<%= endpoint.summary %>

<% if endpoint.description %>

<%= endpoint.description.render_markdown %>

<% end %>
<%= endpoint.method.upcase %> <% servers = endpoint.path.servers ? endpoint.path.servers : endpoint.definition.servers %> <%= servers[0]['url'] %><%= endpoint.path.path.gsub(/\{(.+?)\}/, ':\1') %>
<% if endpoint.jwt? || endpoint.basic_auth? || endpoint.oauth? %>


<% if endpoint.jwt? && endpoint.basic_auth? %>

This API supports both JWT and Basic authentication. Basic authentication is easier to get started with, but does not support advanced features such as ACLs.

You can use either JWT or Basic authentication, but not both at the same time.

<% end %>
<% if endpoint.oauth? %> <% end %> <% if endpoint.jwt? %> <% end %> <% if endpoint.basic_auth? %> <% end %>
Key Description Example Default
Authorization Your OAuth token.
Read more about OAuth tokens
Bearer <access_token> None
Authorization Your JSON web token.
Read more about JWTs
Bearer <JWT> None
Authorization Base64 encoded API key and secret joined by a colon.
Read more
Basic <base64> None
<% end %> <%= erb :'open_api/_parameter_groups', locals: { endpoint: endpoint } %> <%= erb :'open_api/_response_descriptions', locals: { endpoint: endpoint, anchor_prefix: "response-#{endpoint.operationId}", auto_expand_responses: @auto_expand_responses } %>
<%= erb :'open_api/_code_examples', locals: { endpoint: endpoint } %> <% endpoint.responses.each do |response| %> <% id = SecureRandom.hex expand_response = response.code[0] == '2' && response.raw['x-expand-response'] != false expand_response = true if response.raw['x-expand-response'] %>
<% response.formats.each_with_index do |format, index| %>
<% if response.exhibits_one_of_multiple_schemas?(format) %> <% schema_tab_ids = [] id = SecureRandom.hex response.split_schemas(format).each { schema_tab_ids << SecureRandom.hex } %>
<% response.split_schemas(format).each_with_index do |schema, index| %>
class="Vlt-tabs__link Vlt-tabs__link_active" aria-selected="true"<% else %>class="Vlt-tabs__link"<% end %>> <%= schema['description'] || "Response #{index + 1}" %>
<% end %>
<% response.split_schemas(format).each_with_index do |schema, index| %>
<%= Nexmo::OAS::Renderer::ResponseParserDecorator.new(schema).html(format, xml_options: schema['xml']) %>
<% end %>
<% else %> <% schema = response.schema(format) %> <%= Nexmo::OAS::Renderer::ResponseParserDecorator.new(schema).html(format, xml_options: schema['xml']) %> <% end %>
<% end %>
<% if response.code == '204' || response.formats.empty? %>
No content
<% end %>
<% end %>
<% endpoint.callbacks.each do |callback| %> <%= erb :'open_api/_callback', locals: { callback: callback, webhook: false } %> <% end %>