require 'test_helper' class ForTagTest < Test::Unit::TestCase include Liquid def test_for assert_template_result(' yo yo yo yo ','{%for item in array%} yo {%endfor%}','array' => [1,2,3,4]) assert_template_result('yoyo','{%for item in array%}yo{%endfor%}','array' => [1,2]) assert_template_result(' yo ','{%for item in array%} yo {%endfor%}','array' => [1]) assert_template_result('','{%for item in array%}{%endfor%}','array' => [1,2]) expected = <<HERE yo yo yo HERE template = <<HERE {%for item in array%} yo {%endfor%} HERE assert_template_result(expected,template,'array' => [1,2,3]) end def test_for_reversed assigns = {'array' => [ 1, 2, 3] } assert_template_result('321','{%for item in array reversed %}{{item}}{%endfor%}',assigns) end def test_for_with_range assert_template_result(' 1 2 3 ','{%for item in (1..3) %} {{item}} {%endfor%}') end def test_for_with_variable assert_template_result(' 1 2 3 ','{%for item in array%} {{item}} {%endfor%}','array' => [1,2,3]) assert_template_result('123','{%for item in array%}{{item}}{%endfor%}','array' => [1,2,3]) assert_template_result('123','{% for item in array %}{{item}}{% endfor %}','array' => [1,2,3]) assert_template_result('abcd','{%for item in array%}{{item}}{%endfor%}','array' => ['a','b','c','d']) assert_template_result('a b c','{%for item in array%}{{item}}{%endfor%}','array' => ['a',' ','b',' ','c']) assert_template_result('abc','{%for item in array%}{{item}}{%endfor%}','array' => ['a','','b','','c']) end def test_for_helpers assigns = {'array' => [1,2,3] } assert_template_result(' 1/3 2/3 3/3 ', '{%for item in array%} {{forloop.index}}/{{forloop.length}} {%endfor%}', assigns) assert_template_result(' 1 2 3 ', '{%for item in array%} {{forloop.index}} {%endfor%}', assigns) assert_template_result(' 0 1 2 ', '{%for item in array%} {{forloop.index0}} {%endfor%}', assigns) assert_template_result(' 2 1 0 ', '{%for item in array%} {{forloop.rindex0}} {%endfor%}', assigns) assert_template_result(' 3 2 1 ', '{%for item in array%} {{forloop.rindex}} {%endfor%}', assigns) assert_template_result(' true false false ', '{%for item in array%} {{forloop.first}} {%endfor%}', assigns) assert_template_result(' false false true ', '{%for item in array%} {{forloop.last}} {%endfor%}', assigns) end def test_for_and_if assigns = {'array' => [1,2,3] } assert_template_result('+--', '{%for item in array%}{% if forloop.first %}+{% else %}-{% endif %}{%endfor%}', assigns) end def test_for_else assert_template_result('+++', '{%for item in array%}+{%else%}-{%endfor%}', 'array'=>[1,2,3]) assert_template_result('-', '{%for item in array%}+{%else%}-{%endfor%}', 'array'=>[]) assert_template_result('-', '{%for item in array%}+{%else%}-{%endfor%}', 'array'=>nil) end def test_sorting assigns = {'array' => [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0]} assert_template_result('0123456789', '{%for i in array order:ascending %}{{ i }}{%endfor%}', assigns) assert_template_result('9876543210', '{%for i in array order:descending %}{{ i }}{%endfor%}', assigns) assert_template_result('765', '{%for i in array order:descending offset:2 limit:3 %}{{ i }}{%endfor%}', assigns) assigns = {'array' => [{"name" => 'A', "count" => '3'}, {"name" => 'C', "count" => '1'}, {"name" => 'B', "count" => '2'}]} assert_template_result('A|B|C|', '{%for i in array sort_by:name %}{{ i["name"] }}|{%endfor%}', assigns) assert_template_result('C|B|A|', '{%for i in array sort_by:name order:descending %}{{ i["name"] }}|{%endfor%}', assigns) assert_template_result('1|2|3|', '{%for i in array sort_by:count %}{{ i["count"] }}|{%endfor%}', assigns) assert_template_result('A|C|B|', '{%for i in array sort_by:missing_attribute %}{{ i["name"] }}|{%endfor%}', assigns) end def test_limiting