begin # Try loading facter w/o gems first so that we don't introduce a # dependency on gems if it is not needed. require 'facter' # Facter rescue LoadError require 'rubygems' require 'facter' end require 'uri' require 'net/http' require 'net/https' require 'cgi' require 'rexml/document' require 'yaml' # fix for ruby http bug where it encodes the params incorrectly class Net::HTTP::Put def set_form_data(params, sep = '&') params_array = do |k,v| if v.is_a? Array v.inject([]){|c, val| c << "#{urlencode(k.to_s)}=#{urlencode(val.to_s)}"}.join(sep) else "#{urlencode(k.to_s)}=#{urlencode(v.to_s)}" end end self.body = params_array.join(sep) self.content_type = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' end end module PasswordCallback @@password = nil def self.get_password while !@@password system "stty -echo" print "Password: " @@password = $stdin.gets.chomp system "stty echo" end @@password end end # Module and class names are constants, and thus have to start with a # capital letter. module NVentory end CONFIG_FILES = ['/etc/nventory.conf', "#{ENV['HOME']}/.nventory.conf"] class NVentory::Client attr_accessor :delete def initialize(data=nil,*moredata) if data || moredata parms = legacy_initializeparms(data,moredata) # def initialize(debug=false, dryrun=false, configfile=nil, server=nil) parms[:debug] ? (@debug = parms[:debug]) : @debug = (nil) parms[:dryrun] ? (@dryrun = parms[:dryrun]) : @dryrun = (nil) parms[:server] ? (@server = parms[:server]) : @server = (nil) parms[:cookiefile] ? @cookiefile = parms[:cookiefile] : @cookiefile = "#{ENV['HOME']}/.nventory_cookie" if parms[:proxy_server] == false @proxy_server = 'nil' elsif parms[:proxy_server] @proxy_server = parms[:proxy_server] else @proxy_server = nil end parms[:sso_server] ? (@sso_server = parms[:sso_server]) : (@sso_server = nil) parms[:configfile] ? (configfile = parms[:configfile]) : (configfile = nil) end @ca_file = nil @ca_path = nil @dhparams = '/etc/nventory/dhparams' @delete = false # Initialize the variable, see attr_accessor above CONFIG_FILES << configfile if configfile CONFIG_FILES.each do |configfile| if File.exist?(configfile) IO.foreach(configfile) do |line| line.chomp! next if (line =~ /^\s*$/); # Skip blank lines next if (line =~ /^\s*#/); # Skip comments key, value = line.split(/\s*=\s*/, 2) if key == 'server' @server = value # Warn the user, as this could potentially be confusing # if they don't realize there's a config file lying # around warn "Using server #{@server} from #{configfile}" if (@debug) elsif key == 'sso_server' && !@sso_server @sso_server = value warn "Using sso_server #{@sso_server} from #{configfile}" if (@debug) elsif key == 'proxy_server' && !@proxy_server @proxy_server = value warn "Using proxy_server #{@proxy_server} from #{configfile}" if (@debug) elsif key == 'ca_file' @ca_file = value warn "Using ca_file #{@ca_file} from #{configfile}" if (@debug) elsif key == 'ca_path' @ca_path = value warn "Using ca_path #{@ca_path} from #{configfile}" if (@debug) elsif key == 'dhparams' @dhparams = value warn "Using dhparams #{@dhparams} from #{configfile}" if (@debug) elsif key == 'cookiefile' @cookiefile = value warn "Using cookiefile #{@cookiefile} from #{configfile}" if (@debug) end end end end unless @server @server = 'http://nventory/' warn "Using server #{@server}" if @debug end @sso_server = '' unless @sso_server # Make sure the server URL ends in a / so that we can append paths to it # using URI.join if @server !~ %r{/$} @server << '/' end end def legacy_initializeparms(data,moredata) # if data is string, it is legacy method of supplying initialize params: # def initialize(debug=false, dryrun=false, configfile=nil, server=nil) newdata = {} if data.kind_of?(Hash) newdata = data elsif data || moredata newdata[:debug] = data newdata[:dryrun] = moredata[0] newdata[:configfile] = moredata[1] if moredata[2] server = moredata[2] if moredata[2] if server =~ /^http/ (server =~ /\/$/) ? (newdata[:server] = server) : (newdata[:server] = "#{server}/") else newdata[:server] = "http://#{server}/" end end newdata[:proxy_server] = moredata[3] else raise 'Syntax Error' end warn "** Using server #{newdata[:server]} **" if newdata[:server] warn "** Using proxy_server #{newdata[:proxy_server]} **" if newdata[:proxy_server] return newdata end def legacy_getparms(data,moredata) # if data is string, it is legacy method of supplying get_objects params: # def get_objects(objecttype, get, exactget, regexget, exclude, andget, includes=nil, login=nil, password_callback=PasswordCallback) newdata = {} if data.kind_of?(String) raise 'Syntax Error: Missing :objecttype' unless data.kind_of?(String) newdata[:objecttype] = data newdata[:get] = moredata[0] newdata[:exactget] = moredata[1] newdata[:regexget] = moredata[2] newdata[:exclude] = moredata[3] newdata[:andget] = moredata[4] newdata[:includes] = moredata[5] newdata[:login] = moredata[6] newdata[:password_callback] = PasswordCallback elsif data.kind_of?(Hash) raise 'Syntax Error: Missing :objecttype' unless data[:objecttype].kind_of?(String) newdata = data newdata[:password_callback] = PasswordCallback unless newdata[:password_callback] else raise 'Syntax Error' end return newdata end # FIXME: get, exactget, regexget, exclude and includes should all merge into # a single search options hash parameter def get_objects(data,*moredata) parms = legacy_getparms(data,moredata) # def get_objects(objecttype, get, exactget, regexget, exclude, andget, includes=nil, login=nil, password_callback=PasswordCallback) objecttype = parms[:objecttype] get = parms[:get] exactget = parms[:exactget] regexget = parms[:regexget] exclude = parms[:exclude] andget = parms[:andget] includes = parms[:includes] login = parms[:login] password_callback = parms[:password_callback] # PS-704 - node_groups controller when format.xml, includes some custom model methods that create a lot of querying joins, so this is # a way to 'override' it on cli side - the server will look for that param to skip these def methods when it renders. webparams = {:nodefmeth => 1} webparams = parms[:webparams] # # Package up the search parameters in the format the server expects # metaget = [] if get get.each_pair do |key,values| if key == 'enable_aliases' && values == 1 metaget << "#{key}=#{values}" elsif values.length > 1 values.each do |value| metaget << "#{key}[]=#{CGI.escape(value)}" end else # This isn't strictly necessary, specifying a single value via # 'key[]=[value]' would work fine, but this makes for a cleaner URL # and slightly reduced processing on the backend metaget << "#{key}=#{CGI.escape(values[0])}" end end end if exactget exactget.each_pair do |key,values| if key == 'enable_aliases' && values == 1 metaget << "#{key}=#{values}" elsif values.length > 1 values.each do |value| metaget << "exact_#{key}[]=#{CGI.escape(value)}" end else # This isn't strictly necessary, specifying a single value via # 'key[]=[value]' would work fine, but this makes for a cleaner URL # and slightly reduced processing on the backend metaget << "exact_#{key}=#{CGI.escape(values[0])}" end end end if regexget regexget.each_pair do |key,values| if values.length > 1 values.each do |value| metaget << "regex_#{key}[]=#{CGI.escape(value)}" end else # This isn't strictly necessary, specifying a single value via # 'key[]=[value]' would work fine, but this makes for a cleaner URL # and slightly reduced processing on the backend metaget << "regex_#{key}=#{CGI.escape(values[0])}" end end end if exclude exclude.each_pair do |key,values| if values.length > 1 values.each do |value| metaget << "exclude_#{key}[]=#{CGI.escape(value)}" end else # This isn't strictly necessary, specifying a single value via # 'key[]=[value]' would work fine, but this makes for a cleaner URL # and slightly reduced processing on the backend metaget << "exclude_#{key}=#{CGI.escape(values[0])}" end end end if andget andget.each_pair do |key,values| if values.length > 1 values.each do |value| metaget << "and_#{key}[]=#{CGI.escape(value)}" end else # This isn't strictly necessary, specifying a single value via # 'key[]=[value]' would work fine, but this makes for a cleaner URL # and slightly reduced processing on the backend metaget << "and_#{key}=#{CGI.escape(values[0])}" end end end if includes # includes = ['status', 'rack:datacenter'] # maps to # include[status]=&include[rack]=datacenter includes.each do |inc| incstring = '' if inc.include?