# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more # contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this # work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. The ASF # licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under # the License. class ProgressBar class << self def start(args, &block) new(args).start &block end def width @width ||= $terminal.output_cols || 80 end end def initialize(args = {}) @title = args[:title] || '' @total = args[:total] || 0 @mark = args[:mark] || '.' @format = args[:format] || default_format @output = args[:output] || $stderr unless args[:hidden] || !$stdout.isatty clear end def start @start = @last_time = Time.now @count = 0 @finished = false render if block_given? result = yield(self) if block_given? finish result else self end end def inc(count) set @count + count end def <<(bytes) inc bytes.size end def set(count) @count = [count, 0].max @count = [count, @total].min unless @total == 0 render if changed? end def title @title.size > ProgressBar.width / 5 ? (@title[0, ProgressBar.width / 5 - 2] + '..') : @title end def count human(@count) end def total human(@total) end def percentage '%3d%%' % (@total == 0 ? 100 : (@count * 100 / @total)) end def time @finished ? elapsed : eta end def eta return 'ETA: --:--:--' if @count == 0 elapsed = Time.now - @start eta = elapsed * @total / @count - elapsed 'ETA: %s' % duration(eta.ceil) end def elapsed 'Time: %s' % duration(Time.now - @start) end def rate '%s/s' % human(@count / (Time.now - @start)) end def progress(width) width -= 2 marks = @total == 0 ? width : (@count * width / @total) "|%-#{width}s|" % (@mark * marks) end def human(bytes) magnitude = (0..3).find { |i| bytes < (1024 << i * 10) } || 3 return '%dB' % bytes if magnitude == 0 return '%.1f%s' % [ bytes.to_f / (1 << magnitude * 10), [nil, 'KB', 'MB', 'GB'][magnitude] ] end def duration(seconds) '%02d:%02d:%02d' % [seconds / 3600, (seconds / 60) % 60, seconds % 60] end def finish unless @finished @finished = true render end end protected def clear return unless @output @output.print "\r", " " * (ProgressBar.width - 1), "\r" @output.flush end def render return unless @output format, *args = @format line = format % args.map { |arg| send(arg) } @output.print line.sub('|--|') { progress(ProgressBar.width - line.size + 3) } @output.print @finished ? "\n" : "\r" @output.flush @previous = @count @last_time = Time.now end def changed? return false unless @output return human(@count) != human(@previous) if @total == 0 return true if (@count - @previous) >= @total / 100 return Time.now - @last_time > 1 end def default_format @total == 0 ? ['%s %8s %s', :title, :count, :elapsed] : ['%s: %s |--| %8s/%s %s', :title, :percentage, :count, :total, :time] end end