require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../fixtures/models/router_spec_models') describe "class with general url generation", :shared => true do before(:all) do Merb::Router.prepare do |r| @resource_routes = r.resources(:blogs) r.resources(:gardens) do |gardens| @nested_resource = gardens.resources :flowers end @test_route = r.match("/the/:place/:goes/here").to(:controller => "Test", :action => "show").name(:test) @default_route = r.default_routes end end it "should generate a url from a route using a hash" do c = new_url_controller(@test_route, :place => "1") c.url_from_route(@test_route, :goes => "g").should == "/the/1/g/here" end it "should generate a url from a route using an object" do c = new_url_controller(@test_route, :place => "2") obj = => "elsewhere") c.url_from_route(@test_route, obj).should == "/the/2/elsewhere/here" end it "should generate a url and tack extra params on as a query string" do c = new_url_controller(@test_route, :place => "1") c.url_from_route(@test_route, :goes => "g", :page => 2).should == "/the/1/g/here?page=2" end it "should generate a url directly from a hash using the current route as a default" do c = new_url_controller(@test_route, :goes => "swimmingly") c.url(:place => "provo").should == "/the/provo/swimmingly/here" end it "should generate a default route url with just :controller" do c = new_url_controller(@default_route) c.url(:controller => "welcome").should == "/welcome" end it 'should generate urls from nested resources' do c = new_url_controller(@nested_resource, :garden => 5) c.url(:flower, :garden_id => 1, :id => 3).should == "/gardens/1/flowers/3" end # it "should generate a default route url with an extra param" do # c = new_url_controller(@default_route, :controller => "foo", :action => "bar") # c.url(:controller => :current, :monkey => "quux").should == "/foo/bar?monkey=quux" # end it "should generate a default route url with all options" do c = new_url_controller(@default_route, :controller => "foo", :action => "bar") c.url(:controller => "foo", :action => "bar", :id => "baz", :format => :js, :monkey => "quux").should == "/foo/bar/baz.js?monkey=quux" end it "should handle an object as the second arg" do c = new_url_controller(@resource_routes, :controller => "blogs", :action => "show") blog = url = c.url(:blog, blog) url.should == "/blogs/hello42" end it "should point to /blogs/:blog_id if @blog is not new_record" do c = new_url_controller(@resource_routes, :controller => "blogs", :action => "index") blog = blog.should_receive(:new_record?).once.and_return(false) url = c.url(:blog, blog) url.should == "/blogs/hello42" end it "should point to /blogs/ if @blog is new_record" do c = new_url_controller(@resource_routes, :controller => "blogs", :action => "index") blog = blog.should_receive(:new_record?).once.and_return(true) url = c.url(:blog, blog) url.should == "/blogs/" end end describe "non routeable controller with url mixin", :shared => true do before(:all) do Merb::Router.prepare do |r| @resource_routes = r.resources(:blogs) r.resources(:gardens) do |gardens| @nested_resource = gardens.resources :flowers end @test_route = r.match("/the/:place/:goes/here").to(:controller => "Test", :action => "show").name(:test) @default_route = r.default_routes end end it "should route when given a controller and an action" do c = new_url_controller(@default_route, :controller => "blah") the_url = c.url(:controller => "foo", :action => "bar") the_url.should == "/foo/bar" end it "should generate a route when only a controller is given" do c = new_url_controller(@default_route, :controller => "blah") the_url = c.url(:controller => "foo") the_url.should == "/foo" end it "should generate a route with controller action and extra options" do c = new_url_controller(@default_route, :controller => "blah") the_url = c.url(:controller => "foo", :action => "bar", :cool => "false") the_url.should == "/foo/bar?cool=false" end end