require "pact_broker/client/hash_refinements" module PactBroker module Client module CLI # Thor::Error will have its backtrace hidden class PactPublicationError < ::Thor::Error; end module PactCommands using PactBroker::Client::HashRefinements def self.included(thor) thor.class_eval do desc 'publish PACT_DIRS_OR_FILES ...', "Publish pacts to a Pact Broker." method_option :consumer_app_version, required: true, aliases: "-a", desc: "The consumer application version" method_option :branch, aliases: "-h", desc: "Repository branch of the consumer version" method_option :auto_detect_version_properties, type: :boolean, default: false, desc: "Automatically detect the repository branch from known CI environment variables or git CLI. Supports Buildkite, Circle CI, Travis CI, GitHub Actions, Jenkins, Hudson, AppVeyor, GitLab, CodeShip, Bitbucket and Azure DevOps." method_option :tag, aliases: "-t", type: :array, banner: "TAG", desc: "Tag name for consumer version. Can be specified multiple times." method_option :tag_with_git_branch, aliases: "-g", type: :boolean, default: false, required: false, desc: "Tag consumer version with the name of the current git branch. Supports Buildkite, Circle CI, Travis CI, GitHub Actions, Jenkins, Hudson, AppVeyor, GitLab, CodeShip, Bitbucket and Azure DevOps. Default: false" method_option :build_url, desc: "The build URL that created the pact" method_option :merge, type: :boolean, default: false, require: false, desc: "If a pact already exists for this consumer version and provider, merge the contents. Useful when running Pact tests concurrently on different build nodes." output_option_json_or_text shared_authentication_options def publish(*pact_files) require 'pact_broker/client/error' validate_credentials validate_pact_files(pact_files) result = publish_pacts(pact_files) $stdout.puts result.message exit(1) unless result.success rescue PactBroker::Client::Error => e raise PactPublicationError, "#{e.class} - #{e.message}" end desc 'list-latest-pact-versions', 'List the latest pact for each integration' shared_authentication_options output_option_json_or_table def list_latest_pact_versions(*required_but_ignored) require 'pact_broker/client/pacts/list_latest_versions' result =, options.output, pact_broker_client_options) $stdout.puts result.message exit(1) unless result.success end no_commands do def validate_pact_files pact_files unless pact_files && pact_files.any? raise ::Thor::RequiredArgumentMissingError, "No value provided for required pact_files" end end def publish_pacts pact_files require 'pact_broker/client/publish_pacts' write_options = options[:merge] ? { write: :merge } : {} consumer_version_params = { number: options.consumer_app_version, branch: branch, tags: tags, build_url: options.build_url, version_required: (!!options.branch || !!options.build_url || explict_auto_detect_version_properties) }.compact options.broker_base_url, file_list(pact_files), consumer_version_params, { merge: options[:merge], output: options.output }.compact, pact_broker_client_options.merge(write_options) ) end def file_list pact_files require 'rake/file_list' correctly_separated_pact_files = pact_files.collect{ |path| path.gsub(/\\+/, '/') } paths = Rake::FileList[correctly_separated_pact_files].collect do | path | if Rake::FileList[File.join(path, "*.json")] else path end end.flatten validate_pact_path_list(paths) end def validate_pact_path_list(paths) paths.collect do | path | if File.exist?(path) path elsif path.start_with?("-") raise"ERROR: pact-broker publish was called with invalid arguments #{[path]}") else raise"Specified pact file '#{path}' does not exist. This sometimes indicates one of the arguments has been specified with the wrong name and has been incorrectly identified as a file path.") end end end def tags require 'pact_broker/client/git' t = [*options.tag] t << PactBroker::Client::Git.branch(raise_error: true) if options.tag_with_git_branch t.compact.uniq end def branch require 'pact_broker/client/git' if options.branch.nil? && options.auto_detect_version_properties PactBroker::Client::Git.branch(raise_error: explict_auto_detect_version_properties) else options.branch end end def explict_auto_detect_version_properties @explict_auto_detect_version_properties ||= ARGV.include?("--auto-detect-version-properties") end end end end end end end end