module OrigenTesters module SmartestBasedTester class Base class TestSuite attr_accessor :meta ATTRS = %w(name comment timing_equation timing_spec timing_set level_equation level_spec level_set analog_set pattern context test_type test_method test_number test_level bypass set_pass set_fail hold hold_on_fail output_on_pass output_on_fail pass_value fail_value per_pin_on_pass per_pin_on_fail log_mixed_signal_waveform fail_per_label ffc_enable log_first ffv_enable frg_enable hardware_dsp_disable ) ALIASES = { tim_equ_set: :timing_equation, tim_spec_set: :timing_spec, timset: :timing_set, timeset: :timing_set, time_set: :timing_set, lev_equ_set: :level_equation, lev_spec_set: :level_spec, levset: :level_set, levels: :level_set, pin_levels: :level_set, anaset: :analog_set, test_num: :test_number, test_function: :test_method, value_on_pass: :pass_value, value_on_fail: :fail_value, seqlbl: :pattern, mx_waves_enable: :log_mixed_signal_waveform, hw_dsp_disable: :hardware_dsp_disable, ffc_on_fail: :log_first } DEFAULTS = { output_on_pass: true, output_on_fail: true, pass_value: true, fail_value: true, per_pin_on_pass: true, per_pin_on_fail: true } # Generate accessors for all attributes and their aliases ATTRS.each do |attr| attr_accessor attr.to_sym end # Define the aliases ALIASES.each do |_alias, val| define_method("#{_alias}=") do |v| send("#{val}=", v) end define_method("#{_alias}") do send(val) end end def initialize(name, attrs = {}) @name = name if interface.unique_test_names == :signature if interface.flow.sig @name = "#{name}_#{interface.flow.sig}" end elsif interface.unique_test_names == :flowname || interface.unique_test_names == :flow_name @name = "#{name}_#{}" elsif interface.unique_test_names == :preflowname || interface.unique_test_names == :pre_flow_name @name = "#{}_#{name}" elsif interface.unique_test_names utn_string = interface.unique_test_names.to_s if utn_string =~ /^prepend_/ utn_string = utn_string.gsub(/^prepend_/, '') @name = "#{utn_string}_#{name}" else utn_string = utn_string.gsub(/^append_/, '') @name = "#{name}_#{utn_string}" end end # Set the defaults DEFAULTS.each do |k, v| send("#{k}=", v) end # Then the values that have been supplied attrs.each do |k, v| send("#{k}=", v) if respond_to?("#{k}=") && k.to_sym != :name end end def pattern=(name) Origen.interface.record_pattern_reference(name) if name @pattern = name end def inspect "" end # The name is immutable once the test_suite is created, this will raise an error when called def name=(val, options = {}) fail 'Once assigned the name of a test suite cannot be changed!' end def lines l = [] l << " comment = \"#{comment}\";" if comment l << " ffc_on_fail = #{wrap_if_string(log_first)};" if log_first l << " local_flags = #{flags};" l << ' override = 1;' l << " override_anaset = #{wrap_if_string(analog_set)};" if analog_set l << " override_lev_equ_set = #{wrap_if_string(level_equation)};" if level_equation l << " override_lev_spec_set = #{wrap_if_string(level_spec)};" if level_spec l << " override_levset = #{wrap_if_string(level_set)};" if level_set l << " override_seqlbl = #{wrap_if_string(pattern)};" if pattern l << " override_test_number = #{test_number};" if test_number l << " override_testf = #{};" if test_method l << " override_tim_equ_set = #{wrap_if_string(timing_equation)};" if timing_equation l << " override_tim_spec_set = #{wrap_if_string(timing_spec)};" if timing_spec l << " override_timset = #{wrap_if_string(timing_set)};" if timing_set l << ' site_control = "parallel:";' l << ' site_match = 2;' l << " test_level = #{test_level};" if test_level l end def method_missing(method, *args, &block) if test_method && test_method.respond_to?(method) test_method.send(method, *args, &block) else super end end def respond_to?(method) (test_method && test_method.respond_to?(method)) || super end def interface Origen.interface end def to_meta meta || {} end private def flags f = [] f << 'bypass' if bypass f << 'set_pass' if set_pass f << 'set_fail' if set_fail f << 'hold' if hold f << 'hold_on_fail' if hold_on_fail f << 'output_on_pass' if output_on_pass f << 'output_on_fail' if output_on_fail f << 'value_on_pass' if pass_value f << 'value_on_fail' if fail_value f << 'per_pin_on_pass' if per_pin_on_pass f << 'per_pin_on_fail' if per_pin_on_fail f << 'mx_waves_enable' if log_mixed_signal_waveform f << 'fail_per_label' if fail_per_label f << 'ffc_enable' if ffc_enable f << 'ffv_enable' if ffv_enable f << 'frg_enable' if frg_enable f << 'hw_dsp_disable' if hardware_dsp_disable f.join(', ') end def wrap_if_string(value) if value.is_a?(String) "\"#{value}\"" else value end end end end end end