= content_for(:actions) do - if policy(Renalware::Medications::Prescription).new? = link_to t("btn.add"), new_patient_prescription_path(@patient), remote: true, class: "button" |  = link_to patient_prescriptions_path(@patient, treatable, format: :pdf), class: "button secondary with-icon", target: :blank do i.fas.fa-print | Print |  / link to open the modal = link_to new_patient_medications_home_delivery_event_path(patient, format: :html), class: "button secondary with-icon", data: { "reveal-id" => "print-home-delivery-drugs-modal", "reveal-ajax" => "true" } do i.fa.fa-print | Print home delivery drugs / modal placeholder #print-home-delivery-drugs-modal.reveal-modal.small(data-reveal data-controller="home-delivery-modal") = within_patient_layout(title: "Prescriptions") do = render "filter_form", search: current_search, drug_types: drug_types, treatable: treatable = render "index", local_assigns