require 'json' require 'semtools' class Cohort @@ont = {} class << self # attr_accessor :act_ont # Which ontology use for ont related operations end attr_accessor :profiles def self.get_ontology(ont_id) return @@ont[ont_id] end def self.load_ontology(ont_name, ont_file, excluded_terms_file = nil) ont = nil if !ont_file.include?('.json') if !excluded_terms_file.nil? ont = ont_file, load_file: true, removable_terms: read_excluded_ont_file(excluded_terms_file)) else ont = ont_file, load_file: true) end else ont = end @@ont[ont_name] = ont end def self.read_excluded_ont_file(file) excluded_hpo = [] do |line| excluded_hpo << line.chomp end return excluded_hpo end def initialize() @profiles = {} @vars = {} @extra_attr = {} @var_idx =[]) end def add_record(rec, extra_attr = nil) #[id, [profile], [[chr1, start1, stop1],[chr1, start1, stop1]]] id, profile, vars = rec @profiles[id] ={|t| t.to_sym} if !profile.nil? @extra_attr[id] = extra_attr if !extra_attr.nil? add_gen_feat(id, vars) if !vars.nil? end def delete(id) @profiles.delete(id) @vars.delete(id) end def select_by_profile!!{|id, profile| yield(id, profile)} current_ids = @profiles.keys!{|id, var| current_ids.include?(id)} end def select_by_var!!{|id, profile| yield(id, profile)} current_ids = @vars.keys!{|id, var| current_ids.include?(id)} end def filter_by_term_number(n_terms) select_by_profile!{|id, profile| profile.length >= n_terms} end def remove_incomplete_records # remove resc that lacks of vars or phenotypes ids_with_terms = @profiles.keys ids_with_vars = [] @vars.each{|id, regs| ids_with_vars << id if regs.length > 0} full_ids = ids_with_vars & ids_with_terms!{|id, prof| full_ids.include?(id)}!{|id, var| full_ids.include?(id)} end def add_gen_feat(id, feat_array) # [[chr1, start1, stop1],[chr1, start1, stop1]] @vars[id] = end def get_profile(id) return @profiles[id] end def get_vars(id) return @vars[id] end def each_profile() @profiles.each do |id, profile| yield(id, profile) end end def each_var() @vars.each do |id, var_info| yield(id, var_info) end end def get_general_profile(thr=0) # TODO move funcionality to semtools term_count = each_profile do |id, prof| prof.each do |term| term_count[term] += 1 end end records = @profiles.length general_profile = [] term_count.each do |term, count| general_profile << term if count.fdiv(records) >= thr end ont = @@ont[Cohort.act_ont] return ont.clean_profile_hard(general_profile) end def check(hard=false) # OLD format_patient_data ont = @@ont[Cohort.act_ont] rejected_terms = [] rejected_recs = [] @profiles.each do |id, terms| if hard terms = ont.clean_profile_hard(terms) rejec_terms = [] else terms, rejec_terms = ont.check_ids(terms) end if !rejec_terms.empty? STDERR.puts "WARNING: record #{id} has the unknown CODES '#{rejec_terms.join(',')}'. Codes removed." rejected_terms.concat(rejec_terms) end if terms.empty? rejected_recs << id else @profiles[id] = terms end end!{|id, record| !rejected_recs.include?(id)}!{|id, record| !rejected_recs.include?(id)} return rejected_terms.uniq, rejected_recs end def link2ont(ont_id) @@ont[ont_id].load_profiles(@profiles) end def get_profile_redundancy ont = @@ont[Cohort.act_ont] profile_sizes, parental_terms_per_profile = ont.get_profile_redundancy return profile_sizes, parental_terms_per_profile end def get_profiles_terms_frequency(options={}) ont = @@ont[Cohort.act_ont] term_stats = ont.get_profiles_terms_frequency(**options) # return term_stats end def compute_term_list_and_childs() ont = @@ont[Cohort.act_ont] suggested_childs, term_with_childs_ratio = ont.compute_term_list_and_childs() end def