(':') incparts = inc.split(':') lastpart = incparts.pop incstring = 'include' incparts.each { |part| incstring << "[#{part}]" } incstring << "=#{lastpart}" else incstring = "include[#{inc}]=" end metaget << incstring end end if webparams && webparams.kind_of?(Hash) webparams.each_pair{|k,v| metaget << "#{k}=#{v}"} end querystring = metaget.join('&') # # Send the query to the server # uri = URI::join(@server, "#{objecttype}.xml?#{querystring}") req = warn "GET URL: #{uri}" if (@debug) response = send_request(req, uri, login, password_callback) while response.kind_of?(Net::HTTPMovedPermanently) uri = URI.parse(response['Location']) req = response = send_request(req, uri, login, password_callback) end if !response.kind_of?(Net::HTTPOK) puts response.body response.error! end # # Parse the XML data from the server # This tries to render the XML into the best possible representation # as a Perl hash. It may need to evolve over time. # puts response.body if (@debug) results_xml = results = {} if results_xml.root.elements["/#{objecttype}"] results_xml.root.elements["/#{objecttype}"].each do |elem| # For some reason Elements[] is returning things other than elements, # like text nodes next if elem.node_type != :element data = xml_to_ruby(elem) name = data['name'] || data['id'] if !results[name].nil? warn "Duplicate entries for #{name}. Only one will be shown." end results[name] = data end end #puts results.inspect if (@debug) puts YAML.dump(results) if (@debug) results end def get_field_names(objecttype, login=nil, password_callback=PasswordCallback) uri = URI::join(@server, "#{objecttype}/field_names.xml") req = warn "GET URL: #{uri}" if (@debug) response = send_request(req, uri, login, password_callback) while response.kind_of?(Net::HTTPMovedPermanently) uri = URI.parse(response['Location']) req = response = send_request(req, uri, login, password_callback) end if !response.kind_of?(Net::HTTPOK) puts response.body response.error! end puts response.body if (@debug) results_xml = field_names = [] results_xml.root.elements['/field_names'].each do |elem| # For some reason Elements[] is returning things other than elements, # like text nodes next if elem.node_type != :element field_names << elem.text end field_names end def get_expanded_nodegroup(nodegroup) getdata = {} getdata[:objecttype] = 'node_groups' getdata[:exactget] = {'name' => [nodegroup]} getdata[:includes] = ['nodes', 'child_groups'] results = get_objects(getdata) nodes = {} if results.has_key?(nodegroup) if results[nodegroup].has_key?('nodes') results[nodegroup]['nodes'].each { |node| nodes[node['name']] = true } end if results[nodegroup].has_key?('child_groups') results[nodegroup]['child_groups'].each do |child_group| get_expanded_nodegroup(child_group['name']).each { |child_group_node| nodes[child_group_node] = true } end end end nodes.keys.sort end # The results argument can be a reference to a hash returned by a # call to get_objects, in which case the data will be PUT to each object # there, thus updating them. Or it can be nil, in which case the # data will be POSTed to create a new entry. def set_objects(objecttypes, results, data, login, password_callback=PasswordCallback) # Convert any keys which don't already specify a model # from 'foo' to 'objecttype[foo]' objecttype = singularize(objecttypes) cleandata = {} data.each_pair do |key, value| if key !~ /\[.+\]/ cleandata["#{objecttype}[#{key}]"] = value else cleandata[key] = value end end #puts cleandata.inspect if (@debug) puts YAML.dump(cleandata) if (@debug) successcount = 0 if results && !results.empty? results.each_pair do |result_name, result| if @delete warn "Deleting objects via set_objects is deprecated, use delete_objects instead" uri = URI::join(@server, "#{objecttypes}/#{result['id']}.xml") req = req.set_form_data(cleandata) response = send_request(req, uri, login, password_callback) while response.kind_of?(Net::HTTPMovedPermanently) uri = URI.parse(response['Location']) req = response = send_request(req, uri, login, password_callback) end if response.kind_of?(Net::HTTPOK) successcount += 1 else puts "DELETE to #{uri} failed for #{result_name}:" puts response.body end # PUT to update an existing object elsif result['id'] uri = URI::join(@server, "#{objecttypes}/#{result['id']}.xml") req = req.set_form_data(cleandata) warn "PUT to URL: #{uri}" if (@debug) if !@dryrun response = send_request(req, uri, login, password_callback) while response.kind_of?(Net::HTTPMovedPermanently) uri = URI.parse(response['Location']) req = req.set_form_data(cleandata) response = send_request(req, uri, login, password_callback) end if response.kind_of?(Net::HTTPOK) successcount += 1 else puts "PUT to #{uri} failed for #{result_name}:" puts response.body end end else warn "set_objects passed a bogus results hash, #{result_name} has no id field" end end else uri = URI::join(@server, "#{objecttypes}.xml") req = req.set_form_data(cleandata) warn "POST to URL: #{uri}" if (@debug) if !@dryrun response = send_request(req, uri, login, password_callback) while response.kind_of?(Net::HTTPMovedPermanently) uri = URI.parse(response['Location']) req = req.set_form_data(cleandata) response = send_request(req, uri, login, password_callback) end if response.kind_of?(Net::HTTPOK) || response.kind_of?(Net::HTTPCreated) successcount += 1 else puts "POST to #{uri} failed." puts response.body end end end successcount end # The results argument should be a reference to a hash returned by a # call to get_objects. def delete_objects(objecttypes, results, login, password_callback=PasswordCallback) successcount = 0 results.each_pair do |result_name, result| if result['id'] uri = URI::join(@server, "#{objecttypes}/#{result['id']}.xml") req = response = send_request(req, uri, login, password_callback) while response.kind_of?(Net::HTTPMovedPermanently) uri = URI.parse(response['Location']) req = response = send_request(req, uri, login, password_callback) end if response.kind_of?(Net::HTTPOK) successcount = 0 else warn "Delete of #{result_name} (#{result['id']}) failed:\n" + response.body end else warn "delete_objects passed a bogus results hash, #{result_name} has no id field" end end successcount end def register data = {} # Tell facter to load everything, otherwise it tries to dynamically # load the individual fact libraries using a very broken mechanism Facter.loadfacts # # Gather software-related information # data['name'] = Facter['fqdn'].value data['updated_at'] ="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") if Facter['kernel'] && Facter['kernel'].value == 'Linux' && Facter['lsbdistdescription'] && Facter['lsbdistdescription'].value # Strip release version and code name from lsbdistdescription lsbdistdesc = Facter['lsbdistdescription'].value lsbdistdesc.gsub!