* UI development toolkit for HTML5 (OpenUI5)
* (c) Copyright 2009-2018 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 - see LICENSE.txt.
// Provides control sap.m.IconTabHeader.
) {
"use strict";
// shortcut for sap.m.touch
var touch = library.touch;
// shortcut for sap.m.ImageHelper
var ImageHelper = library.ImageHelper;
// shortcut for sap.m.PlacementType
var PlacementType = library.PlacementType;
// shortcut for sap.m.ButtonType
var ButtonType = library.ButtonType;
// shortcut for sap.m.BackgroundDesign
var BackgroundDesign = library.BackgroundDesign;
// shortcut for sap.m.IconTabHeaderMode
var IconTabHeaderMode = library.IconTabHeaderMode;
// shortcut for sap.m.IconTabDensityMode
var IconTabDensityMode = library.IconTabDensityMode;
* Constructor for a new IconTabHeader.
* @param {string} [sId] ID for the new control, generated automatically if no ID is given
* @param {object} [mSettings] Initial settings for the new control
* @class
* This control displays a number of IconTabFilters and IconTabSeparators. If the available horizontal
* space is exceeded, a horizontal scrolling appears.
* @extends sap.ui.core.Control
* @author SAP SE
* @version 1.60.23
* @constructor
* @public
* @alias sap.m.IconTabHeader
* @ui5-metamodel This control/element also will be described in the UI5 (legacy) designtime metamodel
var IconTabHeader = Control.extend("sap.m.IconTabHeader", /** @lends sap.m.IconTabHeader.prototype */ { metadata : {
library : "sap.m",
properties : {
* Defines whether the current selection is visualized.
* @deprecated As of 1.15.0.
* Regarding to changes of this control this property is not needed anymore.
showSelection : {type : "boolean", group : "Misc", defaultValue : true, deprecated: true},
* Key of the selected item.
* If the key has no corresponding aggregated item, no changes will apply.
* If duplicate keys exists the first item matching, the key is used.
* @since 1.15.0
selectedKey : {type : "string", group : "Data", defaultValue : null},
* Specifies whether the control is rendered.
* @since 1.15.0
visible : {type : "boolean", group : "Behavior", defaultValue : true},
* Specifies the header mode.
* Note: The Inline mode works only if no icons are set.
* @since 1.40
mode : {type : "sap.m.IconTabHeaderMode", group : "Appearance", defaultValue : IconTabHeaderMode.Standard},
* Specifies if the overflow select list is displayed.
* The overflow select list represents a list, where all tab filters are displayed,
* so the user can select specific tab filter easier.
* @since 1.42
showOverflowSelectList : {type : "boolean", group : "Appearance", defaultValue : false},
* Specifies the background color of the header.
* Depending on the theme, you can change the state of
* the background color to "Solid", "Translucent", or "Transparent".
* Default is "Solid".
* @since 1.44
backgroundDesign : {type : "sap.m.BackgroundDesign", group : "Appearance", defaultValue : BackgroundDesign.Solid},
* Specifies whether tab reordering is enabled. Relevant only for desktop devices.
* The {@link sap.m.IconTabSeparator sap.m.IconTabSeparator} cannot be dragged and dropped
* Items can be moved around {@link sap.m.IconTabSeparator sap.m.IconTabSeparator}
* @since 1.46
enableTabReordering : {type : "boolean", group : "Behavior", defaultValue : false},
* Specifies the visual density mode of the tabs.
* The values that can be applied are Cozy
, Compact
and Inherit
* Cozy
and Compact
render the control in one of these modes independent of the global density settings.
* The Inherit
value follows the global density settings which are applied.
* For compatibility reasons, the default value is Cozy
* @since 1.56
tabDensityMode :{type : "sap.m.IconTabDensityMode", group : "Appearance", defaultValue : IconTabDensityMode.Cozy}
aggregations : {
* The items displayed in the IconTabHeader.
items : {type : "sap.m.IconTab", multiple : true, singularName : "item", dnd : {draggable: true, droppable: true, layout: "Horizontal"} },
* Internal aggregation for managing the overflow button.
_overflowButton : {type : "sap.m.Button", multiple : false, visibility : "hidden"}
events : {
* Fires when an item is selected.
select : {
parameters : {
* The selected item
* @since 1.15.0
item : {type : "sap.m.IconTabFilter"},
* The key of the selected item
* @since 1.15.0
key : {type : "string"}
EnabledPropagator.apply(IconTabHeader.prototype, [true]);
IconTabHeader.SCROLL_STEP = 264; // how many pixels to scroll with every overflow arrow click
IconTabHeader.prototype.init = function() {
this._bPreviousScrollForward = false; // remember the item overflow state
this._bPreviousScrollBack = false;
this._iCurrentScrollLeft = 0;
this.startScrollX = 0;
this.startTouchX = 0;
this._scrollable = null;
this._aTabKeys = [];
// Initialize the ItemNavigation
this._oItemNavigation = new ItemNavigation().setCycling(false);
this._oItemNavigation.attachEvent(ItemNavigation.Events.FocusLeave, this._onItemNavigationFocusLeave, this);
this._oItemNavigation.attachEvent(ItemNavigation.Events.AfterFocus, this._onItemNavigationAfterFocus, this);
sapnext : ["alt", "meta"],
sapprevious : ["alt", "meta"]
this._oScroller = new ScrollEnablement(this, this.getId() + "-head", {
horizontal: true,
vertical: false,
nonTouchScrolling: true
* Returns if the touch scrolling is disabled
* @private
IconTabHeader.prototype.isTouchScrollingDisabled = function () {
return this.getShowOverflowSelectList() &&
this.getParent().getMetadata().getName() == 'sap.tnt.ToolHeader';
* Returns overflow select list
* @private
IconTabHeader.prototype._getSelectList = function () {
var that = this;
if (!this._oSelectList) {
this._oSelectList = new IconTabBarSelectList({
selectionChange: function (oEvent) {
var oTarget = oEvent.getParameter('selectedItem');
this._oSelectList._iconTabHeader = this;
return this._oSelectList;
* Returns overflow button
* @private
IconTabHeader.prototype._getOverflowButton = function () {
var oOverflowButton = this.getAggregation("_overflowButton");
if (!oOverflowButton) {
oOverflowButton = new Button({
id: this.getId() + '-overflow',
icon: "sap-icon://slim-arrow-down",
type: ButtonType.Transparent,
press: this._overflowButtonPress.bind(this)
this.setAggregation("_overflowButton", oOverflowButton);
return oOverflowButton;
* Handles overflow button "press" event
* @private
IconTabHeader.prototype._overflowButtonPress = function (event) {
if (!this._oPopover) {
this._oPopover = new ResponsivePopover({
showArrow: false,
showHeader: false,
placement: PlacementType.Vertical,
offsetX: 0,
offsetY: 0
if (Device.system.phone) {
//This overrides the popover _adaptPositionParams function for placing the popover
//over the right bottom corner of the button. This change is required by the visual spec.
