require_relative 'ionoscloud_base' class Chef class Knife class IonoscloudNatgatewayRuleAdd < Knife include Knife::IonoscloudBase banner 'knife ionoscloud natgateway rule add (options)' option :datacenter_id, short: '-D DATACENTER_ID', long: '--datacenter-id DATACENTER_ID', description: 'Name of the data center' option :natgateway_id, short: '-G NATGATEWAY_ID', long: '--natgateway-id NATGATEWAY_ID', description: 'ID of the NAT Gateway' option :name, short: '-n NAME', long: '--name NAME', description: 'Name of the NAT gateway rule' option :type, short: '-t TYPE', long: '--type TYPE', description: 'Type of the NAT gateway rule' option :protocol, short: '-p PROTOCOL', long: '--protocol PROTOCOL', description: "Protocol of the NAT gateway rule. Defaults to ALL. If protocol is "\ "'ICMP' then target_port_range start and end cannot be set." option :source_subnet, long: '--source SOURCE_SUBNET', description: 'Source subnet of the NAT gateway rule. For SNAT rules it specifies '\ 'which packets this translation rule applies to based on the packets source IP address.' option :public_ip, short: '-i PUBLIC_IP', long: '--ip PUBLIC_IP', description: 'Public IP address of the NAT gateway rule. Specifies the address used for masking outgoing '\ 'packets source address field. Should be one of the customer reserved IP address already configured on the NAT gateway resource' option :target_subnet, long: '--target TARGET_SUBNET', description: 'Target or destination subnet of the NAT gateway rule. For SNAT rules it specifies which packets '\ 'this translation rule applies to based on the packets destination IP address. If none is provided, rule will match any address' option :target_port_range_start, long: '--port-start PORT_RANGE_START', description: 'Target port range start associated with the NAT gateway rule' option :target_port_range_end, long: '--port-end PORT_RANGE_START', description: 'Target port range end associated with the NAT gateway rule' def initialize(args = []) super(args) @description = 'Adds a Rule to a Nat Gateway under a data center.' @directory = 'compute-engine' @required_options = [:datacenter_id, :natgateway_id, :name, :source_subnet, :public_ip, :ionoscloud_username, :ionoscloud_password] end def run $stdout.sync = true handle_extra_config validate_required_params(@required_options, config) natgateways_api = natgateway_rule = properties: name: config[:name], type: config[:type], protocol: config[:protocol], public_ip: config[:public_ip], source_subnet: config[:source_subnet], target_subnet: config[:target_subnet], target_port_range: start: config[:target_port_range_start], _end: config[:target_port_range_end], ), ), ) _, _, headers = natgateways_api.datacenters_natgateways_rules_post_with_http_info( config[:datacenter_id], config[:natgateway_id], natgateway_rule, ) print "#{ui.color('Adding the rule to the Nat Gateway...', :magenta)}" dot = ui.color('.', :magenta) api_client.wait_for { print dot; is_done? get_request_id headers } print_natgateway( natgateways_api.datacenters_natgateways_find_by_nat_gateway_id(config[:datacenter_id], config[:natgateway_id], depth: 2), ) end end end end