(/ release \S+/, '') lsbdistdesc.gsub!(/ \([^)]\)/, '') data['operating_system[variant]'] = lsbdistdesc data['operating_system[version_number]'] = Facter['lsbdistrelease'].value elsif Facter['kernel'] && Facter['kernel'].value == 'Darwin' && Facter['macosx_productname'] && Facter['macosx_productname'].value data['operating_system[variant]'] = Facter['macosx_productname'].value data['operating_system[version_number]'] = Facter['macosx_productversion'].value else data['operating_system[variant]'] = Facter['operatingsystem'].value data['operating_system[version_number]'] = Facter['operatingsystemrelease'].value end if Facter['architecture'] && Facter['architecture'].value data['operating_system[architecture]'] = Facter['architecture'].value else # Not sure if this is reasonable data['operating_system[architecture]'] = Facter['hardwaremodel'].value end data['kernel_version'] = Facter['kernelrelease'].value if Facter['memorysize'] && Facter['memorysize'].value data['os_memory'] = Facter['memorysize'].value elsif Facter['sp_physical_memory'] && Facter['sp_physical_memory'].value # Mac OS X # More or less a safe bet that OS memory == physical memory on Mac OS X data['os_memory'] = Facter['sp_physical_memory'].value end if Facter['swapsize'] data['swap'] = Facter['swapsize'].value end # Currently the processorcount fact doesn't even get defined on most platforms if Facter['processorcount'] && Facter['processorcount'].value # This is generally a virtual processor count (cores and HTs), # not a physical CPU count data['os_processor_count'] = Facter['processorcount'].value elsif Facter['sp_number_processors'] && Facter['sp_number_processors'].value data['os_processor_count'] = Facter['sp_number_processors'].value end data['timezone'] = Facter['timezone'].value if Facter['timezone'] # Need custom facts for these #data['virtual_client_ids'] = cpu_percent = getcpupercent login_count = getlogincount disk_usage = getdiskusage # have to round it up because server code only takes integer data['utilization_metric[percent_cpu][value]'] = cpu_percent.round if cpu_percent data['utilization_metric[login_count][value]'] = login_count if login_count data['used_space'] = disk_usage[:used_space] if disk_usage data['avail_space'] = disk_usage[:avail_space] if disk_usage getvolumes.each do |key, value| data[key] = value end # # Gather hardware-related information # hardware_profile = NVentory::Client::get_hardware_profile data['hardware_profile[manufacturer]'] = hardware_profile[:manufacturer] data['hardware_profile[model]'] = hardware_profile[:model] if Facter['serialnumber'] && Facter['serialnumber'].value data['serial_number'] = Facter['serialnumber'].value elsif Facter['sp_serial_number'] && Facter['sp_serial_number'].value # Mac OS X data['serial_number'] = Facter['sp_serial_number'].value end if Facter['processor0'] && Facter['processor0'].value # FIXME: Parsing this string is less than ideal, as these things # are reported as seperate fields by dmidecode, but facter isn't # reading that data. # Example: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU T7300 @ 2.00GHz # Example: Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 3.60GHz processor = Facter['processor0'].value if processor =~ /(\S+)\s(.+)/ manufacturer = $1 model = $2 speed = nil if model =~ /(.+\S)\s+\@\s+([\d\.]+.Hz)/ model = $1 speed = $2 elsif model =~ /(.+\S)\s+([\d\.]+.Hz)/ model = $1 speed = $2 end data['processor_manufacturer'] = manufacturer.gsub(/\(R\)/, '') data['processor_model'] = model data['processor_speed'] = speed end elsif Facter['sp_cpu_type'] && Facter['sp_cpu_type'].value # FIXME: Assuming the manufacturer is the first word is # less than ideal cpu_type = Facter['sp_cpu_type'].value if cpu_type =~ /(\S+)\s(.+)/ data['processor_manufacturer'] = $1 data['processor_model'] = $2 end data['processor_speed'] = Facter['sp_current_processor_speed'].value # It's not clear if system_profiler is reporting the number # of physical CPUs or the number seen by the OS. I'm not # sure if there are situations in Mac OS where those two can # get out of sync. As such this is identical to what is reported # for the os_processor_count above. data['processor_count'] = Facter['sp_number_processors'].value end if Facter['physicalprocessorcount'] data['processor_count'] = Facter['physicalprocessorcount'].value else # need to get from dmidecode end data['processor_core_count'] = get_cpu_core_count #data['processor_socket_count'] = #data['power_supply_count'] = #data['physical_memory'] = #data['physical_memory_sizes'] = nics = [] if Facter['interfaces'] && Facter['interfaces'].value nics = Facter['interfaces'].value.split(',') nics.each do |nic| data["network_interfaces[#{nic}][name]"] = nic data["network_interfaces[#{nic}][hardware_address]"] = Facter["macaddress_#{nic}"].value #data["network_interfaces[#{nic}][interface_type]"] #data["network_interfaces[#{nic}][physical]"] = #data["network_interfaces[#{nic}][up]"] = #data["network_interfaces[#{nic}][link]"] = #data["network_interfaces[#{nic}][autonegotiate]"] = #data["network_interfaces[#{nic}][speed]"] = #data["network_interfaces[#{nic}][full_duplex]"] = # Facter only captures one address per interface data["network_interfaces[#{nic}][ip_addresses][0][address]"] = Facter["ipaddress_#{nic}"].value data["network_interfaces[#{nic}][ip_addresses][0][address_type]"] = 'ipv4' data["network_interfaces[#{nic}][ip_addresses][0][netmask]"] = Facter["netmask_#{nic}"].value #data["network_interfaces[#{nic}][ip_addresses][0][broadcast]"] = end end # get additional nic info that facter doesn't know about nic_info = get_nic_info nic_info.each do |nic, info| next if !nics.include?(nic) info.each do |key, value| data["network_interfaces[#{nic}][#{key}]"] = value end end # Mark our NIC data as authoritative so that the server properly # updates its records (removing any NICs and IPs we don't specify) data['network_interfaces[authoritative]'] = true data['uniqueid'] = NVentory::Client::get_uniqueid # TODO: figure out list of guests if it's a host vmstatus = getvmstatus if vmstatus == 'xenu' data['virtualmode'] = 'guest' data['virtualarch'] = 'xen' elsif vmstatus == 'xen0' data['virtualmode'] = 'host' data['virtualarch'] = 'xen' elsif vmstatus == 'vmware_server' data['virtualmode'] = 'host' data['virtualarch'] = 'vmware' elsif vmstatus == 'vmware' data['virtualmode'] = 'guest' data['virtualarch'] = 'vmware' elsif vmstatus == 'kvm_host' data['virtualmode'] = 'host' data['virtualarch'] = 'kvm' end if vmstatus == 'kvm_host' guests = get_kvm_hostinfo guests.each do |vm, vminfo| data["vmguest[#{vm}][vmimg_size]"] = vminfo['vmimg_size'] data["vmguest[#{vm}][vmspace_used]"] = vminfo['vmspace_used'] end end # Looks like this no longer works. virtual_client_ids is not valid # field and causes ALL nodes to return.... # if data['hardware_profile[model]'] == 'VMware Virtual Platform' # getdata = {} # getdata[:objecttype] = 'nodes' # getdata[:exactget] = {'virtual_client_ids' => [data['uniqueid']]} # getdata[:login] = 'autoreg' # results = get_objects(getdata) # if results.length == 1 # data['virtual_parent_node_id'] = results.values.first['id'] # elsif results.length > 1 # warn "Multiple hosts claim this virtual client: #{results.keys.sort.join(',')}" # end # end # Get console info console_type = get_console_type if console_type == "Dell DRAC" data['console_type'] = "Dell DRAC" drac_info = get_drac_info # Create a NIC for the DRAC and associate it this node unless drac_info.empty? drac_name = (drac_info[:name] && !drac_info[:name].empty?)