Feature: --require option Use the `--require` (or `-r`) option to specify a file to require before running specs. Scenario: using the --require option Given a file named "logging_formatter.rb" with: """ruby require "rspec/core/formatters/base_text_formatter" require 'delegate' class LoggingFormatter < RSpec::Core::Formatters::BaseTextFormatter def initialize(output) super LoggingIO.new(output) end class LoggingIO < SimpleDelegator def initialize(output) @file = File.new('rspec.log', 'w') super end def puts(message) [@file, __getobj__].each { |out| out.puts message } end def close @file.close end end end """ And a file named "spec/example_spec.rb" with: """ruby describe "an embarassing situation" do it "happens to everyone" do end end """ When I run `rspec --require ./logging_formatter.rb --format LoggingFormatter` Then the output should contain "1 example, 0 failures" And the file "rspec.log" should contain "1 example, 0 failures" And the exit status should be 0