this._oPopover._oControl._adaptPositionParams = function () {
var bIsCompact = jQuery("body").hasClass("sapUiSizeCompact");
this._arrowOffset = 0;
if (bIsCompact) {
this._offsets = ["0 0", "0 0", "0 2", "0 0"];
} else {
this._offsets = ["0 0", "0 0", "0 3", "0 0"];
this._myPositions = ["end bottom", "begin top", "end top", "end top"];
this._atPositions = ["end top", "end top", "end bottom", "begin top"];
var oSelectList = this._getSelectList();
* Creates popover close button
* @private
IconTabHeader.prototype._createPopoverCloseButton = function() {
var that = this;
var oResourceBundle = sap.ui.getCore().getLibraryResourceBundle("sap.m");
return new Button({
text: oResourceBundle.getText("SELECT_CANCEL_BUTTON"),
press: function() {
* Closes the overflow popover and focuses the correct tab filter
* @private
IconTabHeader.prototype._closeOverflow = function () {
if (!Device.system.desktop) {
if (this.oSelectedItem) {
* Sets overflow items
* @returns {sap.ui.core.Element}
* @private
IconTabHeader.prototype._setSelectListItems = function () {
if (!this.getShowOverflowSelectList()) {
var oSelectItem,
oSelectList = this._getSelectList(),
aTabFilters = this.getTabFilters();
for (var i = 0; i < aTabFilters.length; i++) {
oTabFilter = aTabFilters[i];
oSelectItem = oTabFilter.clone();
oSelectItem._tabFilter = oTabFilter;
if (oTabFilter == this.oSelectedItem) {
* Returns SelectList item, that corresponds ot specific TabFilter.
* @private
IconTabHeader.prototype._findSelectItem = function (oTabFilter) {
var oSelectList = this._getSelectList(),
aSelectListItems = oSelectList.getItems(),
for (var i = 0; i < aSelectListItems.length; i++){
oSelectItem = aSelectListItems[i];
if (oSelectItem._tabFilter == oTabFilter) {
return oSelectItem;
IconTabHeader.prototype._onItemNavigationFocusLeave = function() {
// BCP: 1570034646
if (!this.oSelectedItem) {
var aItems = this.getItems();
var iIndex = -1;
var oItem;
for (var i = 0; i < aItems.length; i++) {
oItem = aItems[i];
if (oItem instanceof IconTabFilter == false) {
if (this.oSelectedItem == oItem) {
* Adjusts arrows when keyboard is used for navigation and the beginning/end of the toolbar is reached.
* @private
IconTabHeader.prototype._onItemNavigationAfterFocus = function(oEvent) {
var oHead = this.getDomRef("head"),
oIndex = oEvent.getParameter("index"),
$event = oEvent.getParameter('event');
// handle only keyboard navigation here
if ($event.keyCode === undefined) {
this._iCurrentScrollLeft = oHead.scrollLeft;
if (oIndex !== null && oIndex !== undefined) {
this._scrollIntoView(this.getTabFilters()[oIndex], 0);
* Returns all tab filters, without the tab separators.
* @private
IconTabHeader.prototype.getTabFilters = function() {
var aItems = this.getItems();
var aTabFilters = [];
aItems.forEach(function(oItem) {
if (oItem instanceof IconTabFilter) {
return aTabFilters;
IconTabHeader.prototype.exit = function() {
if (this._oArrowLeft) {
if (this._oArrowRight) {
if (this._oItemNavigation) {
delete this._oItemNavigation;
if (this._oScroller) {
this._oScroller = null;
if (this._sResizeListenerId) {
this._sResizeListenerId = null;
if (this._aTabKeys) {
this._aTabKeys = null;
if (this._oPopover) {
this._oPopover = null;
* Handles onLongDragOver of overflow button.
* @private
IconTabHeader.prototype._handleOnLongDragOver = function() {
if (!this._oPopover || !this._oPopover.isOpen()) {
* Handles onDragOver of the overflow button.
* @private
* @param {jQuery.Event} oEvent The jQuery drag over event
IconTabHeader.prototype._handleOnDragOver = function(oEvent) {
oEvent.preventDefault(); // allow drop, so that the cursor is correct
* Handles onDrop of the overflow button.
* @private
IconTabHeader.prototype._handleOnDrop = function() {
* Handles onDragLeave of the overflow button.
* @private
IconTabHeader.prototype._handleOnDragLeave = function() {
* Sets or remove Drag and Drop configurations.