? drac_info[:name] : "DRAC" data["network_interfaces[#{drac_name}][name]"] = drac_name data["network_interfaces[#{drac_name}][hardware_address]"] = drac_info[:mac_address] data["network_interfaces[#{drac_name}][ip_addresses][0][address]"] = drac_info[:ip_address] data["network_interfaces[#{drac_name}][ip_addresses][0][address_type]"] = "ipv4" end end # See what chassis/blade enclosure the node is in chassis = get_chassis_info data["chassis[service_tag]"] = chassis[:service_tag] if !chassis.empty? data["chassis[slot_num]"] = chassis[:slot_num] if !chassis.empty? # # Report data to server # # Check to see if there's an existing entry for this host that matches # our unique id. If so we want to update it, even if the hostname # doesn't match our current hostname (as it probably indicates this # host was renamed). results = nil if data['uniqueid'] getdata = {} getdata[:objecttype] = 'nodes' getdata[:exactget] = {'uniqueid' => [data['uniqueid']]} getdata[:login] = 'autoreg' results = get_objects(getdata) # # Check for a match of the reverse uniqueid. # Background: # Dmidecode versions earlier than 2.10 display # the first three fields of the UUID in reverse order # due to the use of Big-endian rather than Little-endian # byte encoding. # Starting with version 2.10, dmidecode uses Little-endian # when it finds an SMBIOS >= 2.6. UUID's reported from SMBIOS' # earlier than 2.6 are considered "incorrect". # # After a rebuild/upgrade, rather than creating a new node # entry for an existing asset, we'll check for the flipped # version of the uniqueid. # if results.empty? && data['uniqueid'].include?('-') reverse_uniqueid = [data['uniqueid'].split('-')[0..2].map { |n| n.split(/(\w\w)/).reverse.join }.join('-'), data['uniqueid'].split('-',4)[3]].join('-') getdata[:exactget] = {'uniqueid' => [reverse_uniqueid]} results = get_objects(getdata) end end # If we failed to find an existing entry based on the unique id # fall back to the hostname. This may still fail to find an entry, # if this is a new host, but that's OK as it will leave %results # as undef, which triggers set_nodes to create a new entry on the # server. if results.empty? && data['name'] getdata = {} getdata[:objecttype] = 'nodes' getdata[:exactget] = {'name' => [data['name']]} getdata[:login] = 'autoreg' results = get_objects(getdata) end setresults = set_objects('nodes', results, data, 'autoreg') puts "Command successful" if setresults == 1 end # Add the given node into the given nodegroup by directly # creating the node_group_node_assignment # First argument is the id of the node # Second argument is the id of the nodegroup def add_node_group_node_assignment(node_id, node_group_id, login, password_callback=PasswordCallback) setdata = {:node_id => node_id, :node_group_id => node_group_id} puts "Adding using the following setdata #{setdata.inspect}" set_objects('node_group_node_assignments', nil, setdata, login, password_callback) end # The first argument is a hash returned by a 'nodes' call to get_objects # The second argument is a hash returned by a 'node_groups' # call to get_objects # This method does the same thing as the add_nodes_to_nodegroups method. However, it # will not be susceptible to the race condition mentioned in add_nodes_to_nodegroups method # This is because it directly talks to the node_group_node_assignments controller def add_node_group_node_assignments(nodes, nodegroups, login, password_callback=PasswordCallback) nodegroups.each do |nodegroup_name, nodegroup| nodes.each do |nodename, node| add_node_group_node_assignment(node['id'], nodegroup['id'], login, password_callback) end end end # The first argument is a hash returned by a 'nodes' call to get_objects # The second argument is a hash returned by a 'node_groups' # call to get_objects # NOTE: For the node groups you must have requested that the server include 'nodes' in the result def add_nodes_to_nodegroups(nodes, nodegroups, login, password_callback=PasswordCallback) # The server only supports setting a complete list of members of # a node group. So we need to retreive the current list of members # for each group, merge in the additional nodes that the user wants # added, and pass that off to set_nodegroup_assignments to perform # the update. # FIXME: This should talk directly to the node_group_node_assignments # controller, so that we aren't exposed to the race conditions this # method currently suffers from. nodegroups.each_pair do |nodegroup_name, nodegroup| # Use a hash to merge the current and new members and # eliminate duplicates merged_nodes = nodes.clone nodegroup["nodes"].each do |node| name = node['name'] merged_nodes[name] = node end set_nodegroup_node_assignments(merged_nodes, {nodegroup_name => nodegroup}, login, password_callback) end end # The first argument is a hash returned by a 'nodes' call to get_objects # The second argument is a hash returned by a 'node_groups' # call to get_objects # NOTE: For the node groups you must have requested that the server include 'nodes' in the result def remove_nodes_from_nodegroups(nodes, nodegroups, login, password_callback=PasswordCallback) # The server only supports setting a complete list of members of # a node group. So we need to retreive the current list of members # for each group, remove the nodes that the user wants # removed, and pass that off to set_nodegroup_assignments to perform # the update. # FIXME: This should talk directly to the node_group_node_assignments # controller, so that we aren't exposed to the race conditions this # method currently suffers from. nodegroups.each_pair do |nodegroup_name, nodegroup| desired_nodes = {} nodegroup['nodes'].each do |node| name = node['name'] if !nodes.has_key?(name) desired_nodes[name] = node end end set_nodegroup_node_assignments(desired_nodes, {nodegroup_name => nodegroup}, login, password_callback) end end # The first argument is a hash returned by a 'nodes' call to get_objects # The second argument is a hash returned by a 'node_groups' # call to get_objects def set_nodegroup_node_assignments(nodes, nodegroups, login, password_callback=PasswordCallback) node_ids = [] nodes.each_pair do |node_name, node| if node['id'] node_ids << node['id'] else warn "set_nodegroup_node_assignments passed a bogus nodes hash, #{node_name} has no id field" end end nodegroupdata = {} node_ids = 'nil' if node_ids.empty? nodegroupdata['node_group_node_assignments[nodes][]'] = node_ids set_objects('node_groups', nodegroups, nodegroupdata, login, password_callback) end # Both arguments are hashes returned by a 'node_groups' call to get_objects # NOTE: For the parent groups you must have requested that the server include 'child_groups' in the result def add_nodegroups_to_nodegroups(child_groups, parent_groups, login, password_callback=PasswordCallback) # The server only supports setting a complete list of assignments for # a node group. So we need to retreive the current list of assignments # for each group, merge in the additional node groups that the user wants # added, and pass that off to set_nodegroup_nodegroup_assignments to perform # the update. # FIXME: This should talk directly to the node_group_node_groups_assignments # controller, so that we aren't exposed to the race conditions this # method currently suffers from. parent_groups.each_pair do |parent_group_name, parent_group| # Use a hash to merge the current and new members and # eliminate duplicates merged_nodegroups = child_groups if parent_group[child_groups] parent_group[child_groups].each do |child_group| name = child_group[name] merged_nodegroups[name] = child_group end end set_nodegroup_nodegroup_assignments(merged_nodegroups, {parent_group_name => parent_group}, login, password_callback) end end # Both arguments are hashes returned by a 'node_groups' call to get_objects # NOTE: For the parent groups you must have requested that the server include 'child_groups' in the result def remove_nodegroups_from_nodegroups(child_groups, parent_groups, login, password_callback=PasswordCallback) # The server only supports setting a complete list of assignments for # a node group. So we need to retrieve the current list of assignments # for each group, remove the node groups that the user wants # removed, and pass that off to set_nodegroup_nodegroup_assignments to perform # the update. # FIXME: This should talk directly to the node_group_node_groups_assignments # controller, so that we aren't exposed to the race conditions this # method currently suffers from. parent_groups.each_pair do |parent_group_name, parent_group| desired_child_groups = {} if parent_groups[child_groups] parent_group[child_groups].each do |child_group| name = child_group[name] if !child_groups.has_key?(name) desired_child_groups[name] = child_group end end end set_nodegroup_nodegroup_assignments(desired_child_groups, {parent_group_name => parent_group}, login, password_callback) end end # Both arguments are hashes returned by a 'node_groups' call to get_objects def set_nodegroup_nodegroup_assignments(child_groups, parent_groups, login, password_callback=PasswordCallback) child_ids = [] child_groups.each_pair do |child_group_name, child_group| if child_group['id'] child_ids << child_group['id'] else warn "set_nodegroup_nodegroup_assignments passed a bogus child groups hash, #{child_group_name} has no id field" end end # cannot pass empty hash therefore, add a 'nil' string. nasty hack and accomodated on the server side code child_ids << 'nil' if child_ids.empty? nodegroupdata = {} nodegroupdata['node_group_node_group_assignments[child_groups][]'] = child_ids set_objects('node_groups', parent_groups, nodegroupdata, login, password_callback) end # Add a new or pre-existing tag (by name string) to a node_group (by hash returned from get_objects) def add_tag_to_node_group(ng_hash, tag_name, login, password_callback=PasswordCallback) tag_found = get_objects({:objecttype => 'tags', :exactget => {:name => tag_name}}) if tag_found.empty? tagset_data = { :name => tag_name } set_objects('tags',{},tagset_data,login, password_callback) tag_found = get_objects({:objecttype => 'tags', :exactget => {:name => tag_name}}) end # tag_found is hash, even tho only one result (tag_data = tag_found[tag_found.keys.first]) && (tag_id = tag_data['id']) ng_hash.each_pair do |ng_name,ng_data| setdata = { :taggable_type => 'NodeGroup', :taggable_id => ng_data['id'], :tag_id => tag_id } set_objects('taggings',{},setdata,login,password_callback) end end # Add a new or pre-existing tag (by name string) to a node_group (by hash returned from get_objects) def remove_tag_from_node_group(ng_hash, tag_name, login, password_callback=PasswordCallback) tag_found = get_objects({:objecttype => 'tags', :exactget => {:name => tag_name}}) if tag_found.empty? puts "ERROR: Could not find any tags with the name #{tag_name}" exit end # tag_found is hash, even tho only one result (tag_data = tag_found[tag_found.keys.first]) && (tag_id = tag_data['id']) taggings_to_del = {} ng_hash.each_pair do |ng_name,ng_data| get_data = {:objecttype => 'taggings', :exactget => { :taggable_type => 'NodeGroup', :taggable_id => ng_data['id'], :tag_id => tag_id } } tagging_found = get_objects(get_data) unless tagging_found.empty? taggings_to_del.merge!(tagging_found) end end if taggings_to_del.empty? puts "ERROR: Could not find any tags \"#{tag_name}\" assigned to those node_groups" else delete_objects('taggings', taggings_to_del, login, password_callback=PasswordCallback) end end # # Helper methods # def self.get_uniqueid os = Facter['kernel'].value hardware_profile = NVentory::Client::get_hardware_profile if os == 'Linux' or os == 'FreeBSD' # if File.exist?('/proc/modules') && `grep -q ^xen /proc/modules` && $? == 0 uuid = Facter['macaddress'].value # Dell C6100 don't have unique uuid elsif hardware_profile[:manufacturer] =~ /Dell/ && hardware_profile[:model] == 'C6100' uuid = Facter['macaddress'].value else # best to use UUID from dmidecode uuid = getuuid end # Stupid SeaMicro boxes all have the same UUID below. So we won't # want to use it, use mac address instead if uuid && uuid != "78563412-3412-7856-90AB-CDDEEFAABBCC" uniqueid = uuid # next best thing to use is macaddress else uniqueid = Facter['macaddress'].value end elsif Facter['uniqueid'] && Facter['uniqueid'].value # This sucks, it's just using hostid, which is generally tied to an # IP address, not the physical hardware uniqueid = Facter['uniqueid'].value elsif Facter['sp_serial_number'] && Facter['sp_serial_number'].value # I imagine Mac serial numbers are unique uniqueid = Facter['sp_serial_number'].value end return uniqueid end def self.getuuid uuid = nil # dmidecode will fail if not run as root if Process.euid != 0 raise "This must be run as root" end uuid_entry = `/usr/sbin/dmidecode | grep UUID` if uuid_entry uuid = uuid_entry.split(":")[1] end return uuid.strip end def self.get_hardware_profile result = {:manufacturer => 'Unknown', :model => 'Unknown'} if Facter['manufacturer'] && Facter['manufacturer'].value # dmidecode result[:manufacturer] = Facter['manufacturer'].value.strip result[:model] = Facter['productname'].value.strip elsif Facter['sp_machine_name'] && Facter['sp_machine_name'].value # Mac OS X # There's a small chance of this not being true... result[:manufacturer] = 'Apple' result[:model] = Facter['sp_machine_name'].value.strip end return result end # # Private methods # private def make_http(uri) http = nil if @proxy_server proxyuri = URI.parse(@proxy_server) proxy = Net::HTTP::Proxy(, proxyuri.port) http =, uri.port) else http =, uri.port) end if uri.scheme == "https" # Eliminate the OpenSSL "using default DH parameters" warning if File.exist?(@dhparams) dh = Net::HTTP.ssl_context_accessor(:tmp_dh_callback) http.tmp_dh_callback = proc { dh } end http.use_ssl = true if @ca_file && File.exist?(@ca_file) http.ca_file = @ca_file http.verify_mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_PEER end if @ca_path && http.ca_path = @ca_path http.verify_mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_PEER end end http end # Returns the path to the cookiefile to be used. # Create the file and correct permissions on # the cookiefile if needed def get_cookiefile(login=nil) # autoreg has a special file if login == 'autoreg' @cookiefile = '/root/.nventory_cookie_autoreg' if !'/root') Dir.mkdir('/root') end end # Create the cookie file if it doesn't already exist if !File.exist?