!% $SMALL ! This is ICL, not a comment. !% -w !% A comprehensive test of Inform6Lexer. Switches d2SDq; Constant Story "Informal Testing"; Constant Headline "^Not a game.^";!% This is a comment, not ICL. Release 2; Serial "140308"; Version 5; Ifndef TARGET_ZCODE; Ifndef TARGET_GLULX; Ifndef WORDSIZE; Default WORDSIZE 2; Constant TARGET_ZCODE; Endif; Endif; Endif; Ifv3; Message "Compiling to version 3"; Endif; Ifv5; Message "Not compiling to version 3"; endif; ifdef TARGET_ZCODE; #IFTRUE (#version_number == 5); Message "Compiling to version 5"; #ENDIF; endif ; Replace CreatureTest; Include "Parser"; Include "VerbLib"; # ! A hash is optional at the top level. Object kitchen "Kitchen" with description "You are in a kitchen.", arr 1 2 3 4, has light; #[ Initialise; location = kitchen; print "v"; inversion; "^"; ]; Ifdef VN_1633; Replace IsSeeThrough IsSeeThroughOrig; [ IsSeeThrough * o; return o hasnt opaque || IsSeeThroughOrig(o); ]; Endif; Abbreviate "test"; Array table buffer 260; Attribute reversed; Attribute opaque alias locked; Constant to reversed; Property long additive additive long alias; Property long long long wingspan alias alias; Class Flier with wingspan 5; Class Bird(10) has animate class Flier with wingspan 2; Constant Constant1; Constant Constant2 Constant1; Constant Constant3 = Constant2; Ifdef VN_1633; Undef Constant; Endif; Ifdef VN_1633; Dictionary 'word' 1 2; Ifnot; Dictionary dict_word "word"; Endif; Fake_action NotReal; Global global1; Global global2 = 69105; Lowstring low_string "low string"; Iftrue false; Message error "Uh-oh!^~false~ shouldn't be ~true~."; Endif; Iffalse true; Message fatalerror "Uh-oh!^~true~ shouldn't be ~false~."; Endif; Nearby person "person" with name 'person', description "This person is barely implemented.", life [ * x y z; Ask: print_ret (The) self, " says nothing."; Answer: print (The) self, " didn't say anything.^"; rfalse; ] has has animate transparent; Object -> -> test_tube "test tube" with name 'test' "tube" 'testtube', has ~openable ~opaque container; Bird -> pigeon with name 'pigeon', description [; "The pigeon has a wingspan of ", self.&wingspan-->0, " wing units."; ]; Object -> "thimble" with name 'thimble'; Object -> pebble "pebble" with name 'pebble'; Ifdef TARGET_ZCODE; Trace objects; Endif; Statusline score; Stub StubR 3; Ifdef TARGET_ZCODE; Zcharacter "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" "123456789.,!?_#'0/@{005C}-:()"; Zcharacter table '@!!' '@<<' '@'A'; Zcharacter table + '@AE' '@{dc}' '@et' '@:y'; Ifnot; Ifdef TARGET_GLULX; Message "Glulx doesn't use ~Zcharacter~.^Oh well."; ! '~' and '^' work here. Ifnot; Message warning "Uh-oh! ^~^"; ! They don't work in other Messages. Endif; Endif; Include "Grammar"; Verb"acquire"'collect'='take'; [ NounFilter; return noun ofclass Bird; ]; [ ScopeFilter obj; switch (scope_stage) { 1: rtrue; 2: objectloop (obj in compass) PlaceInScope(obj); 3: "Nothing is in scope."; } ]; Verb meta "t" 'test' * 'held' held -> TestHeld * number -> TestNumber * reversed -> TestAttribute * 'creature' creature -> TestCreature * 'multiheld' multiheld -> TestMultiheld * 'm' multiexcept 'into'/"in" noun -> TestMultiexcept * 'm' multiinside 'from' noun -> TestMultiinside * multi -> TestMulti * 'filter'/'f' noun=NounFilter -> TestNounFilter * 'filter'/'f' scope=ScopeFilter -> TestScopeFilter * 'special' special -> TestSpecial * topic -> TestTopic; Verb 'reverse' 'swap' 'exchange' * held 'for' noun -> reverse * noun 'with' noun -> reverse reverse; Extend "t" last * noun -> TestNoun; Extend 't' first * -> Test; Extend 'wave' replace * -> NewWave; Extend only 'feel' 'touch' replace * noun -> Feel; [ TestSub a b o; string 25 low_string; print "Test what?> "; table->0 = 260; parse->0 = 61; #Ifdef TARGET_ZCODE; read buffer parse; #Ifnot; ! TARGET_GLULX KeyboardPrimitive(buffer, parse); #Endif; ! TARGET_ switch (parse-->1) { 'save': #Ifdef TARGET_ZCODE; #Ifv3; @save ?saved; #Ifnot; save saved; #Endif; #Endif; print "Saving failed.^"; 'restore': #Ifdef TARGET_ZCODE; restore saved; #Endif; print "Restoring failed.