module Birdwatcher module Modules module Statuses class WordCloud < Birdwatcher::Module self.meta = { :name => "Word Cloud", :description => "Generates a word cloud from statuses", :author => "Michael Henriksen ", :options => { "DEST" => { :value => nil, :description => "Destination file", :required => true }, "USERS" => { :value => nil, :description => "Space-separated list of screen names (all users if empty)", :required => false }, "SINCE" => { :value => nil, :description => "Process statuses posted since specified time (last 7 days if empty)", :required => false }, "BEFORE" => { :value => nil, :description => "Process statuses posted before specified time (from now if empty)", :required => false }, "MIN_WORD_COUNT" => { :value => 3, :description => "Exclude words mentioned fewer times than specified", :required => false }, "MIN_WORD_LENGTH" => { :value => 3, :description => "Exclude words smaller than specified", :required => false }, "EXCLUDE_STOPWORDS" => { :value => true, :description => "Exclude english stopwords", :required => false, :boolean => true }, "EXCLUDE_COMMON" => { :value => true, :description => "Exclude common english words", :required => false, :boolean => true }, "EXCLUDE_WORDS" => { :value => nil, :description => "Space-separated list of words to exclude", :required => false }, "EXCLUDE_HASHTAGS" => { :value => false, :description => "Exclude Hashtags", :required => false, :boolean => true }, "EXCLUDE_MENTIONS" => { :value => true, :description => "Exclude @username mentions", :required => false, :boolean => true }, "INCLUDE_PAGE_TITLES" => { :value => false, :description => "Include web page titles from shared URLs (requires crawling with urls/crawl)", :required => false, :boolean => true }, "WORD_CAP" => { :value => 200, :description => "Cap list of words to specified amount", :required => false }, "PALETTE" => { :value => "#8F99AB #A3ADC2 #272A2F #474C55 #3D4148 #021121 #293642 #516982 #516982 #415569", :description => "Space-separated list of hex color codes to use for word cloud", :required => true }, "IMAGE_WIDTH" => { :value => 1024, :description => "Image width in pixels", :required => true }, "IMAGE_HEIGHT" => { :value => 1024, :description => "Image height in pixels", :required => true }, } } def <<-INFO The Word Cloud module can generate a classic weighted word cloud from words used in statuses across all or specific users and between different times. The module is heavily configurable; have a look at the options with #{'show options'.bold} Please note that configuring the module with a long timespan might result in a very long execution time when the word cloud image is generated. The generated image will be in PNG format. INFO end def run if option_setting("USERS") user_ids = current_workspace.users_dataset.where("screen_name IN ?", option_setting("USERS").split(" ").map(&:strip)).map(&:id) statuses = current_workspace.statuses_dataset.where("user_id IN ?", user_ids) else statuses = current_workspace.statuses_dataset end if option_setting("SINCE") since = parse_time(option_setting("SINCE")).strftime("%Y-%m-%d") else since = ( - 7).strftime("%Y-%m-%d") end if option_setting("BEFORE") before = parse_time(option_setting("BEFORE")).strftime("%Y-%m-%d") else before ="%Y-%m-%d") end statuses = statuses.where("DATE(posted_at) >= DATE(?) AND DATE(posted_at) <= DATE(?)", since, before).all if error("There are no statuses to process") return false end word_list = make_word_list( :min_word_count => option_setting("MIN_WORD_COUNT"), :min_word_length => option_setting("MIN_WORD_LENGTH"), :exclude_words => option_setting("EXCLUDE_WORDS").to_s.split(" ").map(&:strip), :exclude_stopwords => option_setting("EXCLUDE_STOPWORDS"), :exclude_common_words => option_setting("EXCLUDE_COMMON"), :exclude_hashtags => option_setting("EXCLUDE_HASHTAGS"), :exclude_mentions => option_setting("EXCLUDE_MENTIONS"), :word_cap => option_setting("WORD_CAP"), :stopwords_file => File.join(DATA_DIRECTORY, "english_stopwords.txt"), :common_words_file => File.join(DATA_DIRECTORY, "top100Kenglishwords.txt") ) task("Processing #{statuses.count.to_s.bold} statuses...") do statuses.each do |status| word_list.add_to_corpus(status.text) if option_setting("INCLUDE_PAGE_TITLES") status.urls_dataset .where("title IS NOT NULL") .where("final_url NOT LIKE ''") .map(&:title).each do |page_title| word_list.add_to_corpus(page_title) end end end word_list.process end task("Generating word cloud, patience please...") do cloud =, :rotate => :none, :palette => option_setting("PALETTE").split(" ").map(&:strip) ).draw(option_setting("IMAGE_WIDTH").to_i, option_setting("IMAGE_HEIGHT").to_i).to_blob { self.format = "png" }"DEST"), "wb") { |f| f.write(cloud) } end info("Word cloud written to #{option_setting('DEST').bold}") end end end end end