(@cookiefile) warn "Creating #{@cookiefile}", 'w') { |file| } end # Ensure the permissions on the cookie file are appropriate, # as it will contain a session key that could be used by others # to impersonate this user to the server. st = File.stat(@cookiefile) if st.mode & 07177 != 0 warn "Correcting permissions on #{@cookiefile}" File.chmod(st.mode & 0600, @cookiefile) end @cookiefile end # Sigh, Ruby doesn't have a library for handling a persistent # cookie store so we have to do the dirty work ourselves. This # is by no means a full implementation, it's just enough to do # what's needed here. # Break's a Set-Cookie line up into its constituent parts # Example from # Set-Cookie: RMID=732423sdfs73242; expires=Fri, 31-Dec-2010 23:59:59 GMT; path=/; def parse_cookie(line) cookie = nil if line =~ /^Set-Cookie\d?: .+=.+/ cookie = {} line.chomp! cookie[:line] = line # Remove the Set-Cookie portion of the line setcookie, rest = line.split(' ', 2) # Then break off the name and value from the cookie attributes namevalue, rawattributes = rest.split('; ', 2) name, value = namevalue.split('=', 2) cookie[:name] = name cookie[:value] = value attributes = {} rawattributes.split('; ').each do |attribute| attrname, attrvalue = attribute.split('=', 2) # The Perl cookie jar uses a non-standard syntax, which seems to # include wrapping some fields (particularly path) in quotes. The # Perl nVentory library uses the Perl cookie jar code so we need to be # compatible with it. if attrvalue =~ /^".*"$/ attrvalue.sub!(/^"/, '') attrvalue.sub!(/"$/, '') end # rfc2965, 3.2.2: # If an attribute appears more than once in a cookie, the client # SHALL use only the value associated with the first appearance of # the attribute; a client MUST ignore values after the first. if !attributes[attrname] attributes[attrname] = attrvalue end end cookie[:attributes] = attributes else # Invalid lines in the form of comments and blank lines are to be # expected when we're called by read_cookiefile, so don't treat this as # a big deal. puts "parse_cookie passed invalid line: #{line}" if (@debug) end cookie end # Returns an array of cookies from the specified cookiefile def read_cookiefile(cookiefile) warn "Using cookies from #{cookiefile}" if (@debug) cookies = [] IO.foreach(cookiefile) do |line| cookie = parse_cookie(line) if cookie && cookie[:attributes] && cookie[:attributes]["expires"] if DateTime.parse(cookie[:attributes]["expires"]) < warn "Cookie expired: #{cookie[:line]}" if @debug next end end if cookie cookies << cookie end end cookies end # This returns any cookies in the cookiefile which have domain and path # settings that match the specified uri. def get_cookies_for_uri(cookiefile, uri) cookies = [] latest_cookie = [] counter = 0 read_cookiefile(cookiefile).each do |cookie| next unless =~"#{cookie[:attributes]['domain']}$") next unless uri.path =~"^#{cookie[:attributes]['path'].gsub(/,.*/,'')}") # gsub in case didn't parse out comma seperator for new cookie # if there are more than 1 cookie , we only want the one w/ latest expiration if cookie[:attributes]["expires"] unless latest_cookie.empty? cookie_expiration = DateTime.parse(cookie[:attributes]["expires"]) latest_cookie[0] < cookie_expiration ? (latest_cookie = [cookie_expiration, cookie]) : next else latest_cookie = [ DateTime.parse(cookie[:attributes]["expires"]), cookie ] end else cookies << cookie end end cookies << latest_cookie[1] unless latest_cookie.empty? cookies end # Extract cookie from response and save it to the user's cookie store def extract_cookie(response, uri, login=nil) if response['set-cookie'] cookiefile = get_cookiefile(login) # It doesn't look like it matters for our purposes at the moment, but # according to rfc2965, 3.2.2 the Set-Cookie header can contain more # than one cookie, separated by commas. puts "extract_cookie processing #{response['set-cookie']}" if (@debug) newcookie = parse_cookie('Set-Cookie: ' + response['set-cookie']) return if newcookie.nil? # Some cookie fields are optional, and should default to the # values in the request. We need to insert these so that we # save them properly. # if !newcookie[:attributes]['domain'] puts "Adding domain #{} to cookie" if (@debug) newcookie = parse_cookie(newcookie[:line] + "; domain=#{}") end if !newcookie[:attributes]['path'] puts "Adding path #{uri.path} to cookie" if (@debug) newcookie = parse_cookie(newcookie[:line] + "; path=#{uri.path}") end cookies = [] change = false existing_cookie = false read_cookiefile(cookiefile).each do |cookie| # Remove any existing cookies with the same name, domain and path puts "Comparing #{cookie.inspect} to #{newcookie.inspect}" if (@debug) if cookie[:name] == newcookie[:name] && cookie[:attributes]['domain'] == newcookie[:attributes]['domain'] && cookie[:attributes]['path'] == newcookie[:attributes]['path'] existing_cookie = true if cookie == newcookie puts "Existing cookie is identical to new cookie" if (@debug) else # Cookie removed by virtue of us not saving it here puts "Replacing existing but not identical cookie #{cookie.inspect}" if (@debug) cookies << newcookie change = true end else puts "Keeping non-matching cookie #{cookie.inspect}" if (@debug) cookies << cookie end end if !existing_cookie puts "No existing cookie matching new cookie, adding new cookie" if (@debug) cookies << newcookie change = true end if change puts "Updating cookiefile #{cookiefile}" if (@debug), 'w') { |file| file.puts(cookies.collect{|cookie| cookie[:line]}.join("\n")) } else puts "No cookie changes, leaving cookiefile untouched" if (@debug) end else puts "extract_cookie finds no cookie in response" if (@debug) end end # Sends requests to the nVentory server and handles any redirects to # authentication pages or services. def send_request(req, uri, login, password_callback=PasswordCallback,loopcounter=0,stopflag=false) if loopcounter > 7 if stopflag raise "Infinite loop detected" else warn "Loop detected. Clearing out cookiefile.." loopcounter = 0 stopflag = true, 'w') { |file| file.write(nil) } end end cookies = get_cookies_for_uri(get_cookiefile(login), uri) if !cookies.empty? cookiestring = cookies.collect{|cookie| "#{cookie[:name]}=#{cookie[:value]}" }.join('; ') puts "Inserting cookies into request: #{cookiestring}" if (@debug) req['Cookie'] = cookiestring end response = make_http(uri).request(req) extract_cookie(response, uri, login) # Check for signs that the server wants us to authenticate password = nil if login == 'autoreg' password = 'mypassword' end # nVentory will redirect to the login controller if authentication is # required. The scheme and port in the redirect location could be either # the standard server or the https variant, depending on whether or not # the server administration has turned on the ssl_requirement plugin. if response.kind_of?(Net::HTTPFound) && response['Location'] && URI.parse(response['Location']).host == URI.parse(@server).host && URI.parse(response['Location']).path == URI.join(@server, 'login/login').path puts "Server responsed with redirect to nVentory login: #{response['Location']}" if (@debug) loginuri = URI.parse(response['Location']) ####################### Fix by darrendao - force it to use https ########################## # This is needed because if you're not usign https, then you will get # redirected to https login page, rather than being logged in. So the check down there will # will. loginuri.scheme = 'https' loginuri = URI.parse(loginuri.to_s) ############################################################################################ loginreq = if password_callback.kind_of?