* @private
IconTabHeader.prototype._setsDragAndDropConfigurations = function() {
if (!this.getEnableTabReordering() && this.getDragDropConfig().length) {
//Destroying Drag&Drop aggregation
} else if (this.getEnableTabReordering() && !this.getDragDropConfig().length) {
//Adding Drag&Drop configuration to the dragDropConfig aggregation if needed
IconTabBarDragAndDropUtil.setDragDropAggregations(this, "Horizontal");
IconTabHeader.prototype.onBeforeRendering = function() {
var aItems = this.getItems(),
sSelectedKey = this.getSelectedKey(),
i = 0,
oParent = this.getParent(),
bIsParentIconTabBar = oParent instanceof sap.m.IconTabBar,
bIsParentToolHeader = oParent && oParent.getMetadata().getName() == 'sap.tnt.ToolHeader';
this._bRtl = sap.ui.getCore().getConfiguration().getRTL();
this._onOverflowButtonEventDelegate = {
onlongdragover: this._handleOnLongDragOver.bind(this),
ondragover: this._handleOnDragOver.bind(this),
ondragleave: this._handleOnDragLeave.bind(this),
ondrop: this._handleOnDrop.bind(this)
if (this._sResizeListenerId) {
this._sResizeListenerId = null;
if (aItems.length > 0) {
if (!this.oSelectedItem || sSelectedKey && sSelectedKey !== this.oSelectedItem._getNonEmptyKey()) {
if (sSelectedKey) {
// selected key was specified by API: set oSelectedItem to the item specified by key
for (; i < aItems.length; i++) {
if (!(aItems[i] instanceof sap.m.IconTabSeparator) && aItems[i]._getNonEmptyKey() === sSelectedKey) {
this.oSelectedItem = aItems[i];
// no key and no item, we set the first visible item as selected
if (!this.oSelectedItem && (bIsParentIconTabBar || !sSelectedKey)) {
for (i = 0; i < aItems.length; i++) { // tab item
if (!(aItems[i] instanceof sap.m.IconTabSeparator) && aItems[i].getVisible()) {
this.oSelectedItem = aItems[i];
//in case the selected tab is not visible anymore, the selected tab will change to the first visible tab
if (!bIsParentToolHeader && this.oSelectedItem && !this.oSelectedItem.getVisible()) {
for (i = 0; i < aItems.length; i++) { // tab item
if (!(aItems[i] instanceof sap.m.IconTabSeparator) && aItems[i].getVisible()) {
this.oSelectedItem = aItems[i];
if (this.oSelectedItem) {
this.setProperty("selectedKey", this.oSelectedItem._getNonEmptyKey(), true);
this._isTouchScrollingDisabled = this.isTouchScrollingDisabled();
this._oScroller.setHorizontal(!this._isTouchScrollingDisabled && (!this.getEnableTabReordering() || !Device.system.desktop));
* Sets the selected item based on key.
* @overwrite
* @public
* @param {string} sKey The key of the item to be selected
* @return {sap.m.IconTabHeader} this pointer for chaining
IconTabHeader.prototype.setSelectedKey = function (sKey) {
var aItems = this.getTabFilters(),
i = 0,
oParent = this.getParent(),
bIsParentIconTabBar = oParent instanceof sap.m.IconTabBar,
if (aItems.length > 0) {
sKey = sKey || aItems[0]._getNonEmptyKey();
// adjust UI and internal variables if already rendered (otherwise taken care by onBeforeRendering)
if (this.$().length) {
for (; i < aItems.length; i++) {
if (aItems[i]._getNonEmptyKey() === sKey) {
this.setSelectedItem(aItems[i], true);
bSelectedItemFound = true;
if (!bSelectedItemFound && !bIsParentIconTabBar && sKey) {
// set internal property
this.setProperty("selectedKey", sKey, true);
return this;
* Sets the selected item, updates the UI, and fires the select event.
* @private
* @param {sap.m.IconTabFilter} oItem The item to be selected
* @param {Boolean} bAPIChange whether this function is called through the API
* @return {sap.m.IconTabHeader} this pointer for chaining
IconTabHeader.prototype.setSelectedItem = function(oItem, bAPIchange) {
if (!oItem) {
if (this.oSelectedItem) {
this.oSelectedItem = null;
return this;
if (!oItem.getEnabled()) {
return this;
if (this.getShowOverflowSelectList()) {
var oSelectItem = this._findSelectItem(oItem);
if (oSelectItem) {
var oParent = this.getParent();
var bIsParentIconTabBar = oParent instanceof sap.m.IconTabBar;
//if the old selected tab and the new selected tab both have no own content, which means they both use the same content from the icontabbar
//there is no need to rerender the content
//fix for xml views css: 0120061532 0001427250 2014
var bIsContentTheSame = false;
if (oItem.getContent().length === 0 && this.oSelectedItem && this.oSelectedItem.getContent().length === 0) {
bIsContentTheSame = true;
if (this.oSelectedItem &&
this.oSelectedItem.getVisible() &&
(!bAPIchange && bIsParentIconTabBar && oParent.getExpandable() || this.oSelectedItem !== oItem)) {
.attr('aria-selected', false)
if (oItem.getVisible()) {
//click on already selected item leads to expanding/collapsing of the content (if expandable enabled)
if (this.oSelectedItem === oItem) {
//if content is not expandable nothing should happen otherwise content will be expanded/collapsed
if (!bAPIchange && bIsParentIconTabBar && oParent.getExpandable()) {
//click on other item leads to showing the right content of this item
} else {
//change the content aria-labaled by the newly selected tab;
if (bIsParentIconTabBar) {
oParent.$("content").attr('aria-labelledby', oItem.sId);
// set new item
this.oSelectedItem = oItem;
this.setProperty("selectedKey", this.oSelectedItem._getNonEmptyKey(), true);
if (!bIsParentIconTabBar) {
.attr({ 'aria-selected': true });
//if the IconTabBar is not expandable and the content not expanded (which means content can never be expanded), we do not need
//to visualize the selection and we do not need to render the content
if (bIsParentIconTabBar && (oParent.getExpandable() || oParent.getExpanded())) {
// add selected styles
.attr({ 'aria-selected': true });
//if item has own content, this content is shown
var oSelectedItemContent = this.oSelectedItem.getContent();
if (oSelectedItemContent.length > 0) {
//if item has not own content, general content of the icontabbar is shown
} else {
//if the general content was already shown there is no need to rerender
if (!bIsContentTheSame) {
//if content is not expanded, content will be expanded (first click on item always leads to expanding the right content)
if (!bAPIchange && oParent.getExpandable() && !oParent.getExpanded()) {
// scroll to item if out of viewport
if (this.oSelectedItem.$().length > 0) {
this._scrollIntoView(oItem, 500);
} else {
this._scrollAfterRendering = true;
this.oSelectedItem = oItem;
var sSelectedKey = this.oSelectedItem._getNonEmptyKey();
this.setProperty("selectedKey", sSelectedKey, true);
if (bIsParentIconTabBar) {
oParent.setProperty("selectedKey", sSelectedKey, true);
if (!bAPIchange) {
// fire event on iconTabBar
if (bIsParentIconTabBar) {
selectedItem: this.oSelectedItem,
selectedKey: sSelectedKey,
item: this.oSelectedItem,
key: sSelectedKey
} else {
// fire event on header
selectedItem: this.oSelectedItem,
selectedKey: sSelectedKey,
item: this.oSelectedItem,
key: sSelectedKey
return this;
* Returns all the visible tab filters.
