module Ruboto::Activity::Reload import org.ruboto.Log def onResume Log.d "Ruboto::Activity::Reload onResume" super @ruboto_activity_reload_receiver = filter = registerReceiver(@ruboto_activity_reload_receiver, filter) Log.d "Ruboto::Activity::Reload registered reload receiver" rescue Exception Log.e "Exception registering reload listener: #{$!.message}" Log.e $!.backtrace.join("\n") end def onPause super unregisterReceiver(@ruboto_activity_reload_receiver) @ruboto_activity_reload_receiver = nil Log.d "Ruboto::Activity::Reload unregistered reload receiver" rescue Exception Log.e "Exception unregistering reload listener: #{$!.message}" Log.e $!.backtrace.join("\n") end def ruboto_activity_reload(scripts) Log.d "Got reload intent: #{scripts}" end class ReloadReceiver < android.content.BroadcastReceiver def initialize(activity) super() @activity = activity end # FIXME(uwe): I would like to receive a string array, # but have not found a way to do that. def onReceive(context, reload_intent) Log.d "Got reload intent: #{reload_intent.inspect}" file = reload_intent.get_string_extra('file') if file Log.d "load file: #{file.inspect}" load file end if (reload_intent.get_string_extra('restart')) Log.d 'restart activity' if @activity.intent.action == android.content.Intent::ACTION_MAIN restart_intent = else restart_intent = @activity.intent end @activity.startActivity(restart_intent) @activity.finish Log.d 'activity restarted' end Log.d 'reload complete.' true rescue Exception Log.e "Exception handling reload broadcast: #{$!.message}" Log.e $!.backtrace.join("\n") end end end