module Padrino ## # Runs the Padrino apps as a self-hosted server using: # thin, mongrel, or WEBrick in that order. # # @example #! # with these defaults => host: "", port: "3000", adapter: the first found #!("", "4000", "mongrel") # use => host: "", port: "4000", adapter: "mongrel" # def!(options={}) Padrino.load! Server.start(*detect_application(options)) end private # # def self.detect_application(options) default_config_file = '' if (config_file = options.delete(:config)) || File.file?(default_config_file) config_file ||= default_config_file fail "Rack config file `#{config_file}` must have `.ru` extension" unless config_file =~ /\.ru$/ rack_app, rack_options = Rack::Builder.parse_file(config_file) [rack_app, rack_options.merge(options)] else [Padrino.application, options] end end ## # This module builds a Padrino server to run the project based on available handlers. # class Server < Rack::Server DEFAULT_ADDRESS = { :Host => '', :Port => 3000 } # Server Handlers Handlers = [:thin, :puma, :'spider-gazelle', :mongrel, :trinidad, :webrick] # Starts the application on the available server with specified options. def self.start(app, options={}) options = options.to_hash.symbolize_keys options.update(parse_server_options(options.delete(:options))) options.update(detect_address(options)) options[:pid] = prepare_pid(options[:pid]) if options[:daemonize] options[:server] = detect_rack_handler if options[:server].blank? # disable Webrick AccessLog options[:AccessLog] = [] new(options, app).start end def initialize(options, app) @options, @app = options, app end # Starts the application on the available server with specified options. def start puts "=> Padrino/#{Padrino.version} has taken the stage #{Padrino.env} at http://#{options[:Host]}:#{options[:Port]}" [:INT, :TERM].each { |sig| trap(sig) { exit } } super do |server| server.threaded = true if server.respond_to?(:threaded=) end ensure puts "<= Padrino leaves the gun, takes the cannoli" unless options[:daemonize] end # The application the server will run. def app @app end alias :wrapped_app :app def options @options end private # Detects the supported handler to use. # # @example # detect_rack_handler => # def self.detect_rack_handler Handlers.each do |handler| begin return handler if Rack::Handler.get(handler.to_s.downcase) rescue LoadError rescue NameError end end fail "Server handler (#{Handlers.join(', ')}) not found." end # Prepares a directory for pid file. # def self.prepare_pid(pid) pid = 'tmp/pids/' if pid.blank? FileUtils.mkdir_p(File.dirname(pid)) File.expand_path(pid) end # Parses an array of server options. # def self.parse_server_options(options) parsed_server_options = Array(options).flat_map{ |option| option.split('=', 2) } Hash[*parsed_server_options].symbolize_keys end # Detects Host and Port for Rack server. # def self.detect_address(options) address = DEFAULT_ADDRESS.merge options.slice(:Host, :Port) address[:Host] = options[:host] if options[:host].present? address[:Port] = options[:port] if options[:port].present? address end end end