module ActiveRecord module ConnectionAdapters module SQLServer module CoreExt module Explain SQLSERVER_STATEMENT_PREFIX = 'EXEC sp_executesql '.freeze SQLSERVER_PARAM_MATCHER = /@\d+ = (.*)/ SQLSERVER_NATIONAL_STRING_MATCHER = /N'(.*)'/m def exec_explain(queries) unprepared_queries = do |(sql, binds)| [unprepare_sqlserver_statement(sql), binds] end super(unprepared_queries) end private # This is somewhat hacky, but it should reliably reformat our prepared sql statment # which uses sp_executesql to just the first argument, then unquote it. Likewise our # `sp_executesql` method should substitude the @n args withe the quoted values. def unprepare_sqlserver_statement(sql) if sql.starts_with?(SQLSERVER_STATEMENT_PREFIX) executesql = sql.from(SQLSERVER_STATEMENT_PREFIX.length) args = executesql.split(', ') unprepared_sql = args.shift.strip.match(SQLSERVER_NATIONAL_STRING_MATCHER)[1] unprepared_sql = Utils.unquote_string(unprepared_sql) args = args.from(args.length / 2) args.each_with_index do |arg, index| value = arg.match(SQLSERVER_PARAM_MATCHER)[1] unprepared_sql.sub! "@#{index}", value end unprepared_sql else sql end end end end end end end ActiveRecord::Base.extend ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::SQLServer::CoreExt::Explain ActiveRecord::Relation.send :include, ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::SQLServer::CoreExt::Explain