0 def next_thread_id id = 0 @mutex.synchronize { @thread_id = id = @thread_id + 1 } id end def assign_action_with_id(id, options={}) thread_id = next_thread_id action = @actions[id] action[:executor] = thread_id self.thread_execute_action(thread_id, action, options) end def thread_execute_action(tid, action, options={}) t = { # Register the thread @mutex.synchronize { @threads << tid } while not @failed and not action[:executed] # Try to execute the action puts "Executing #{action[:string]} - thread ##{tid} " + (options[:color] ? "[Wait]".yellow : "[Wait]") success = false 1.upto(@retries) do |i| begin success = execute_action(action, options) rescue Exception => exp puts "Executing(#{i}) #{action[:string]} - thread ##{tid} " + (options[:color] ? "[Failed]".red : "[Failed]") puts "#{exp}" #\n#{exp.backtrace.join("\n")}" end break if success end # Check if execution failed if success # Execution was success puts "Executing #{action[:string]} - thread ##{tid} " + (options[:color] ? "[OK]".green : "[OK]") next_actions = [] @mutex.synchronize { action[:executed] = true # set executed flag # select next action to be executed from successor actions list # select a successor action that has not been assigned to any thread yet if action['successors'].length > 0 action['successors'].each { |id| if @actions[id][:executor].nil? # check if all predecessors actions have been executed predecessors_ok = true @actions[id]['predecessors'].each { |pid| predecessors_ok = (predecessors_ok and @actions[pid][:executed]) } # assign this action to be executed by this thread if all predecessors # have been executed next_actions << id if predecessors_ok end } end next_actions.each { |id| @actions[id][:executor] = tid } } if next_actions.length > 0 # execute the first next actions to this thread action = @actions[next_actions[0]] if next_actions.length > 1 # execute other next actions to other threads for i in 1..(next_actions.length-1) assign_action_with_id(next_actions[i], options) end end end else # Execution was failed puts "Executing #{action[:string]} - thread ##{tid} " + (options[:color] ? "[Failed]".red : "[Failed]") @mutex.synchronize { @failed = true # set global flag to stop the execution @actions_failed << action } end end @mutex.synchronize { @threads.delete(tid) } } end ### execute actions without predecessor plan['init'].each { |id| assign_action_with_id(id, options) } begin sleep 1 end while @threads.length > 0 (not @failed) end end