#!/usr/bin/env ruby # This is a command line executable installed as part of the umlaut gem. # All it does is install a new umlaut rails app, by simply running # 'rails new' with certain arguments, and the umlaut rails application # template. The rails application template basically just runs the # umlaut generator. # Add the lib path from the copy of Umlaut we're in to the load path, so we # can find umlaut/version. Normally when run from rubygems not neccesary, # but helpful in testing running from a checked out copy. umlaut_lib = File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../lib') $LOAD_PATH.unshift(umlaut_lib) if File.directory?(umlaut_lib) && !$LOAD_PATH.include?(umlaut_lib) require 'optparse' require 'ostruct' require 'shellwords' # We intentionally do NOT `require 'umlaut'` here, no need to load it all, but # we need the version and RAILS_COMPAT_SPEC require 'umlaut/version' def run options = parse_options! command = command_line( options ) puts "\n" if options.umlaut_path # Only way to pass arg to the generator is with an ENV variable, needs # to be ABSOLUTE path, cause relative will end up relative to generated # Gemfile, not current command CWD. expanded = File.expand_path options.umlaut_path ENV["UMLAUT_GEM_PATH"] = expanded puts "UMLAUT_GEM_PATH=#{expanded}" end puts "#{command}\n\n" success = system command if success post_install_message! else puts "\nError installing Umlaut app.\n\n" end end def command_line(options) umlaut_template_path = File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../lib/generators/umlaut_app_template.rb') return "rails _#{options.rails_version}_ new #{options.app_path} -d mysql --skip-spring -m #{umlaut_template_path}" end def parse_options! options = OpenStruct.new parser = OptionParser.new do |opts| opts.banner = "Usage: umlaut your_app_name [--umlaut-path PATH]" opts.separator "" opts.separator "Umlaut #{Umlaut::VERSION}" opts.separator "" opts.separator "Specific options:" opts.on("-u", "--umlaut-path PATH", "Gemfile :path to local umlaut") do |umlaut_path| options.umlaut_path = umlaut_path end opts.on("-r", "--rails-version VERSION", "Rails version to use to install") do |rails_version| options.rails_version = rails_version end opts.on_tail("-h", "--help", "Show this message") do $stderr.puts opts exit end end begin parser.parse! rescue OptionParser::InvalidOption, OptionParser::MissingArgument => e $stderr.puts "\n#{e.message}\n\n" $stderr.puts parser exit 1 end options.app_path = ARGV.first if options.app_path.nil? || options.app_path.empty? $stderr.puts "\nNo application name provided!\n\n" $stderr.puts parser exit 1 elsif File.basename(options.app_path) == "umlaut" $stderr.puts "\nYour umlaut rails app can not be called 'umlaut'\n\n" $stderr.puts parser exit 1 end unless options.rails_version # Trick bundler into telling us the most recent installed # version of Rails compatible with this version of Umlaut gem 'rails', *Umlaut::RAILS_COMPAT_SPEC require 'rails/version' options.rails_version = Rails::VERSION::STRING end return options end def word_wrap(text, options = {}) line_width = options.fetch(:line_width, 80) indent = options.fetch(:indent, 0).to_i indent_str = " " * indent lines = text.split("\n").collect! do |line| line.length > line_width ? line.gsub(/(.{1,#{line_width}})(\s+|$)/, "\\1\n").strip : line end.join("\n").split("\n") indent_str + lines.join("\n#{indent_str}") + "\n" end def post_install_message! $stdout.puts "\n#{" " * 8}Umlaut installed, now:\n\n" $stdout.puts word_wrap("After setting up your 'development' database in `config/databases.yml`, run `rake db:migrate`", :line_width => 70, :indent => 8) $stdout.puts "\n" $stdout.puts word_wrap("Then configure your app in `config/umlaut_services.yml` and `app/controllers/umlaut_controller.rb`", :line_width => 70, :indent => 8) $stdout.puts "\n" end run