* @private
IconTabHeader.prototype.getVisibleTabFilters = function() {
var aItems = this.getTabFilters(),
aVisibleItems = [],
for (var i = 0; i < aItems.length; i++) {
oItem = aItems[i];
if (oItem.getVisible()) {
return aVisibleItems;
* Returns the first visible item, which is needed for correct arrow calculation.
IconTabHeader.prototype._getFirstVisibleItem = function(aItems) {
for (var i = 0; i < aItems.length; i++) {
if (aItems[i].getVisible()) {
return aItems[i];
return null;
IconTabHeader.prototype._initItemNavigation = function() {
//use ItemNavigation for keyboardHandling
var that = this,
oHeadDomRef = this.getDomRef("head"),
aItems = this.getItems(),
aTabDomRefs = [],
iSelectedDomIndex = -1;
// find a collection of all tabs
aItems.forEach(function(oItem) {
if (oItem instanceof IconTabFilter) {
var oItemDomRef = that.getFocusDomRef(oItem);
jQuery(oItemDomRef).attr("tabindex", "-1");
if (oItem === that.oSelectedItem) {
iSelectedDomIndex = aTabDomRefs.indexOf(oItemDomRef);
//Initialize the ItemNavigation
if (!this._oItemNavigation) {
this._oItemNavigation = new ItemNavigation();
this._oItemNavigation.attachEvent(ItemNavigation.Events.FocusLeave, this._onItemNavigationFocusLeave, this);
this._oItemNavigation.attachEvent(ItemNavigation.Events.AfterFocus, this._onItemNavigationAfterFocus, this);
//Reinitialize the ItemNavigation after rendering
this._oItemNavigation.setPageSize(aTabDomRefs.length); // set the page size equal to the tab number so when we press pageUp/pageDown to focus first/last tab
IconTabHeader.prototype.onThemeChanged = function() {
IconTabHeader.prototype._applyTabDensityMode = function() {
var sTabDensityMode = this.getTabDensityMode();
switch (sTabDensityMode) {
case IconTabDensityMode.Compact:
case IconTabDensityMode.Inherit:
if (this.$().closest(".sapUiSizeCompact").length) {
IconTabHeader.prototype.onAfterRendering = function() {
// initialize scrolling
if (this._oScroller) {
this._oScroller.setIconTabBar(this, jQuery.proxy(this._afterIscroll, this), jQuery.proxy(this._scrollPreparation, this));
var oParent = this.getParent();
var bIsParentIconTabBar = oParent instanceof sap.m.IconTabBar;
if (this.oSelectedItem &&
(!bIsParentIconTabBar || bIsParentIconTabBar && oParent.getExpanded())) {
.attr({ 'aria-selected': true });
setTimeout(this["_checkOverflow"].bind(this), 350);
// scroll to selected item if it is out of screen and we render the control the first time
if (this.oSelectedItem) {
this._scrollIntoView(this.oSelectedItem, 500);
// overflow button doesn't have tab stop
if (this.getShowOverflowSelectList()) {
this.$('overflow').attr('tabindex', -1);
//listen to resize
this._sResizeListenerId = ResizeHandler.register(this.getDomRef(), jQuery.proxy(this._fnResize, this));
this._bCheckIfIntoView = true;
* Destroys the item aggregation.