(Module) password = password_callback.get_password if (!password) else password = password_callback if !password end loginreq.set_form_data({'login' => login, 'password' => password}) # Include the cookies so the server doesn't have to generate another # session for us. loginreq['Cookie'] = cookiestring loginresponse = make_http(loginuri).request(loginreq) if @debug puts "nVentory auth POST response (#{loginresponse.code}):" if loginresponse.body.strip.empty? puts '' else puts loginresponse.body end end # The server always sends back a 302 redirect in response to a login # attempt. You get redirected back to the login page if your login # failed, or redirected to your original page or the main page if the # login succeeded. if loginresponse.kind_of?(Net::HTTPFound) && URI.parse(loginresponse['Location']).path != loginuri.path puts "Authentication against nVentory server succeeded" if (@debug) extract_cookie(loginresponse, loginuri, login) puts "Resending original request now that we've authenticated" if (@debug) return send_request(req, uri, login, password_callback) else puts "Authentication against nVentory server failed" if (@debug) end end # An SSO-enabled app will redirect to SSO if authentication is required if response.kind_of?(Net::HTTPFound) && response['Location'] && URI.parse(response['Location']).host == URI.parse(@sso_server).host puts "Server responsed with redirect to SSO login: #{response['Location']}" if (@debug) if login == 'autoreg' loginuri = URI.join(@server, 'login/login') puts "** Login user is 'autoreg'. Changing loginuri to #{loginuri.to_s}" if @debug unless loginuri.scheme == 'https' loginuri.scheme = 'https' loginuri = URI.parse(loginuri.to_s) end else loginuri = URI.parse(response['Location']) end # update the loginuri to the non-redirect uri of sso loginuri.path = '/login' loginuri.query = 'noredirects=1' loginreq = if password_callback.kind_of?(Module) password = password_callback.get_password if (!password) else password = password_callback if !password end loginreq.set_form_data({'login' => login, 'password' => password}) # It probably doesn't matter, but include the cookies again for good # measure loginreq['Cookie'] = cookiestring # Telling the SSO server we want XML back gets responses that are easier # to parse. loginreq['Accept'] = 'application/xml' loginresponse = make_http(loginuri).request(loginreq) # if it's a redirect (such as due to NON-fqdn) loop so that it follows until no further redirect while [Net::HTTPMovedPermanently, Net::HTTPFound].include?(loginresponse.class) if loginresponse.kind_of?(Net::HTTPFound) && loginresponse['Location'] =~ /sso.*\/session\/token.*/ puts "** Found session token" if @debug break end puts "** Following redirect #{loginresponse.class.to_s} => #{loginresponse['Location'].to_s}" if @debug loginuri = URI.parse(loginresponse['Location']) loginreq = loginreq.set_form_data({'login' => login, 'password' => password}) loginresponse = make_http(loginuri).request(loginreq) end # while loginresponse.kind_of?(Net::HTTPMovedPermanently) if @debug puts "AUTH POST response (#{loginresponse.code}):" if loginresponse.body.strip.empty? puts '' else puts loginresponse.body end end # SSO does a number of redirects until you get to the right domain but should just follow once and get the cookie, will become Net::HTTPNotAcceptable (406). if loginresponse.kind_of?(Net::HTTPFound) && loginresponse['Location'] =~ /sso.*\/session\/token.*/ puts "** Following redirect #{loginresponse.class.to_s} => #{loginresponse['Location'].to_s}" if @debug loginuri = URI.parse(loginresponse['Location']) loginreq = loginresponse = make_http(loginuri).request(loginreq) end # The SSO server sends back 200 if authentication succeeds, 401 or 403 # if it does not. if loginresponse.kind_of?(Net::HTTPSuccess) || (loginresponse.kind_of?(Net::HTTPFound) && loginresponse['Location'] =~ /^#{loginuri.scheme}:\/\/#{}\/$/ ) || loginresponse.kind_of?(Net::HTTPNotAcceptable) puts "Authentication against server succeeded" if (@debug) extract_cookie(loginresponse, loginuri, login) puts "Resending original request now that we've authenticated" if (@debug) loopcounter += 1 return send_request(req, uri, login, password_callback, loopcounter,stopflag) else puts "Authentication against server failed" if (@debug) end end response end def xml_to_ruby(xmlnode) # The server includes a hint as to the type of data structure # in the XML data = nil if xmlnode.attributes['type'] == 'array' data = [] xmlnode.elements.each { |child| data << xml_to_ruby(child) } elsif xmlnode.size <= 1 data = xmlnode.text else data = {} xmlnode.elements.each do |child| field = data[field] = xml_to_ruby(child) end end data end # FIXME: Would be really nice to figure out a way to use the Rails inflector def singularize(word) singular = nil # statuses -> status # ip_addresses -> ip_address if (word =~ /(.*s)es$/) singular = $1 # nodes -> node # vips -> vip elsif (word =~ /(.*)s$/) singular = $1 else singular = word end singular end def find_sar path_env = (ENV['PATH'] || "").split(':') other_paths = ["/usr/bin", "/data/svc/sysstat/bin"] sarname = 'sar' (path_env | other_paths).each do |path| if File.executable?(File.join(path, sarname)) return File.join(path, sarname) end end end def get_sar_data(sar_dir=nil, day = nil) sar = find_sar result = [] cmd = nil ENV['LC_TIME']='POSIX' if day cmd = "#{sar} -u -f #{sar_dir}/sa#{day}" else cmd = "#{sar} -u" end output = `#{cmd}` output.split("\n").each do |line| result << line unless line =~ /(average|cpu|%|linux)/i end result end # I'm sure there's a better way to do all of these. However, # I'm just following the way the code was written in Perl. def getcpupercent return nil if !Facter['kernel'] or Facter['kernel'].value != 'Linux' sar_dir = "/var/log/sa" end_time = start_time = end_time - 60*60*3 end_date = end_time.strftime("%d") start_date = start_time.strftime("%d") data_points = [] # all hours in same day so just make list of all hours to look for if end_date == start_date today_sar = get_sar_data return false if today_sar.empty? # We only take avg of last 3 hours (start_time.hour..end_time.hour).each do | hour | hour = "0#{hour}" if hour < 10 today_sar.each do |line| data_points << $1.to_f if line =~ /^#{hour}:.*\s(\S+)$/ end end else today_sar = get_sar_data yesterday_sar = get_sar_data(sar_dir, start_date) return false if today_sar.empty? or yesterday_sar.empty? # Parse today sar data (0..end_time.hour).each do | hour | hour = "0#{hour}" if hour < 10 today_sar.each do |line| data_points << $1.to_f if line =~ /^#{hour}:.*\s(\S+)$/ end end # Parse yesterday sar data (start_time.hour..23).each do | hour | hour = "0#{hour}" if hour < 10 yesterday_sar.each do |line| data_points << $1.to_f if line =~ /^#{hour}:.*\s(\S+)$/ end end end # no data points return nil if data_points.empty? avg = data_points.inject(0.0) { |sum, el| sum + el } / data_points.size # sar reports % idle, so need the opposite result = 100 - avg return result end # This is based on the perl version in def getlogincount # darrendao: Looks like this number has to match up with how often # nventory-client is run in the crontab, otherwise, nventory server ends up # miscalculating the sum... bad... # How many hours of data we need to sample, not to exceed 24h minus_hours = 3 # get unix cmd 'last' content begin content = `last` rescue warn "Failed to run 'last' command" return nil end counter = 0 (0..minus_hours).each do | minus_hour | target_time = - 60*60*minus_hour time_str = target_time.strftime("%b %d %H") content.split("\n").each do |line| counter += 1 if line =~ /#{time_str}/ end end return counter end # This is based on the perl version in def getdiskusage content = "" begin content = `df -k` rescue warn "Failed to run df command" return nil end used_space = 0 avail_space = 0 content.split("\n").each do |line| if line =~ /\s+\d+\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+\d+%\s+\/($|home$)/ used_space += $1.to_i avail_space += $2.to_i end end return {:avail_space => avail_space, :used_space => used_space} end def getvolumes return getmountedvolumes.merge(getservedvolumes) end # This is based on the perl version in def getservedvolumes # only support Linux for now return {} unless Facter['kernel'] && Facter['kernel'].value == 'Linux' # Don't do anything if exports file is not there return {} if !File.exists?