get_profile_ontology_distribution_tables() ont = @@ont[Cohort.act_ont] ontology_levels, distribution_percentage = ont.get_profile_ontology_distribution_tables ontology_levels.unshift(["level", "ontology", "cohort"]) distribution_percentage.unshift(["level", "ontology", "weighted cohort", "uniq terms cohort"]) return ontology_levels, distribution_percentage end def get_ic_analysis() ont = @@ont[Cohort.act_ont] onto_ic, freq_ic = ont.get_observed_ics_by_onto_and_freq # IC for TERMS onto_ic_profile, freq_ic_profile = ont.get_profiles_resnik_dual_ICs # IC for PROFILES return onto_ic, freq_ic, onto_ic_profile, freq_ic_profile end def get_profiles_mean_size ont = @@ont[Cohort.act_ont] profile_mean_size = ont.get_profiles_mean_size return profile_mean_size end def get_profile_length_at_percentile(perc=50, increasing_sort: false) ont = @@ont[Cohort.act_ont] length_percent = ont.get_profile_length_at_percentile(perc=perc, increasing_sort: increasing_sort) return length_percent end def get_dataset_specifity_index(type) ont = @@ont[Cohort.act_ont] dsi = ont.get_dataset_specifity_index(type) return dsi end def compare_profiles(options={}) ont = @@ont[Cohort.act_ont] similarities = ont.compare_profiles(**options) return similarities end def index_vars # equivalent to process_patient_data each_var do |id, var| @var_idx.merge(var, id) end end def get_vars_sizes(summary=false) if summary return @var_idx.get_summary_sizes else return @var_idx.get_sizes end end def generate_cluster_regions(meth, tag, lim) @var_idx.generate_cluster_regions(meth, tag, lim) end def save(output_file, mode = :default, translate = false), 'w') do |f| f.puts "id\tchr\tstart\tstop\tterms" if mode == 'paco' ont = @@ont[Cohort.act_ont] @profiles.each do |id, terms| terms, rejected = ont.translate_ids(terms) if translate id_variants = @vars[id] variants = [] if id_variants.nil? || id_variants.length == 0 variants << ['-', '-', '-'] else id_variants.each do |chr, reg| variants << [chr, reg[:start], reg[:stop]] end end variants.each do |var| if mode == :default f.puts "#{id}\t#{terms.join('|')}\t#{var.join("\t")}" elsif mode == :paco f.puts "#{id}\t#{var.join("\t")}\t#{terms.join('|')}" else abort('Wrong save mode option, please try default or paco') end end end end end def export_phenopackets(output_folder, genome_assembly, vcf_index: nil) ont = @@ont[Cohort.act_ont] metaData = { "createdBy" => "PETS", "resources" => [{ "id" => "hp", "name" => "human phenotype ontology", "namespacePrefix" => "HP", "url" => "", # "version" => "2018-03-08", "iriPrefix" => "" }] } @profiles.each do |id, terms| phenopacket = {metaData: metaData} query_sex = @extra_attr.dig(id, :sex) sex = query_sex.nil? ? 'UNKNOWN_SEX' : query_sex phenopacket[:subject] = { id: id, sex: sex } phenotypicFeatures = [] terms.each do |term| term_name = ont.translate_id(term) phenotypicFeatures << { type: { id: term, label: term_name}, classOfOnset: {"id" => "HP:0003577", "label" => "Congenital onset"} } end phenopacket[:phenotypicFeatures] = phenotypicFeatures if !vcf_index.nil? && vcf_index.include?(id) htsFiles = [] htsFiles << { "uri" => "file:/" + vcf_index[id], "description" => id, "htsFormat" => "VCF", "genomeAssembly" => genome_assembly, "individualToSampleIdentifiers" => { "patient1" => id } } phenopacket[:htsFiles] = htsFiles end, id.to_s + ".json"), "w") { |f| f.write JSON.pretty_generate(phenopacket) } id_variants = @vars[id] variants = [] if id_variants.nil? || id_variants.length == 0 variants << ['-', '-', '-'] else id_variants.each do |chr, reg| variants << [chr, reg[:start], reg[:stop]] end end end end end