require 'monitor' Module.class_eval do def cache_method *methods DeclarativeCache.cache_method self, *methods end def cache_method_with_params *methods DeclarativeCache.cache_method_with_params self, *methods end end class Object def clear_cache instance_variables.each do |iv| remove_instance_variable iv if iv =~ /_cache$/ or iv =~ /_cache_check$/ end end end module DeclarativeCache DISABLED = false warn "CASHE DISABLED" if DISABLED unless DISABLED class << self def cache_method klass, *methods methods.each do |method| klass.class_eval do escaped_method = escape_method(method) method_with_cache, method_without_cache = "#{escaped_method}_with_cache".to_sym, "#{escaped_method}_without_cache".to_sym iv_check = "@#{escaped_method}_cache_check" iv = "@#{escaped_method}_cache" if instance_methods.include?(method_with_cache) or instance_methods.include?(method_without_cache) warn "can't cache the :#{method} twice!" else alias_method method_without_cache, method define_method method_with_cache do |*args| raise "You tried to use cache without params for method with params (use 'cache_method_with_params' instead)!" unless args.empty? unless cached = instance_variable_get(iv) unless check = instance_variable_get(iv_check) cached = send method_without_cache instance_variable_set iv, cached instance_variable_set iv_check, true end end cached end alias_method method, method_with_cache end end end end def cache_method_with_params klass, *methods methods.each do |method| klass.class_eval do escaped_method = escape_method(method) method_with_cache, method_without_cache = "#{escaped_method}_with_cache".to_sym, "#{escaped_method}_without_cache".to_sym iv_check = "@#{escaped_method}_cache_check" iv = "@#{escaped_method}_cache" if instance_methods.include?(method_with_cache) or instance_methods.include?(method_without_cache) warn "can't cache the :#{method} twice!" else alias_method method_without_cache, method define_method method_with_cache do |*args| unless results = instance_variable_get(iv) results = instance_variable_set iv, results end result = results[args] if result.equal? NotDefined result = send method_without_cache, *args results[args] = result end result end alias_method method, method_with_cache end end end end end end end