module ActionView module Helpers module FormOptionsHelper # Return select and option tags for the given object and method, using state_options_for_select to generate the list of option tags. def state_select(object, method, country = Carmen.default_country, options={}, html_options={}), method, self, options.delete(:object)).to_state_select_tag(country, options, html_options) end # Return select and option tags for the given object and method, using country_options_for_select to generate the list of option tags. def country_select(object, method, priority_countries = nil, options = {}, html_options = {}), method, self, options.delete(:object)).to_country_select_tag(priority_countries, options, html_options) end # Returns a string of option tags containing the state names and codes for the specified country code, or nil # if the states are not know for that country. Supply a state code as +selected+ to have it marked as the selected option tag. def state_options_for_select(selected = nil, country = Carmen.default_country) options_for_select(Carmen.states(country), selected) end # Returns a string of option tags for pretty much any country in the world. Supply a country name as +selected+ to # have it marked as the selected option tag. You can also supply a list of country codes as additional parameters, so # that they will be listed above the rest of the (long) list. def country_options_for_select(selected = nil, *priority_country_codes) country_options = "" unless priority_country_codes.empty? priority_countries = do |pair| name, code = pair priority_country_codes.include?(code) end unless priority_countries.empty? priority_countries = priority_countries.sort_by { |name, code| priority_country_codes.index(code) } country_options += options_for_select(priority_countries, selected) country_options += "\n\n" end end country_options = country_options.html_safe if country_options.respond_to?(:html_safe) return country_options + options_for_select(Carmen.countries, priority_country_codes.include?(selected) ? nil : selected) end end class InstanceTag def to_country_select_tag(priority_countries, options, html_options) html_options = html_options.stringify_keys add_default_name_and_id(html_options) value = value(object) opts = add_options(country_options_for_select(value, *priority_countries), options, value) content_tag("select", opts, html_options) end def to_state_select_tag(country, options, html_options) html_options = html_options.stringify_keys add_default_name_and_id(html_options) value = value(object) opts = add_options(state_options_for_select(value, country), options, value) content_tag("select", opts, html_options) end end class FormBuilder def country_select(method, priority_countries = nil, options = {}, html_options = {}) @template.country_select(@object_name, method, priority_countries, options.merge(:object => @object), html_options) end def state_select(method, country_code = Carmen.default_country, options = {}, html_options = {}) @template.state_select(@object_name, method, country_code, options.merge(:object => @object), html_options) end end end end