require File.expand_path("spec_helper", File.dirname(File.dirname(__FILE__))) begin require 'tilt/erb' rescue LoadError warn "tilt not installed, skipping named_templates plugin test" else describe "named_templates plugin" do it "adds template method method for naming templates, and have render recognize it" do app(:bare) do plugin :named_templates template :foo do @b = 2 "foo<%= @a %><%= @b %>" end template :layout, :engine=>:str do @c = 3 'bar#{@a}#{@c}-#{yield}-baz' end route do |r| @a = 1 view(:foo) end end body.must_equal 'bar13-foo12-baz' @app = body.must_equal 'bar13-foo12-baz' end it "works when freezing the app" do app(:bare) do plugin :named_templates template :foo do @b = 2 "foo<%= @a %><%= @b %>" end template :layout, :engine=>:str do @c = 3 'bar#{@a}#{@c}-#{yield}-baz' end route do |r| @a = 1 view(:foo) end end app.freeze body.must_equal 'bar13-foo12-baz' proc{app.template(:b){"a"}}.must_raise FrozenError end it "works with the view_subdirs plugin" do app(:bare) do plugin :render plugin :view_subdirs plugin :named_templates template "foo/bar" do @b = 2 "foobar<%= @a %><%= @b %>" end template "foo/layout", :engine=>:str do @c = 3 'foo#{@a}#{@c}-#{yield}-baz' end template "bar/layout", :engine=>:str do @c = 3 'bar#{@a}#{@c}-#{yield}-baz' end route do |r| 'foo' do set_view_subdir :foo @a = 1 view(:bar) end 'bar' do set_view_subdir :bar @a = 4 @b = 2 view(:inline=>"barfoo<%= @a %><%= @b %>") end end end body('/foo').must_equal 'foo13-foobar12-baz' body('/bar').must_equal 'bar43-barfoo42-baz' end end end