module StaticMatic class Server < Mongrel::HttpHandler @@file_only_methods = ["GET","HEAD"] def initialize(base_dir, staticmatic) @files ="#{base_dir}/site",false) @staticmatic = staticmatic end def process(request, response) path_info = request.params[Mongrel::Const::PATH_INFO] get_or_head = @@file_only_methods.include? request.params[Mongrel::Const::REQUEST_METHOD] file_dir, file_name, file_ext = expand_path(path_info) # remove stylesheets/ directory if applicable file_dir.gsub!(/^\/stylesheets\/?/, "") if file_ext && file_ext.match(/html|css/) response.start(200) do |head, out| head["Content-Type"] = "text/#{file_ext}" output = "" if @staticmatic.template_exists?(file_name, file_dir) begin if file_ext == "css" output = @staticmatic.generate_css(file_name, file_dir) else output = @staticmatic.generate_html_with_layout(file_name, file_dir) end rescue StaticMatic::Error => e output = e.message end else if @files.can_serve(path_info) @files.process(request,response) else output = "File not Found" end end out.write output end else # try to serve static file from site dir if @files.can_serve(path_info) @files.process(request,response) end end end def expand_path(path_info) dirname, basename = File.split(path_info) extname = File.extname(path_info).sub(/^\./, '') filename = basename.chomp(".#{extname}") if extname.empty? dir = File.join(dirname, filename) is_dir = path_info[-1, 1] == '/' || (@staticmatic.template_directory?(dir) && !@staticmatic.template_exists?(filename, dirname)) if is_dir dirname = dir filename = 'index' end extname = 'html' end [ dirname, filename, extname ] end class << self # Starts the StaticMatic preview server # # StaticMatic.start('/path/to/site/') # def start(base_dir, staticmatic, configuration = port = configuration.preview_server_port || 3000 config = :host => configuration.preview_server_host do puts "Running Preview of #{base_dir} on #{configuration.preview_server_host||"localhost"}:#{port}" listener :port => port do uri "/", :handler =>, staticmatic) end trap("INT") { stop } run end config.join end end end end