require 'dry/system/magic_comments_parser' RSpec.describe Dry::System::MagicCommentsParser, '.call' do let(:file_name) { SPEC_ROOT.join('fixtures/magic_comments/comments.rb') } let(:comments) { described_class.(file_name) } it 'makes comment names available as symbols' do expect(comments.key?(:valid_comment)).to eql true end it 'finds magic comments after other commented lines or blank lines' do expect(comments[:valid_comment]).to eq 'hello' end it 'does not match comments with invalid names' do expect(comments.values).not_to include 'value for comment using dashes' end it 'supports comment names with alpha-numeric characters and underscores (numbers not allowed for first character)' do expect(comments[:comment_123]).to eq 'alpha-numeric and underscores allowed' expect(comments.keys).not_to include(:"123_will_not_match") end it 'only matches comments at the start of the line' do expect(comments.key?(:not_at_start_of_line)).to eql false end it 'does not match any comments after any lines of code' do expect(comments.key?(:after_code)).to eql false end describe 'coercions' do it 'coerces "true" to true' do expect(comments[:true_comment]).to eq true end it 'coerces "false" to false' do expect(comments[:false_comment]).to eq false end end end