module FlashSDK ## # The AsDoc executable is a wrapper around the Flex SDK binary of the same name. # # Following is a simple example of the asdoc Rake task: # # desc "Generate documentation at <%= doc %>/" # asdoc 'doc' do |t| # t.doc_sources << 'src' # # # Exclude test main file # t.exclude_sources << 'src/' # end # # @see CompilerBase # class AsDoc < CompilerBase ## # The default prefix for shell params. set :default_prefix, '-' ## # The the Ruby file that will load the expected # Sprout::Specification. # # Default value is 'flex4' # set :pkg_name, 'flex4' ## # The default pkg version # set :pkg_version, ">= #{FlashSDK::VERSION}" ## # The default executable target. # set :executable, :asdoc ## # Boolean specifies whether to include the date in the footer. add_param :date_in_footer, Boolean ## # List of source file to include in the documentation. add_param :doc_sources, Files add_param_alias :ds, :doc_sources ## # List of classes to include in the documentation. add_param :doc_classes, Strings ## # List of namespaces to include in the documentation. add_param :doc_namespaces, Strings ## # Path to look for the example files. add_param :examples_path, Paths ## # Classes to exclude from documentation. add_param :exclude_classes, Strings ## # Boolean specifying whether to exclude dependencies. add_param :exclude_dependencies, Boolean ## # List of source files to exclude form the documentation. add_param :exclude_sources, Files ## # Footer string to be displayed in the documentation. add_param :footer, String add_param :include_all_for_asdoc, Boolean ## # If true, manifest entries with lookupOnly=true are included in SWC # catalog. Default is false. (advanced) add_param :include_lookup_only, Boolean, { :default => false } ## # Width of the left frame. add_param :left_frameset_width, Number ## # Report well-formed HTML errors as warnings. add_param :lenient, Boolean ## # Title to be displayed in the title bar. add_param :main_title, String ## # File containing description for packages. add_param :package_description_file, Files ## # Specifies a description for a package name. add_param :package, Strings, { :delimiter => ' ' } ## # Path for custom templates. add_param :templates_path, Path ## # Title to be displayed in the browser window. add_param :window_title, String # TODO: Possibly remove the following from the CompilerBase # # include_resource_bundles def execute # Never use fcsh for asdoc # (overused inheritance smell) self.use_fcsh = false duration = Benchmark.measure { super } Sprout.stdout.puts "[ASDOC] Creation complete in #{duration} seconds." end protected ## # Override the default behavior that creates a file task, # and create a 'task' instead. This will force the docs # to get recreated with every run, instead of failing to # create when the outer folder still exists. def create_outer_task *args Rake::Task.define_task *args do execute end end end end ## # Create a new Rake::File task that will execute {FlashSDK::AsDoc}. # # @return [FlashSDK::AsDoc] # # @example The following is a simple AsDoc task: # # desc "Compile the SWF" # mxmlc 'bin/SomeProject.swf' do |t| # t.library_path << 'lib/corelib.swc' # t.input = 'src/' # end # # desc "Generate documentation" # asdoc 'docs/' do |t| # t.doc_sources << 'src' # end # def asdoc args, &block exe = exe.to_rake args, &block exe end