require "spec_helper" describe Fontcustom::Generator::Font do # Silence messages without passing :quiet => true to everything before(:each) do Fontcustom::Options.any_instance.stub :say_message end def generator(options) opts =[opts]) end context "#prepare_output_dirs" do it "should create output dir if it doesn't exist" do options = { :project_root => fixture, :input => "shared/vectors", :output => "create-me" } gen = generator options gen.stub(:empty_directory) gen.should_receive(:empty_directory).with(fixture("create-me"), anything) gen.prepare_output_dirs end it "should create dirs for multiple output dirs" do options = { :project_root => fixture, :input => "shared/vectors", :output => { :fonts => "assets/fonts", :css => "assets/stylesheets" } } gen = generator options gen.stub(:empty_directory) gen.should_receive(:empty_directory).twice gen.prepare_output_dirs end end context "#get_data" do it "should assign empty data model if data file is empty or missing" do options = { :project_root => fixture, :input => "shared/vectors", :quiet => true } gen = generator options gen.get_data data = gen.instance_variable_get("@data") data.should == Fontcustom::DATA_MODEL end it "should assign @data from data file" do options = { :project_root => fixture, :config => "generators", :input => "shared/vectors", :output => "mixed-output", :quiet => true } gen = generator options gen.get_data data = gen.instance_variable_get("@data") data.should_not == Fontcustom::DATA_MODEL end it "should throw an error if the data file is corrupted." do options = { :project_root => fixture, :config => "generators", :data_cache => "generators/.fontcustom-data-corrupted", :input => "shared/vectors", :output => "mixed-output", :quiet => true } gen = generator options expect { gen.get_data }.to raise_error Fontcustom::Error, /corrupted/ end end context "#reset_output" do subject do options = { :project_root => fixture, :input => "shared/vectors", :output => "mixed-output", :quiet => true } gen = generator options gen.stub :remove_file gen.stub :overwrite_file gen.instance_variable_set(:@data, data_file_contents) gen end it "should delete fonts from @data[:fonts]" do subject.should_receive(:remove_file).exactly(4).times.with(/fontcustom_cc5ce52f2ae4f9ce2e7ee8131bbfee1e/, anything) subject.reset_output end it "should not delete non-font files" do subject.should_not_receive(:remove_file).with("dont-delete-me.bro") subject.should_not_receive(:remove_file).with("another-font.ttf") subject.should_not_receive(:remove_file).with("fontcustom.css") subject.reset_output end it "should empty @data[:fonts]" do subject.reset_output subject.instance_variable_get(:@data)[:fonts].should be_empty end it "should update the data file" do file = fixture(".fontcustom-data") subject.should_receive(:overwrite_file).once.with(file, /"fonts":/) subject.reset_output end it "should be silent" do stdout = capture(:stdout) { subject.reset_output } stdout.should == "" end end context "#generate" do subject do gen = generator( :project_root => fixture, :input => "shared/vectors", :output => "mixed-output", :quiet => true ) gen.stub(:execute_and_clean).and_return [fontforge_stdout.split("\n"), fontforge_stderr, double(:status, :success? => true)] gen end it "should call fontforge" do subject.should_receive(:execute_and_clean).with(/fontforge -script/) subject.generate end it "should pass options to fontforge" do subject.should_receive(:execute_and_clean).with(/#{fixture("shared/vectors")}.+#{fixture("mixed-output")}/) subject.generate end it "should assign @json" do subject.generate json = subject.instance_variable_get(:@json) json.should == data_file_contents.to_json end it "should raise error if fontforge fails" do gen = generator( :project_root => fixture, :input => "shared/vectors", :output => "fake-dir-should-cause-failure", :debug => true ) expect { capture(:stdout) { gen.generate } }.to raise_error Fontcustom::Error, /failed/ end end context "#collect_data" do it "should assign @data from @json" do gen = generator( :project_root => fixture, :input => "shared/vectors", :output => "output" ) gen.instance_variable_set(:@data, Fontcustom::DATA_MODEL) gen.instance_variable_set(:@json, data_file_contents.to_json) gen.collect_data data = gen.instance_variable_get(:@data) data[:glyphs].should =~ ["c", "d", "a_r3ally-exotic-f1le-name"] data[:fonts].should =~ [ fixture("output/fontcustom_cc5ce52f2ae4f9ce2e7ee8131bbfee1e.eot"), fixture("output/fontcustom_cc5ce52f2ae4f9ce2e7ee8131bbfee1e.svg"), fixture("output/fontcustom_cc5ce52f2ae4f9ce2e7ee8131bbfee1e.ttf"), fixture("output/fontcustom_cc5ce52f2ae4f9ce2e7ee8131bbfee1e.woff") ] end end context "#announce_files" do it "should print generated files to console" do gen = generator( :project_root => fixture, :input => "shared/vectors", :output => "output" ) gen.instance_variable_set :@data, data_file_contents stdout = capture(:stdout) { gen.announce_files } stdout.should =~ /create.+\.(woff|ttf|eot|svg)/ end it "should print nothing if :quiet is set" do gen = generator( :project_root => fixture, :input => "shared/vectors", :output => "output", :quiet => true ) gen.instance_variable_set :@data, data_file_contents stdout = capture(:stdout) { gen.announce_files } stdout.should == "" end end context "#save_data" do it "should update data file" do gen = generator( :project_root => fixture, :input => "shared/vectors", :output => "output" ) gen.stub :overwrite_file gen.instance_variable_set(:@data, data_file_contents) file = File.join fixture(".fontcustom-data") gen.should_receive(:overwrite_file).once.with do |path, content| path.should == file content.should match(/"fonts":/) content.should match(/"glyphs":/) end gen.save_data end it "should be silent if :quiet is set" do gen = generator( :project_root => fixture, :input => "shared/vectors", :output => "output", :quiet => true ) gen.stub :overwrite_file gen.instance_variable_set(:@data, data_file_contents) stdout = capture(:stdout) { gen.save_data } stdout.should == "" end end end