^"; 'restart': @restart; 'quit', 'q//': quit; return 2; rtrue; rfalse; return; 'print', 'p//': print "Print:^", " (string): ", (string) "xyzzy^", " (number): ", (number) 123, "^", " (char): ", (char) 'x', "^", " (address): ", (address) 'plugh//p', "^", " (The): ", (The) person, "^", " (the): ", (the) person, "^", " (A): ", (A) person, "^", " (a): ", (a) person, "^", " (an): ", (an) person, "^", " (name): ", (name) person, "^", " (object): ", (object) person, "^", " (property): ", (property) alias, "^", " (): ", (LanguageNumber) 123, "^", " : ", a * 2 - 1, "^", " (): ", (a + person), "^"; print "Escapes:^", " by mnemonic: @!! @<< @'A @AE @et @:y^", " by decimal value: @@64 @@126^", " by Unicode value: @{DC}@{002b}^", " by string variable: @25^"; 'font', 'style': font off; print "font off^"; font on; print "font on^"; style reverse; print "style reverse^"; style roman; style bold; print "style bold^"; style underline; print "style underline^"; style fixed; print "style fixed^"; style roman; print "style roman^"; 'statements': spaces 8; objectloop (o) { print "objectloop (o): ", (the) o, "^"; } objectloop (o in compass) { ! 'in' is a keyword print "objectloop (o in compass): ", (the) o, "^"; } objectloop (o in compass && true) { ! 'in' is an operator print "objectloop (o in compass && true): ", (the) o, "^"; } objectloop (o from se_obj) { print "objectloop (o from se_obj): ", (the) o, "^"; } objectloop (o near person) { print "objectloop (o near person): ", (the) o, "^"; } #Ifdef TARGET_ZCODE; #Trace assembly on; @ ! This is assembly. add -4 ($$1+$3)*2 -> b; @get_sibling test_tube -> b ?saved; @inc [b]; @je sp (1+3*0) ? equal; @je 1 ((sp)) ?~ different; .! This is a label: equal; print "sp == 1^"; jump label; .different; print "sp @@126= 1^"; .label; #Trace off; #Endif; ! TARGET_ZCODE a = random(10); switch (a) { 1, 9: box "Testing oneself is best when done alone." " -- Jimmy Carter"; 2, 6, to, 3 to 5, to to to: ; #Ifdef VN_1633; ; #Endif; a = ##Drop; < ! The angle brackets may be separated by whitespace. < (a) pigeon > >; default: do { give person general ~general; } until (person provides life && ~~false); if (a == 7) a = 4; else a = 5; } 'expressions': a = 1+1-1*1/1%1&1|1&&1||1==(1~=(1>(1<(1>=(1<=1))))); a++; ++a; a--; --a; a = person.life; a = kitchen.&arr; a = kitchen.#arr; a = Bird::wingspan; a = kitchen has general; a = kitchen hasnt general; a = kitchen provides arr; a = person in kitchen; a = person notin kitchen; a = person ofclass Bird; a = a == 0 or 1; a = StubR(); a = StubR(a); a = StubR(, a); a = "string"; a = 'word'; a = '''; ! character a = $09afAF; a = $$01; a = ##Eat; a = #a$Eat; a = #g$self; a = #n$!word; a = #r$StubR; a = #dict_par1; default: for (a = 2, b = a; (a < buffer->1 + 2) && (Bird::wingspan): ++a, b--) { print (char) buffer->a; } new_line; for (::) break; } .saved;; ]; [ TestNumberSub; print_ret parsed_number, " is ", (number) parsed_number, "."; ]; [ TestAttributeSub; print_ret (The) noun, " has been reversed."; ]; [ CreatureTest obj; return obj has animate; ]; [ TestCreatureSub; print_ret (The) noun, " is a creature."; ]; [ TestMultiheldSub; print_ret "You are holding ", (the) noun, "."; ]; [ TestMultiexceptSub; "You test ", (the) noun, " with ", (the) second, "."; ]; [ TestMultiinsideSub; "You test ", (the) noun, " from ", (the) second, "."; ]; [ TestMultiSub; print_ret (The) noun, " is a thing."; ]; [ TestNounFilterSub; print_ret (The) noun, " is a bird."; ]; [ TestScopeFilterSub; print_ret (The) noun, " is a direction."; ]; [ TestSpecialSub; "Your lucky number is ", parsed_number, "."; ]; [ TestTopicSub; "You discuss a topic."; ]; [ TestNounSub; "That is ", (a) noun, "."; ]; [ TestHeldSub; "You are holding ", (a) noun, "."; ]; [ NewWaveSub; "That would be foolish."; ]; [ FeelSub; print_ret (The) noun, " feels normal."; ]; [ ReverseSub from; from = parent(noun); move noun to parent(second); if (from == to) move second to to; else move second to from; give noun to; from = to; give second from; "You swap ", (the) noun, " and ", (the) second, "."; ]; End: The End directive ends the source code.