# Refinery CMS __An open source Ruby on Rails content management system for small business.__ ## Demo Site * [Front end live demo ](http://demo.refinerycms.com) * [Back end live demo ](http://demo.refinerycms.com/admin) For more screenshots, example sites & high level information: [http://refinerycms.com](http://refinerycms.com) ![Refinery Dashboard](http://refinerycms.com/system/images/0000/0576/dashboard.png) ## What it's good at? __Refinery is great for small business sites where the client needs to be able to update their website themselves__ without being bombarded with anything too complicated. Unlike other content managers, Refinery is truly aimed at the end user making it easy for them to pick up and make changes themselves. ### For developers * Allows you to get a small business site completed __ridiculously quickly__ * Easily __[Theme and customise](http://github.com/resolve/refinerycms/blob/master/vendor/plugins/themes/themes.md)__ the look to suit the business * __[Extend with custom plugins](http://github.com/resolve/refinerycms/blob/master/vendor/plugins/refinery/plugins.md)__ to do anything Refinery doesn't do out of the box * Sticks to __"the Rails way"__ as much as possible. We don't force you to learn new templating languages. * Uses [jQuery](http://jquery.com/) for fast and concise JavaScript ## Requirements Refinery runs using a number of gems which (as of Refinery version are outlined below: * [rake >= 0.8.3](http://gemcutter.org/gems/rake) * [friendly_id >= 2.2.2](http://gemcutter.org/gems/friendly_id) * [will_paginate >= 2.3.11](http://gemcutter.org/gems/will_paginate) * [rails >= 2.3.5](http://gemcutter.org/gems/rails) * [aasm >= 2.1.3](http://gemcutter.org/gems/aasm) * [unicode >= 0.1](http://gemcutter.org/gems/unicode) * [hpricot >= 0.8.1](http://gemcutter.org/gems/hpricot) * [slim_scrooge >= 1.0.3](http://gemcutter.org/gems/slim_scrooge) (_Windows & JRuby users can ignore this one_) ### Other dependancies * [RMagick](http://github.com/rmagick/rmagick) - [Install docs](http://rmagick.rubyforge.org/install-faq.html) or for Mac OS users [shell install script](http://github.com/maddox/magick-installer) will be easier. ## Installing and Setting Up Refinery ### 1. Get the Refinery code #### Install the Gem gem install refinerycms --source http://gemcutter.org refinery path/to/project #### Or, clone Refinery's GIT repository git clone git://github.com/resolve/refinerycms.git mynewsite.com cd ./mynewsite.com git remote rm origin git remote add origin git@github.com:you/yournewsite.git mv ./config/database.yml.example ./config/database.yml ### 2. Configuration Firstly, edit ``config/database.yml`` to reflect your database server details. Next create your database and fill it with Refinery's default data: rake db:setup After your database exists, you'll need to install the gems that Refinery depends on. You can do this by running: rake gems:install ### 3. Starting up your site ruby script/server Now visit [http://localhost:3000](http://localhost:3000) and your Refinery site should be running. You will be prompted to setup your first user. ## Help and Developer Documentation * [Google Group Discussion](http://groups.google.com/group/refinery-cms) * [Developer/API documentation](http://api.refinerycms.org) * [Developer video - 26 mins](http://refinerycms.com/pages/for-developers) * [IRC Channel](irc://irc.freenode.net/refinerycms) ## Setting Up on Heroku or Using S3 for Storage If you're using [Heroku](http://heroku.com/) you will want to put USE_S3_BACKEND = true in your ``config/production.rb`` file to make Refinery store files uploaded on Amazon S3. ## Updating to the latest Refinery ### When using the gem Simply run the command: refinery-update-core path/to/project/root/ and the up-to-date core files will be copied from the latest gem into your project. ### When using GIT You can update by running these commands: git remote add refinerycms git://github.com/resolve/refinerycms.git git pull refinerycms master This will pull in all of the updated files in the project and may result in some merge conflicts which you will need to resolve. ## What comes included with Refinery ### [Pages](http://github.com/resolve/refinerycms/blob/master/vendor/plugins/pages/pages.md) * Easily edit and manage pages with a [WYSIWYG visual editor](http://www.wymeditor.org/) * Manage you site's structure ### [Images](http://github.com/resolve/refinerycms/blob/master/vendor/plugins/images/images.md) & [Resources](http://github.com/resolve/refinerycms/blob/master/vendor/plugins/resources/resources.md) * Easily upload and insert images * Upload and link to resources such as PDF documents * Uses the popular [attachment_fu](http://github.com/technoweenie/attachment_fu) Rails plugin ### [Inquiries](http://github.com/resolve/refinerycms/blob/master/vendor/plugins/inquiries/inquiries.md) * Collect inquiries from a contact form * Manage your inquiries and be notified when new ones come in ### [News](http://github.com/resolve/refinerycms/blob/master/vendor/plugins/news/news.md) * Post news about your company and update your visitors ### [Settings](http://github.com/resolve/refinerycms/blob/master/vendor/plugins/refinery_settings/settings.md) * Manage the behaviour of Refinery * Easily integrate with [Google Analytics](https://www.google.com/analytics/) ### [Dashboard](http://github.com/resolve/refinerycms/blob/master/vendor/plugins/dashboard/dashboard.md) * Get an overview of what has been updated recently ### [Authentication & Users](http://github.com/resolve/refinerycms/blob/master/vendor/plugins/authentication/authentication.md) * Manage who can access Refinery * Control which plugins each user has access to * Uses the popular [RESTful authentication](http://github.com/technoweenie/restful-authentication) Rails plugin ### [Themes](http://github.com/resolve/refinerycms/blob/master/vendor/plugins/themes/themes.md) * Customise Refinery to look exactly how you want * The Rails Way: use regular Rails erb views, no templating languages here! ### ...Want more? [Extend with Plugins](http://github.com/resolve/refinerycms/blob/master/vendor/plugins/refinery/plugins.md) Extend Refinery easily by running the Refinery generator ruby script/generate refinery to get help on how to use that. Or read the full documentation on [writing plugins for Refinery](http://github.com/resolve/refinerycms/blob/master/vendor/plugins/refinery/plugins.md) ### What about a portfolio? Check out the [portfolio plugin gem](http://github.com/resolve/refinery-portfolio) ## License Refinery is released under the MIT license and is copyright (c) 2005-2009 [Resolve Digital Ltd.](http://www.resolvedigital.co.nz) [Read the license](http://github.com/resolve/refinerycms/blob/master/license.md)