IconTabHeader.prototype.destroyItems = function() {
this.oSelectedItem = null;
this._aTabKeys = [];
IconTabHeader.prototype.addItem = function(oItem) {
if (!(oItem instanceof sap.m.IconTabSeparator)) {
var sKey = oItem.getKey();
// check if key is a duplicate
if (this._aTabKeys.indexOf(sKey) !== -1) {
Log.warning("sap.m.IconTabHeader: duplicate key '" + sKey + "' inside the IconTabFilter. Please use unique keys.");
this.addAggregation("items", oItem);
IconTabHeader.prototype.insertItem = function(oItem, iIndex) {
if (!(oItem instanceof sap.m.IconTabSeparator)) {
var sKey = oItem.getKey();
//check if key is a duplicate
if (this._aTabKeys.indexOf(sKey) !== -1) {
Log.warning("sap.m.IconTabHeader: duplicate key '" + sKey + "' inside the IconTabFilter. Please use unique keys.");
this.insertAggregation("items", oItem, iIndex);
IconTabHeader.prototype.removeAllItems = function() {
this._aTabKeys = [];
return this.removeAllAggregation("items");
IconTabHeader.prototype.removeItem = function(oItem) {
// Make sure we have the actual Item and not just an ID
oItem = this.removeAggregation("items", oItem);
if (oItem && !(oItem instanceof sap.m.IconTabSeparator)) {
var sKey = oItem.getKey();
this._aTabKeys.splice(this._aTabKeys.indexOf(sKey) , 1);
// Return the original value from removeAggregation
return oItem;
IconTabHeader.prototype.updateAggregation = function() {
this.oSelectedItem = null;
return Control.prototype.updateAggregation.apply(this, arguments);
IconTabHeader.prototype.removeAggregation = function (sAggregationName, oObject, bSuppressInvalidate) {
var aItems = this.getTabFilters();
var oItem = Control.prototype.removeAggregation.apply(this, arguments);
if (bSuppressInvalidate) {
return oItem;
if (oItem && oItem == this.oSelectedItem && sAggregationName == 'items') {
var iIndexOf = (aItems ? Array.prototype.indexOf.call(aItems, oItem) : -1);
aItems = this.getTabFilters();
iIndexOf = Math.max(0, Math.min(iIndexOf, aItems.length - 1));
var oSelectedItem = aItems[iIndexOf];
if (oSelectedItem) {
this.setSelectedItem(oSelectedItem, true);
} else {
var oIconTabBar = this.getParent();
if (oIconTabBar instanceof sap.m.IconTabBar && oIconTabBar.getExpanded()) {
return oItem;
IconTabHeader.prototype.removeAllAggregation = function (sAggregationName, bSuppressInvalidate) {
if (sAggregationName == 'items') {
var oIconTabBar = this.getParent();
if (oIconTabBar instanceof sap.m.IconTabBar && oIconTabBar.getExpanded()) {
return Control.prototype.removeAllAggregation.apply(this, arguments);
* Returns the displayed text - text or text + (count)
* @private
IconTabHeader.prototype._getDisplayText = function (oItem) {
var sText = oItem.getText();
if (this.isInlineMode()) {
var sCount = oItem.getCount();
if (sCount) {
if (this._bRtl) {
sText = '(' + sCount + ') ' + sText;
} else {
sText += ' (' + sCount + ')';
return sText;
* Returns if the header is in inline mode.
* @private
IconTabHeader.prototype.isInlineMode = function () {
return this._bTextOnly && this.getMode() == IconTabHeaderMode.Inline;
* Checks if all tabs are textOnly version.
* @private
* @returns True if all tabs are textOnly version, otherwise false
IconTabHeader.prototype._checkTextOnly = function(aItems) {
if (aItems.length > 0) {
for (var i = 0; i < aItems.length; i++) {
if (!(aItems[i] instanceof sap.m.IconTabSeparator)) {
if (aItems[i].getIcon()) {
this._bTextOnly = false;
return false;
this._bTextOnly = true;
return true;
* Checks if all tabs are noText version.
* @private
* @returns True if all tabs are noText version, otherwise false
IconTabHeader.prototype._checkNoText = function(aItems) {
if (aItems.length > 0) {
for (var i = 0; i < aItems.length; i++) {
if (!(aItems[i] instanceof sap.m.IconTabSeparator)) {
if (aItems[i].getText().length > 0) {
return false;
return true;
* Checks if all tabs are in line version.
* @private
* @returns True if all tabs are in line version, otherwise false
IconTabHeader.prototype._checkInLine = function(aItems) {
var oItem;
if (aItems.length > 0) {
for (var i = 0; i < aItems.length; i++) {
oItem = aItems[i];
if (!(oItem instanceof sap.m.IconTabSeparator)) {
if (oItem.getIcon() || oItem.getCount()) {
this._bInLine = false;
return false;
this._bInLine = true;
return true;
* Checks if scrolling is needed.
* @private
* @returns True if scrolling is needed, otherwise false
IconTabHeader.prototype._checkScrolling = function(oHead) {
var $bar = this.$();
var bScrolling = false;
var domScrollCont = this.getDomRef("scrollContainer");
var domHead = this.getDomRef("head");
if (domHead && domScrollCont) {
if (domHead.offsetWidth > domScrollCont.offsetWidth) {
bScrolling = true;
if (this._scrollable !== bScrolling) {
$bar.toggleClass("sapMITBScrollable", bScrolling);
$bar.toggleClass("sapMITBNotScrollable", !bScrolling);
this._scrollable = bScrolling;
return bScrolling;
* Gets the icon of the requested arrow (left/right).
* @private
* @param {string} sName Left or right
* @returns Icon of the requested arrow
IconTabHeader.prototype._getScrollingArrow = function(sName) {
var src = IconPool.getIconURI("slim-arrow-" + sName);
var mProperties = {
src : src,
useIconTooltip : false
var sSuffix = this._bTextOnly ? "TextOnly" : "";
var sLeftArrowClass = "sapMITBArrowScrollLeft" + sSuffix;
var sRightArrowClass = "sapMITBArrowScrollRight" + sSuffix;
var aCssClassesToAddLeft = ["sapMITBArrowScroll", sLeftArrowClass];
var aCssClassesToAddRight = ["sapMITBArrowScroll", sRightArrowClass];
if (this._bInLine) {
if (sName === "left") {
if (!this._oArrowLeft) {
this._oArrowLeft = ImageHelper.getImageControl(this.getId() + "-arrowScrollLeft", this._oArrowLeft, this, mProperties, aCssClassesToAddLeft);
return this._oArrowLeft;
if (sName === "right") {
if (!this._oArrowRight) {
this._oArrowRight = ImageHelper.getImageControl(this.getId() + "-arrowScrollRight", this._oArrowRight, this, mProperties, aCssClassesToAddRight);
return this._oArrowRight;
* Changes the state of the scroll arrows depending on whether they are required due to overflow.
