module Georgia class MediaController < ApplicationController load_and_authorize_resource class: Ckeditor::Asset # destroy's :id param is an Array and makes load_resource fails skip_load_resource only: :destroy def index redirect_to action: :search end def search @asset = session[:search_params] = params @search = do fulltext params[:query] do fields(:filename, :tags) end with(:extension, params[:e]) unless params[:e].blank? with(:tags).any_of(params[:tg]) unless params[:tg].blank? order_by (params[:o] || :updated_at), (params[:dir] || :desc) paginate(page: params[:page], per_page: (params[:per] || 8)) end @assets = Ckeditor::AssetDecorator.decorate_collection(@search.results) end def create @assets = [] params[:assets].each do |asset| klass = asset.content_type.match(/^image/) ? Ckeditor::Picture : Ckeditor::Asset @assets << klass.create(data: asset) end render layout: false end def show redirect_to edit_media_path(id: params[:id]) end def edit @asset = Ckeditor::Asset.find(params[:id]) end def update @asset = Ckeditor::Asset.find(params[:id]) if @asset.update_attributes(params[:asset]) respond_to do |format| format.html { redirect_to edit_media_path(@asset), notice: "Asset was successfully updated." } format.js { head :ok } end else respond_to do |format| format.html { redirect_to edit_media_path(@asset), alert: "Oups. Something went wrong." } format.js { head :internal_server_error } end end end # Destroy multiple assets def destroy @assets = Ckeditor::Asset.where(id: params[:id]) if can?(:destroy, Ckeditor::Asset) and @assets.destroy_all respond_to do |format| format.html { redirect_to search_media_index_path, notice: "Assets were successfully deleted." } format.js { head :ok } end else respond_to do |format| format.html { redirect_to search_media_index_path, alert: "Oups. Something went wrong." } format.js { head :internal_server_error } end end end # Download multiple assets as a zip file # TODO: We could send via AJAX with jquery.fileDownload plugin # We could then have a download spinner while the request is processing, even a progress bar def download ids = params[:ids].split(',') @files = Ckeditor::Asset.find(ids) t ="tmp-zip-#{}") do |zos| @files.each do |file| filename = file.filename zos.put_next_entry(filename) tmp_file = open(file.url) do |data| tmp_file.write'UTF-8') end zos.print tmp_file.close end end filename = "#{Georgia.title.try(:parameterize) || 'georgia'}_assets_#{'%Y%m%d%H%M%S')}.zip" t.close send_file t.path, type: "application/zip", disposition: 'attachment', filename: filename end end end