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\n Important\n


\n This publication was withdrawn on 7 March 2014.\n

" }, { "name": "paragraph as html heading", "options": { "html": "

You have 9 days to send a response.

\n" }, "hidden": false, "description": "", "previewLayoutModifiers": [], "screenshot": false, "html": "

\n Important\n


You have 9 days to send a response.

" }, { "name": "with text as html", "options": { "html": "

\n This publication was withdrawn on 7 March 2014\n


\n Archived and replaced by the new planning guidance launched 6 March 2014 on an external website\n

\n" }, "hidden": false, "description": "", "previewLayoutModifiers": [], "screenshot": false, "html": "

\n Important\n


\n This publication was withdrawn on 7 March 2014\n


\n Archived and replaced by the new planning guidance launched 6 March 2014 on an external website\n

" }, { "name": "with type as success", "options": { "type": "success", "text": "Email sent to example@email.com" }, "hidden": false, "description": "", "previewLayoutModifiers": [], "screenshot": false, "html": "

\n Success\n


\n Email sent to example@email.com\n

" }, { "name": "success with custom html", "options": { "type": "success", "html": "

\n 4 files uploaded\n

\n\n" }, "hidden": false, "description": "", "previewLayoutModifiers": [], "screenshot": false, "html": "

\n Success\n


\n 4 files uploaded\n

\n \n
" }, { "name": "with a list", "options": { "html": "

4 files uploaded

\n\n" }, "hidden": false, "description": "", "previewLayoutModifiers": [], "screenshot": false, "html": "

\n Important\n


4 files uploaded

\n \n
" }, { "name": "with long heading", "options": { "text": "This publication was withdrawn on 7 March 2014, before being sent in, sent back, queried, lost, found, subjected to public inquiry, lost again, and finally buried in soft peat for three months and recycled as firelighters." }, "hidden": false, "description": "", "previewLayoutModifiers": [], "screenshot": false, "html": "

\n Important\n


\n This publication was withdrawn on 7 March 2014, before being sent in, sent back, queried, lost, found, subjected to public inquiry, lost again, and finally buried in soft peat for three months and recycled as firelighters.\n

" }, { "name": "with lots of content", "options": { "html": "

\n Check if you need to apply the reverse charge to this application\n


\n You will have to apply the reverse charge if the applicant supplies any of these services:\n

\n\n" }, "hidden": false, "description": "", "previewLayoutModifiers": [], "screenshot": false, "html": "

\n Important\n


\n Check if you need to apply the reverse charge to this application\n


\n You will have to apply the reverse charge if the applicant supplies any of these services:\n

\n \n
" }, { "name": "auto-focus disabled, with type as success", "options": { "type": "success", "disableAutoFocus": true, "text": "Email sent to example@email.com" }, "hidden": false, "description": "", "previewLayoutModifiers": [], "screenshot": false, "html": "

\n Success\n


\n Email sent to example@email.com\n

" }, { "name": "auto-focus explicitly enabled, with type as success", "options": { "type": "success", "disableAutoFocus": false, "text": "Email sent to example@email.com" }, "hidden": false, "description": "", "previewLayoutModifiers": [], "screenshot": false, "html": "

\n Success\n


\n Email sent to example@email.com\n

" }, { "name": "role=alert overridden to role=region, with type as success", "options": { "type": "success", "role": "region", "text": "Email sent to example@email.com" }, "hidden": false, "description": "", "previewLayoutModifiers": [], "screenshot": false, "html": "

\n Success\n


\n Email sent to example@email.com\n

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\n Success\n


\n Email sent to example@email.com\n

" }, { "name": "custom title", "options": { "titleText": "Important information", "text": "This publication was withdrawn on 7 March 2014." }, "hidden": true, "description": "", "previewLayoutModifiers": [], "screenshot": false, "html": "

\n Important information\n


\n This publication was withdrawn on 7 March 2014.\n

" }, { "name": "title as html", "options": { "titleHtml": "Important information", "text": "This publication was withdrawn on 7 March 2014." }, "hidden": true, "description": "", "previewLayoutModifiers": [], "screenshot": false, "html": "

\n Important information\n


\n This publication was withdrawn on 7 March 2014.\n

" }, { "name": "title html as text", "options": { "titleText": "Important information", "text": "This publication was withdrawn on 7 March 2014." }, "hidden": true, "description": "", "previewLayoutModifiers": [], "screenshot": false, "html": "

\n <span>Important information</span>\n


\n This publication was withdrawn on 7 March 2014.\n

" }, { "name": "custom title heading level", "options": { "titleHeadingLevel": 3, "text": "This publication was withdrawn on 7 March 2014." }, "hidden": true, "description": "", "previewLayoutModifiers": [], "screenshot": false, "html": "

\n Important\n


\n This publication was withdrawn on 7 March 2014.\n

" }, { "name": "custom title id", "options": { "titleId": "my-id", "text": "This publication was withdrawn on 7 March 2014." }, "hidden": true, "description": "", "previewLayoutModifiers": [], "screenshot": false, "html": "

\n Important\n


\n This publication was withdrawn on 7 March 2014.\n

" }, { "name": "custom title id with type as success", "options": { "type": "success", "titleId": "my-id", "text": "Email sent to example@email.com" }, "hidden": true, "description": "", "previewLayoutModifiers": [], "screenshot": false, "html": "

\n Success\n


\n Email sent to example@email.com\n

" }, { "name": "custom text", "options": { "text": "This publication was withdrawn on 7 March 2014." }, "hidden": true, "description": "", "previewLayoutModifiers": [], "screenshot": false, "html": "

\n Important\n


\n This publication was withdrawn on 7 March 2014.\n

" }, { "name": "html as text", "options": { "text": "This publication was withdrawn on 7 March 2014." }, "hidden": true, "description": "", "previewLayoutModifiers": [], "screenshot": false, "html": "

\n Important\n


\n <span>This publication was withdrawn on 7 March 2014.</span>\n

" }, { "name": "custom role", "options": { "role": "banner", "text": "This publication was withdrawn on 7 March 2014." }, "hidden": true, "description": "", "previewLayoutModifiers": [], "screenshot": false, "html": "

\n Important\n


\n This publication was withdrawn on 7 March 2014.\n

" }, { "name": "classes", "options": { "text": "This publication was withdrawn on 7 March 2014.", "classes": "app-my-class" }, "hidden": true, "description": "", "previewLayoutModifiers": [], "screenshot": false, "html": "

\n Important\n


\n This publication was withdrawn on 7 March 2014.\n

" }, { "name": "attributes", "options": { "text": "This publication was withdrawn on 7 March 2014.", "attributes": { "my-attribute": "value" } }, "hidden": true, "description": "", "previewLayoutModifiers": [], "screenshot": false, "html": "

\n Important\n


\n This publication was withdrawn on 7 March 2014.\n

" }, { "name": "with invalid type", "options": { "type": "some-type", "text": "This publication was withdrawn on 7 March 2014." }, "hidden": true, "description": "", "previewLayoutModifiers": [], "screenshot": false, "html": "

\n Important\n


\n This publication was withdrawn on 7 March 2014.\n

" } ] }