* @private
IconTabHeader.prototype._checkOverflow = function() {
var oBarHead = this.getDomRef("head");
var $bar = this.$();
if (this._checkScrolling(oBarHead) && oBarHead) {
// check whether scrolling to the left is possible
var bScrollBack = false;
var bScrollForward = false;
var domScrollCont = this.getDomRef("scrollContainer");
var domHead = this.getDomRef("head");
if (this._oScroller.getScrollLeft() > 0) {
bScrollBack = true;
if ((this._oScroller.getScrollLeft() + domScrollCont.offsetWidth) < domHead.offsetWidth) {
bScrollForward = true;
// only do DOM changes if the state changed to avoid periodic application of identical values
if ((bScrollForward != this._bPreviousScrollForward) || (bScrollBack != this._bPreviousScrollBack)) {
this._bPreviousScrollForward = bScrollForward;
this._bPreviousScrollBack = bScrollBack;
$bar.toggleClass("sapMITBScrollBack", bScrollBack);
$bar.toggleClass("sapMITBNoScrollBack", !bScrollBack);
$bar.toggleClass("sapMITBScrollForward", bScrollForward);
$bar.toggleClass("sapMITBNoScrollForward", !bScrollForward);
} else {
this._bPreviousScrollForward = false;
this._bPreviousScrollBack = false;
* Handles the activation of the tabs and arrows.
* @private
IconTabHeader.prototype._handleActivation = function(oEvent) {
var sTargetId = oEvent.target.id,
oControl = oEvent.srcControl,
$target = jQuery(oEvent.target);
if (oControl instanceof Button) {
var $sTargetId = jQuery(document.getElementById(sTargetId));
/*eslint-disable no-empty */
// TODO check better implementation
if ($sTargetId.parents() && Array.prototype.indexOf.call($sTargetId.parents(), this.$("content")[0]) > -1) {
/*eslint-enable no-empty */
//do nothing because element is inside content
} else {
if (sTargetId) {
var sId = this.getId();
// For items: do not navigate away! Stay on the page and handle the click in-place. Right-click + "Open in new Tab" still works.
// For scroll buttons: Prevent IE from firing beforeunload event -> see CSN 4378288 2012// TODO remove after 1.62 version
//on mobile devices click on arrows has no effect
if (sTargetId == sId + "-arrowScrollLeft" && Device.system.desktop) {
var iScrollLeft = this._oScroller.getScrollLeft() - IconTabHeader.SCROLL_STEP;
if (iScrollLeft < 0) {
iScrollLeft = 0;
// execute manual scrolling with iScroll's scrollTo method (delayedCall 0 is needed for positioning glitch)
setTimeout(this._oScroller["scrollTo"].bind(this._oScroller, iScrollLeft, 0, 500), 0);
setTimeout(this["_afterIscroll"].bind(this), 500);
} else if (sTargetId == sId + "-arrowScrollRight" && Device.system.desktop) {
var iScrollLeft = this._oScroller.getScrollLeft() + IconTabHeader.SCROLL_STEP;
var iContainerWidth = this.$("scrollContainer").width();
var iHeadWidth = this.$("head").width();
if (iScrollLeft > (iHeadWidth - iContainerWidth)) {
iScrollLeft = iHeadWidth - iContainerWidth;
// execute manual scrolling with iScroll's scrollTo method (delayedCall 0 is needed for positioning glitch)
setTimeout(this._oScroller["scrollTo"].bind(this._oScroller, iScrollLeft, 0, 500), 0);
setTimeout(this["_afterIscroll"].bind(this), 500);
} else {
// should be one of the items - select it
if ($target.hasClass('sapMITBFilterIcon') || $target.hasClass('sapMITBCount') || $target.hasClass('sapMITBText') || $target.hasClass('sapMITBTab') || $target.hasClass('sapMITBContentArrow') || $target.hasClass('sapMITBSep') || $target.hasClass('sapMITBSepIcon')) {
// click on icon: fetch filter instead
sControlId = oEvent.srcControl.getId().replace(/-icon$/, "");
oControl = sap.ui.getCore().byId(sControlId);
if (oControl.getMetadata().isInstanceOf("sap.m.IconTab") && !(oControl instanceof sap.m.IconTabSeparator)) {
} else if (oControl.getMetadata().isInstanceOf("sap.m.IconTab") && !(oControl instanceof sap.m.IconTabSeparator)) {
// select item if it is an iconTab but not a separator
} else {
//no target id, so we have to check if showAll is set or it's a text only item, because clicking on the number then also leads to selecting the item
if (oControl.getMetadata().isInstanceOf("sap.m.IconTab") && !(oControl instanceof sap.m.IconTabSeparator)) {
* Scrolls to the item passed as parameter if it is not (fully) visible.
* If the item is to the left of the viewport it will be put leftmost.
* If the item is to the right of the viewport it will be put rightmost.
* @param {sap.m.IconTabFilter} oItem The item to be scrolled into view
* @param {int} iDuration The duration of the animation effect
* @private
* @return {sap.m.IconTabHeader} this pointer for chaining
IconTabHeader.prototype._scrollIntoView = function(oItem, iDuration) {
var $item = oItem.$(),
if ($item.length > 0) {
var $head = this.$('head');
var iHeadPaddingWidth = $head.innerWidth() - $head.width();
var iItemWidth = $item.outerWidth(true);
var iItemPosLeft = $item.position().left - iHeadPaddingWidth / 2;
iScrollLeft = this._oScroller.getScrollLeft();
iContainerWidth = this.$("scrollContainer").width();
iNewScrollLeft = 0;
// check if item is outside of viewport
if (iItemPosLeft - iScrollLeft < 0 || iItemPosLeft - iScrollLeft > iContainerWidth - iItemWidth) {
if (iItemPosLeft - iScrollLeft < 0) { // left side: make this the first item
iNewScrollLeft += iItemPosLeft;
} else { // right side: make this the last item
iNewScrollLeft += Math.min(iItemPosLeft, iItemPosLeft + iItemWidth - iContainerWidth);
iNewScrollLeft = Math.round(iNewScrollLeft);
// execute manual scrolling with scrollTo method (delayedCall 0 is needed for positioning glitch)
// store current scroll state to set it after rerendering
this._iCurrentScrollLeft = iNewScrollLeft;
setTimeout(this._oScroller["scrollTo"].bind(this._oScroller, iNewScrollLeft, 0, iDuration), 0);
setTimeout(this["_afterIscroll"].bind(this), iDuration);
return this;
* Scrolls the items if possible, using an animation.
