require_relative 'spec_helper' describe "ING" do context 'old mt940' do before :each do @file_name = File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/fixtures/ing.txt' @bank_statements = MT940Structured::Parser.parse_mt940(@file_name)["1234567"] @transactions = @bank_statements.flat_map(&:transactions) @transaction = @transactions.first end it 'have the correct number of transactions' do @transactions.size.should == 6 end it 'get the opening balance and date' do @bank_statements.first.previous_balance.amount.should == 0 ==, 7, 22) end it 'get the closing balance and date' do @bank_statements.last.new_balance.amount.should == 3.47 ==, 7, 23) end context 'Transaction' do it 'have a bank_account' do @transaction.bank_account.should == '1234567' end it 'have an amount' do @transaction.amount.should == -25.03 end it 'have a currency' do @transaction.currency.should == 'EUR' end it 'have a date' do ==, 7, 22) end it 'return its bank' do == 'Ing' end it "should return the type" do @transaction.type.should == 'Overschrijving' end it 'have a description' do @transactions.last.description.should == 'EJ46GREENP100610T1456 CLIEOP TMG GPHONGKONG AMSTERDAM' end it 'return the contra_account' do @transactions.last.contra_account.should == 'NONREF' end end end context 'new mt940' do before :each do @file_name = File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/fixtures/ing_structured.txt' @bank_statements = MT940Structured::Parser.parse_mt940(@file_name)["1234567"] @transactions = @bank_statements.flat_map(&:transactions) @transaction = @transactions.first end it 'has the correct number of transactions' do @transactions.size.should == 7 end it 'get the opening balance and date' do @bank_statements.first.previous_balance.amount.should == 500 ==, 6, 30) end it 'get the closing balance and date' do @bank_statements.last.new_balance.amount.should == 400 ==, 10, 1) end context 'Transaction' do before :each do @transaction = @transactions[1] end it 'have a bank_account' do @transaction.bank_account.should == '1234567' end it 'have an amount' do @transaction.amount.should == 300 end it 'have a currency' do @transaction.currency.should == 'EUR' end it 'have a date' do ==, 7, 1) end it 'return its bank' do == 'Ing' end it "should return the type" do @transaction.type.should == 'Overschrijving' end it 'have a description' do @transaction.description.should == 'VAN Zkl Kwartaal Spaarrekening' end it 'return the contra_account' do @transaction.contra_account.should == '1234567' end end context 'IBAN transaction' do before :each do @transaction = @transactions[2] end it 'have a bank_account' do @transaction.bank_account.should == '1234567' end it 'have an amount' do @transaction.amount.should == -400 end it 'have a currency' do @transaction.currency.should == 'EUR' end it 'have a date' do ==, 7, 1) end it 'return its bank' do == 'Ing' end it "should return the type" do @transaction.type.should == 'Internetbankieren' end it 'have a description' do @transaction.description.should == 'kilometervergoed ing 2e kwartaal 2013' end it 'returns the contra_account' do @transaction.contra_account.should == '987654321' @transaction.contra_account_iban.should == 'NL57ABNA0987654321' @transaction.contra_account_owner.should == 'J AAP' end end context 'IBAN transaction from tax' do before :each do @transaction = @transactions[4] end it 'have a description' do @transaction.description.should == 'BELASTINGDIENST BTW 2e kwartaal 2013 SCOR/CUR/8850426741301240' end it 'has an account and iban' do @transaction.contra_account.should == '2445588' @transaction.contra_account_iban.should == 'NL86INGB0002445588' end it 'is unable to parse the contra account owner' do @transaction.contra_account_owner.should be_nil end end context 'IBAN transaction with EREF NOTPROVIDED' do before :each do @transaction = @transactions[3] end it 'have a description' do @transaction.description.should == 'parkeren' end it 'has an account and iban' do @transaction.contra_account.should == '987654321' @transaction.contra_account_iban.should == 'NL57ABNA0987654321' end it 'has a contra account owner' do @transaction.contra_account_owner.should == 'J AAP / FOO B.V.' end end context 'IBAN transaction with EREF' do before :each do @transaction = @transactions.last end it 'have a description' do @transaction.description.should == 'J AAP kilometervergoeding 3e kwart aal' end it 'has an account and iban' do @transaction.contra_account.should == '987654321' @transaction.contra_account_iban.should == 'NL57ABNA0987654321' end it 'is unable to parse the contra account owner' do @transaction.contra_account_owner.should be_nil end end end context 'europese incasso' do before :each do @file_name = File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/fixtures/ing/eu_incasso.txt' @bank_statements = MT940Structured::Parser.parse_mt940(@file_name)["1234567"] @transactions = @bank_statements.flat_map(&:transactions) @transaction = @transactions.first end it 'has a description' do @transaction.description.should == 'NL10XXX100020000000 01000 00000000 000000000000-AAAA12345678 Premie xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx' end it 'has a contra account' do @transaction.contra_account.should == "3000" end it 'has a contra account iban' do @transaction.contra_account_iban.should == "NL58INGB0000003000" end it 'has a contra account owner' do @transaction.contra_account_owner.should == "JAAPJAAP FIETS PAPIER QWDFDFGGASDFGDSFGS NV" end end context 'foreign transaction' do before :each do @file_name = File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/fixtures/ing/eu_incasso_foreign_transaction.txt' @bank_statements = MT940Structured::Parser.parse_mt940(@file_name)["1234567"] @transactions = @bank_statements.flat_map(&:transactions) @transaction = @transactions.first end it 'has a description' do @transaction.description.should == 'GB40G01SDDCITI00000011091334 9087653421 NL0 001MKXD ADWORDS:3455667788:NL0001MKXD' end it 'has a contra account' do @transaction.contra_account.should == "BB123456789876567898" end it 'has a contra account iban' do @transaction.contra_account_iban.should == "BB123456789876567898" end it 'has a contra account owner' do @transaction.contra_account_owner.should == "Google Ireland Limited" end end describe 'new line in reference after company name' do before :each do @file_name = File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/fixtures/ing/failing.txt' @bank_statements = MT940Structured::Parser.parse_mt940(@file_name)["1234567"] @transactions = @bank_statements.flat_map(&:transactions) @transaction = @transactions.first end it 'has a description' do @transaction.description.should == 'NL72 BOB998877665544 BOB213654789387485940392049 1234567898765432 Kenmerk: 3333.1111.2222.3333 Omschrijving: 987654321 01-01-2012 3 MND 9878878787 Servicecontract' end it 'has a contra account' do @transaction.contra_account.should == "123456789" end it 'has a contra account iban' do @transaction.contra_account_iban.should == "NL80RABO0123456789" end it 'has a contra account owner' do @transaction.contra_account_owner.should == "BOB" end end end