module Minke module Docker class DockerComposeFactory def initialize system_runner, project_name @project_name = project_name @system_runner = system_runner end def create compose_file compose_file, @system_runner, @project_name end end class DockerCompose @compose_file = nil def initialize compose_file, system_runner, project_name @project_name = project_name @compose_file = compose_file @system_runner = system_runner end ## # start the containers in a stack defined by the docker compose file def up execute_command "up -d" sleep 2 end ## # stop the containers in a stack and removes them as defined by the docker compose file def down execute_command "down -v" end ## # remove the containers started in a stack defined by the docker compose file def rm execute_command 'rm -v' unless["Driver"] == "btrfs" end ## # stream the logs for the current running stack def logs execute_command 'logs -f' end ## # return the local address and port of a containers private port def public_address container, private_port @system_runner.execute_and_return "docker-compose -f #{@compose_file} port #{container} #{private_port}" end def execute_command command unless ENV['DOCKER_NETWORK'].to_s.empty? directory = create_compose_network_file @system_runner.execute "docker-compose -f #{@compose_file} -f #{directory + '/docker-compose.yml'} -p #{@project_name} #{command}" @system_runner.remove_entry_secure directory else @system_runner.execute "docker-compose -f #{@compose_file} -p #{@project_name} #{command}" end end def create_compose_network_file content = { 'version' => '2'.to_s, 'networks' => {'default' => { 'external' => { 'name' => ENV['DOCKER_NETWORK'] } } } } directory = @system_runner.mktmpdir temp_file = directory + '/docker-compose.yml' @system_runner.write_file temp_file, YAML.dump(content) directory end end end end