assigns = {'array' => [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0]} assert_template_result('12', '{%for i in array limit:2 %}{{ i }}{%endfor%}', assigns) assert_template_result('1234', '{%for i in array limit:4 %}{{ i }}{%endfor%}', assigns) assert_template_result('3456', '{%for i in array limit:4 offset:2 %}{{ i }}{%endfor%}', assigns) assert_template_result('3456', '{%for i in array limit: 4 offset: 2 %}{{ i }}{%endfor%}', assigns) end def test_dynamic_variable_limiting assigns = {'array' => [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0]} assigns['limit'] = 2 assigns['offset'] = 2 assert_template_result('34', '{%for i in array limit: limit offset: offset %}{{ i }}{%endfor%}', assigns) end def test_nested_for assigns = {'array' => [[1,2],[3,4],[5,6]] } assert_template_result('123456', '{%for item in array%}{%for i in item%}{{ i }}{%endfor%}{%endfor%}', assigns) end def test_offset_only assigns = {'array' => [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0]} assert_template_result('890', '{%for i in array offset:7 %}{{ i }}{%endfor%}', assigns) end def test_pause_resume assigns = {'array' => {'items' => [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0]}} markup = <<-MKUP {%for i in array.items limit: 3 %}{{i}}{%endfor%} next {%for i in array.items offset:continue limit: 3 %}{{i}}{%endfor%} next {%for i in array.items offset:continue limit: 3 %}{{i}}{%endfor%} MKUP expected = <<-XPCTD 123 next 456 next 789 XPCTD assert_template_result(expected,markup,assigns) end def test_pause_resume_limit assigns = {'array' => {'items' => [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0]}} markup = <<-MKUP {%for i in array.items limit:3 %}{{i}}{%endfor%} next {%for i in array.items offset:continue limit:3 %}{{i}}{%endfor%} next {%for i in array.items offset:continue limit:1 %}{{i}}{%endfor%} MKUP expected = <<-XPCTD 123 next 456 next 7 XPCTD assert_template_result(expected,markup,assigns) end def test_pause_resume_BIG_limit assigns = {'array' => {'items' => [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0]}} markup = <<-MKUP {%for i in array.items limit:3 %}{{i}}{%endfor%} next {%for i in array.items offset:continue limit:3 %}{{i}}{%endfor%} next {%for i in array.items offset:continue limit:1000 %}{{i}}{%endfor%} MKUP expected = <<-XPCTD 123 next 456 next 7890 XPCTD assert_template_result(expected,markup,assigns) end def test_pause_resume_BIG_offset assigns = {'array' => {'items' => [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0]}} markup = %q({%for i in array.items limit:3 %}{{i}}{%endfor%} next {%for i in array.items offset:continue limit:3 %}{{i}}{%endfor%} next {%for i in array.items offset:continue limit:3 offset:1000 %}{{i}}{%endfor%}) expected = %q(123 next 456 next ) assert_template_result(expected,markup,assigns) end def test_for_tag_string # ruby 1.8.7 "String".each => Enumerator with single "String" element. # ruby 1.9.3 no longer supports .each on String though we mimic # the functionality for backwards compatibility assert_template_result('test string', '{%for val in string%}{{val}}{%endfor%}', 'string' => "test string") assert_template_result('test string', '{%for val in string limit:1%}{{val}}{%endfor%}', 'string' => "test string") assert_template_result('val-string-1-1-0-1-0-true-true-test string', '{%for val in string%}' + '{{}}-' + '{{forloop.index}}-' + '{{forloop.length}}-' + '{{forloop.index0}}-' + '{{forloop.rindex}}-' + '{{forloop.rindex0}}-' + '{{forloop.first}}-' + '{{forloop.last}}-' + '{{val}}{%endfor%}', 'string' => "test string") end def test_blank_string_not_iterable assert_template_result('', "{% for char in characters %}I WILL NOT BE OUTPUT{% endfor %}", 'characters' => '') end end