("/etc/exports") served = {} IO.foreach("/etc/exports") do |line| if line =~ /(\S+)\s+/ vol = $1 served["volumes[served][#{vol}][config]"] = "/etc/exports" served["volumes[served][#{vol}][type]"] = 'nfs' end end return served end # This is based on the perl version in def getmountedvolumes # only support Linux for now return {} unless Facter['kernel'] && Facter['kernel'].value == 'Linux' dir = "/etc" mounted = {} # AUTOFS - gather only files named auto[._]* Dir.glob(File.join(dir, "*")).each do |file| next if file !~ /^auto[._].*/ # AUTOFS - match only lines that look like nfs syntax such as host:/path IO.foreach(file) do |line| if line =~ /\w:\S/ && line !~ /^\s*#/ # Parse it, Example : " nventory_backup -noatime,intr irvnetappbk:/vol/nventory_backup " if line =~ /^(\w[\w\S]+)\s+\S+\s+(\w[\w\S]+):(\S+)/ mnt = $1 host = $2 vol = $3 mounted["volumes[mounted][/mnt/#{mnt}][config]"] = file mounted["volumes[mounted][/mnt/#{mnt}][volume_server]"] = host mounted["volumes[mounted][/mnt/#{mnt}][volume]"] = vol mounted["volumes[mounted][/mnt/#{mnt}][type]"] = 'nfs' end end end # IO.foreach end # Dir.glob # FSTAB - has diff syntax than AUTOFS. Example: "server:/usr/local/pub /pub nfs rsize=8192,wsize=8192,timeo=14,intr" IO.foreach("/etc/fstab") do |line| if line =~ /^(\w[\w\S]+):(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+nfs/ host = $1 vol = $2 mnt = $3 mounted["volumes[mounted][#{mnt}][config]"] = "/etc/fstab" mounted["volumes[mounted][#{mnt}][volume_server]"] = host mounted["volumes[mounted][#{mnt}][volume]"] = vol mounted["volumes[mounted][#{mnt}][type]"] = 'nfs' end end # IO.foreach return mounted end def getvmstatus # facter virtual makes calls to commands that are under /sbin ENV['PATH'] = "#{ENV['PATH']}:/sbin" vmstatus = `facter virtual` vmstatus.chomp! # extra check to see if we're running kvm hypervisor os = Facter['kernel'].value if os == 'Linux' begin `grep ^kvm /proc/modules` vmstatus = "kvm_host" if $? == 0 rescue warn "Failed to get modules information" end end return vmstatus end # This is based on the perl version in def get_cpu_core_count # only support Linux for now os = Facter['kernel'].value physicalid = nil coreid = nil corecount = nil cores = {} if os == 'Linux' IO.foreach("/proc/cpuinfo") do |line| if line =~ /^processor\s*: (\d+)/ physicalid = nil coreid = nil elsif line =~ /^physical id\s*: (\d+)/ physicalid = $1 elsif line =~ /^core id\s*: (\d+)/ coreid = $1; end if physicalid && coreid cores["#{physicalid}:#{coreid}"] = 1; end end # IO.foreach corecount = cores.size end # if statement return corecount end def get_console_type console_type = nil # only support Linux for now os = Facter['kernel'].value if os == 'Linux' if get_racadm console_type = "Dell DRAC" end end return console_type end def get_drac_info info = {} result = nil racadm = get_racadm begin timeout(10) do cmd = "#{racadm} getsysinfo" result = `#{cmd}` || "" end result.split("\n").each do |line| if line =~ /^Current IP Address\s*=/i info[:ip_address] = line.split("=")[1].strip elsif line =~ /^MAC Address\s*=/i info[:mac_address] = line.split("=")[1].strip elsif line =~ /^DNS RAC Name\s*=/i info[:name] = line.split("=")[1].strip end end rescue Timeout::Error warn "Timed out when trying to get drac info" rescue Exception => e warn e.inspect warn "Failed to get DRAC IP" end return info end def get_racadm path_env = (ENV['PATH'] || "").split(':') other_paths = ["/usr/sbin", "/opt/dell/srvadmin/sbin"] (path_env | other_paths).each do |path| if File.executable?(File.join(path, 'racadm')) return File.join(path, 'racadm') end end return nil end def get_chassis_info chassis_info = {} manufacturer = nil # Only support Dell hardware for now if Facter['manufacturer'] && Facter['manufacturer'].value manufacturer = Facter['manufacturer'].value if manufacturer =~ /Dell/ chassis_info = get_dell_chassis_info end end return chassis_info end # call Dell's omreport command to get service tag # of the chassis, and the slot value of where the # given node resides in. Result is stored in hash with # service_tag and slot_num as the keys def get_dell_chassis_info ENV['PATH'] = "#{ENV['PATH']}:/opt/dell/srvadmin/bin/" chassis = {} result = nil begin #result = `omreport modularenclosure -fmt ssv` #result.split("\n").each do |line| # if line =~ /Service Tag/ # chassis[:service_tag] = line.split(";")[1].strip # break # end #end timeout(5) do result = `omreport chassis info -fmt ssv` end result.split("\n").each do |line| if line =~ /Server Module Location;Slot (\d+)/ chassis[:slot_num] = $1.to_i elsif line =~ /Chassis Service Tag/ chassis[:service_tag] = line.split(";")[1].strip end end # if no slot_number then the blade isn't really in a chassis/blade enclosure # such as the case with Dell PowerEdge 1950 return {} if chassis[:slot_num].nil? rescue Timeout::Error warn "Timed out when trying to run omreport" rescue warn "Failed to run/parse Dell's omreport command" end return chassis end # Currently, the only info this method gathers is the info # of the guests running on this kvm host def get_kvm_hostinfo guests = {} begin result = `virsh list --all` result.split("\n").each do |line| if line =~ /(\d+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)/ guest_hostname = $2 guests[guest_hostname] = get_kvm_guest_info(guest_hostname) end end rescue warn "Failed to run/parse virsh command" end return guests end # Currently, the only info this method gathers is the # image size def get_kvm_guest_info(guest) info = {} result = `virsh dumpxml #{guest}` result.split("\n").each do |line| if line =~ /source file='(.+)'/ img_path = $1 if File.exists?(img_path) # nVentory expects the value to be in KB info['vmimg_size'] = File.stat(img_path).size.to_i / 1024 # how to calculate this? # info['vmspace_used'] = ??? end end end return info.clone end # Most of the code in this method are based on the code of the # perl nVentory client def get_nic_info info = {} os = Facter['kernel'].value # only support Linux right now return info if os != 'Linux' nic = nil result = `/sbin/ifconfig -a` result.split("\n").each do |line| if line =~ /^(\w+\S+)/ nic = $1 info[nic] = {} end if line =~ /(?:HWaddr|ether) ([\da-fA-F:]+)/ info[nic][:hardware_address] = $1 if line =~ /ether/i info[nic][:interface_type] = 'Ethernet' end elsif line =~ /^\s+UP / || line =~ /flags=.*UP,/ info[nic][:up] = 1 end end # Get additional info info.each do |nic, nic_info| next if nic_info[:interface_type] != 'Ethernet' next if nic =~ /virbr|veth|vif|peth/ result = `/sbin/ethtool #{nic}` result.split("\n").each do |line| if line =~ /Speed: (\d+)Mb/ nic_info[:speed] = $1 elsif line =~ /Duplex: (\w+)/ ($1.downcase == 'full')? nic_info[:full_duplex] = 1 : nic_info[:full_duplex] = 0 elsif line =~ /Advertised auto-negotiation: (.*)/ ($1.downcase == 'yes')? nic_info[:autonegotiate] = 1 : nic_info[:autonegotiate] = 0 elsif line =~ /Link detected: (\w+)/ ($1.downcase == 'yes')? nic_info[:link] = 1: nic_info[:link] = 0 end end end return info end end