* @param {int} iDelta How far to scroll
* @param {int} iDuration How long to scroll (ms)
* @private
IconTabHeader.prototype._scroll = function(iDelta, iDuration) {
var oDomRef = this.getDomRef("head");
var iScrollLeft = oDomRef.scrollLeft;
var bIsIE = Device.browser.msie || Device.browser.edge;// TODO remove after 1.62 version
if (!bIsIE && this._bRtl) {// TODO remove after 1.62 version
iDelta = -iDelta;
} // RTL lives in the negative space
var iScrollTarget = iScrollLeft + iDelta;
jQuery(oDomRef).stop(true, true).animate({scrollLeft: iScrollTarget}, iDuration, jQuery.proxy(this._adjustAndShowArrow, this));
this._iCurrentScrollLeft = iScrollTarget;
* Adjusts the arrow position and displays the arrow.
* @private
IconTabHeader.prototype._adjustAndShowArrow = function() {
this._$bar && this._$bar.toggleClass("sapMITBScrolling", false);
this._$bar = null;
//update the arrows on desktop
if (Device.system.desktop) {
* Scroll preparation.
* @private
IconTabHeader.prototype._scrollPreparation = function() {
if (!this._$bar) {
this._$bar = this.$().toggleClass("sapMITBScrolling", true);
* After iscroll.
* @private
IconTabHeader.prototype._afterIscroll = function() {
* Resize handling.
* @private
IconTabHeader.prototype._fnResize = function() {
if (this.oSelectedItem && this._bCheckIfIntoView) {
this._scrollIntoView(this.oSelectedItem, 0);
if (!this._isTouchScrollingDisabled) {
this._bCheckIfIntoView = false;
* Sets tabs visibility when touch scrolling is disabled
* @private
IconTabHeader.prototype._setTabsVisibility = function() {
if (!this._isTouchScrollingDisabled) {
var aTabs = this.getItems(),
for (i = 0; i < aTabs.length; i++) {
oTab = aTabs[i];
$tab = oTab.$();
if (!$tab.hasClass('sapMITBSelected') && !this._isTabIntoView($tab)) {
} else {
bHasVisibleItem = true;
if (!bHasVisibleItem) {
for (i = 0; i < aTabs.length; i++) {
oTab = aTabs[i];
$tab = oTab.$();
if (this._isTabIntoView($tab, true)) {
* Returns if the tab is into the view area
* @private
IconTabHeader.prototype._isTabIntoView = function($tab, skipRightSide) {
if (!$tab.length) {
return false;
var iScrollLeft = this._oScroller.getScrollLeft(),
iContainerWidth = this.$("scrollContainer").width(),
$head = this.$('head'),
iHeadPaddingWidth = $head.innerWidth() - $head.width(),
leftMargin = $tab.css('padding-left'),
iItemWidth = $tab.width() + parseFloat(leftMargin),
iItemPosLeft = Math.ceil($tab.position().left - iHeadPaddingWidth / 2);
if (iItemPosLeft - iScrollLeft < 0 ||
(!skipRightSide && (iItemPosLeft + iItemWidth - iScrollLeft > iContainerWidth))) {
return false;
return true;
* Moves visible tabs
* @private
IconTabHeader.prototype._moveVisibleTabs = function() {
if (!this._oScroller) {
var iScrollLeft = this._oScroller.getScrollLeft(),
$head = this.$('head'),
iHeadPaddingWidth = $head.innerWidth() - $head.width(),
$tab = this.$().find('.sapMITBFilter:not(.sapMITBFilterHidden)').first(),
if (!$tab.length) {
iItemPosLeft = $tab.position().left - iHeadPaddingWidth / 2;
if (!this._bRtl && iItemPosLeft - iScrollLeft > 2) {
idx = iScrollLeft - iItemPosLeft;
$head.css('transform', 'translate(' + idx + 'px)');
} else {
$head.css('transform', '');
return true;
* @overwrite
//overwritten method, returns for most cases the iconDomRef, if the given tab has no icon, the textDomRef is returned.
IconTabHeader.prototype.getFocusDomRef = function (oFocusTab) {
var oTab = oFocusTab || this.oSelectedItem;
if (!oTab) {
return null;
return oTab.getDomRef();
IconTabHeader.prototype.applyFocusInfo = function (oFocusInfo) {
//sets the focus depending on the used IconTabFilter
if (oFocusInfo.focusDomRef) {
/* =========================================================== */
/* begin: event handlers */
/* =========================================================== */
* Initializes scrolling on the IconTabHeader.
* @param {jQuery.Event} oEvent
* @private
IconTabHeader.prototype.ontouchstart = function(oEvent) {
var oTargetTouch = oEvent.targetTouches[0];
// store & init touch state
this._iActiveTouch = oTargetTouch.identifier;
this._iTouchStartPageX = oTargetTouch.pageX;
this._iTouchStartPageY = oTargetTouch.pageY;
this._iTouchDragX = 0;
this._iTouchDragY = 0;
var $target = jQuery(oEvent.target);
// prevent text selecting when click on the scrolling arrows
if ($target.hasClass('sapMITBArrowScroll')) {
* Sets an internal flag if horizontal drag was executed.
* @param {jQuery.Event} oEvent
* @private
IconTabHeader.prototype.ontouchmove = function(oEvent) {
if (this._iActiveTouch === undefined) {
var oTouch = touch.find(oEvent.changedTouches, this._iActiveTouch);
// check for valid changes
if (!oTouch || oTouch.pageX === this._iTouchStartPageX) {
// sum up movement to determine in touchend event if selection should be executed
this._iTouchDragX += Math.abs(this._iTouchStartPageX - oTouch.pageX);
this._iTouchDragY += Math.abs(this._iTouchStartPageY - oTouch.pageY);
this._iTouchStartPageX = oTouch.pageX;
this._iTouchStartPageY = oTouch.pageY;
* Handles touch end and events and triggers selection if bar was not dragged.
* @param {jQuery.Event} oEvent
* @private
IconTabHeader.prototype.ontouchend = function(oEvent) {
if (this._iActiveTouch === undefined) {
// suppress selection if there ware a drag (moved more than 5px on desktop or 20px on others)
var iMaxMove = Device.system.desktop ? 5 : 15;
if ((this._scrollable && this._iTouchDragX > iMaxMove) ||
this._iTouchDragY > iMaxMove) {
var MOBILE_TAP = 0;
var LUMIA_TOUCH; // undefined on Lumia phone
if (oEvent.which === LUMIA_TOUCH || oEvent.which === MOBILE_TAP || oEvent.which === LEFT_MOUSE_CLICK) {
this._iActiveTouch = undefined;
* Handles the touch cancel event.
* @param {jQuery.Event} oEvent The event object
* @private
IconTabHeader.prototype.ontouchcancel = IconTabHeader.prototype.ontouchend;
* Fires keyboard navigation event when the user presses Enter or Space.
* @param {jQuery.Event} oEvent
* @private
IconTabHeader.prototype.onsapselect = function(oEvent) {
/* =========================================================== */
/* end: event handlers */
/* =========================================================== */
/* =========================================================== */
/* start: tab drag-drop */
/* =========================================================== */
* Handles drop event for drag & drop functionality in sap.m.IconTabHeader
* @param {jQuery.Event} oEvent
* @private
IconTabHeader.prototype._handleDragAndDrop = function (oEvent) {
var sDropPosition = oEvent.getParameter("dropPosition"),
oDraggedControl = oEvent.getParameter("draggedControl"),
oDroppedControl = oEvent.getParameter("droppedControl"),
isParentSelectList = oDraggedControl.getParent().getMetadata().getName() === "sap.m.IconTabBarSelectList";
//drag and drop is between overflow list and header
if (isParentSelectList) {
this._handleDragAndDropBetweenHeaderAndList(sDropPosition, oDroppedControl, oDraggedControl);
} else {
IconTabBarDragAndDropUtil.handleDrop(this, sDropPosition, oDraggedControl, oDroppedControl, false);
* Handles drop event for drag & drop between sap.m.IconTabHeader and sap.m.IconTabBarSelectList.
* @param {string} sDropPosition position where the control will be dropped (e.g. Before/After)
* @param {object} oDraggedControl item that is dragged
* @param {object} oDroppedControl item that the dragged control will be dropped on
* @private
IconTabHeader.prototype._handleDragAndDropBetweenHeaderAndList = function (sDropPosition, oDroppedControl, oDraggedControl) {
var oSelectList = this._getSelectList(),
oDraggedAndDroppedItemFromSelectList = IconTabBarDragAndDropUtil.getDraggedDroppedItemsFromList(oSelectList.getAggregation("items"), oDraggedControl, oDroppedControl);
if (!oDraggedAndDroppedItemFromSelectList) {
IconTabBarDragAndDropUtil.handleDrop(this, sDropPosition, oDraggedControl._tabFilter, oDroppedControl, false);
IconTabBarDragAndDropUtil.handleDrop(oSelectList, sDropPosition, oDraggedControl, oDraggedAndDroppedItemFromSelectList.oDroppedControlFromList, false);
/* =========================================================== */
/* end: tab drag-drop */
/* =========================================================== */
/* =========================================================== */
/* start: tab keyboard handling - drag-drop */
/* =========================================================== */
* Moves a tab by a specific key code
* @param {object} oTab The event object
* @param {number} iKeyCode Key code
* @private
IconTabHeader.prototype._moveTab = function (oTab, iKeyCode) {
var bResult = IconTabBarDragAndDropUtil.moveItem.call(this, oTab, iKeyCode);
if (bResult) {
this._scrollIntoView(oTab, 0);
* Handle keyboard drag&drop
* @param {jQuery.Event} oEvent
* @private
IconTabHeader.prototype.ondragrearranging = function (oEvent) {
if (!this.getEnableTabReordering()) {
var oTab = oEvent.srcControl;
this._moveTab(oTab, oEvent.keyCode);
* Moves tab on first position
* Ctrl + Home
* @param {jQuery.Event} oEvent
IconTabHeader.prototype.onsaphomemodifiers = IconTabHeader.prototype.ondragrearranging;
* Move focused tab of IconTabHeader to last position
* Ctrl + End
* @param {jQuery.Event} oEvent
IconTabHeader.prototype.onsapendmodifiers = IconTabHeader.prototype.ondragrearranging;
* Moves tab for Drag&Drop keyboard handling
* Ctrl + Left Right || Ctrl + Arrow Up
* @param {jQuery.Event} oEvent
IconTabHeader.prototype.onsapincreasemodifiers = IconTabHeader.prototype.ondragrearranging;
* Moves tab for Drag&Drop keyboard handling
* Ctrl + Left Arrow || Ctrl + Arrow Down
* @param {jQuery.Event} oEvent
IconTabHeader.prototype.onsapdecreasemodifiers = IconTabHeader.prototype.ondragrearranging;
/* =========================================================== */
/* end: tab keyboard handling - drag-drop */
/* =========================================================== */
return IconTabHeader;