module FHIR module Sections module Crud # # Read the current state of a resource. # def read(klass, id, format = @default_format, summary = nil, options = {}) options = { resource: klass, id: id, format: format }.merge(options) options[:summary] = summary if summary reply = get resource_url(options), fhir_headers(options) reply.resource = parse_reply(klass, format, reply) reply.resource_class = klass reply end # # Read a resource bundle (an XML ATOM feed) # def read_feed(klass, format = @default_format) options = { resource: klass, format: format } reply = get resource_url(options), fhir_headers(options) reply.resource = parse_reply(klass, format, reply) reply.resource_class = klass reply end # # Read the state of a specific version of the resource # def vread(klass, id, version_id, format = @default_format) options = { resource: klass, id: id, format: format, history: { id: version_id } } reply = get resource_url(options), fhir_headers(options) reply.resource = parse_reply(klass, format, reply) reply.resource_class = klass reply end def raw_read(options) get resource_url(options), fhir_headers(options) end def raw_read_url(url, format = @default_format) get url, fhir_headers(format: format) end # # Update an existing resource by its id or create it if it is a new resource, not present on the server # def update(resource, id, format = @default_format) base_update(resource, id, nil, format) end # # Update an existing resource by its id or create it if it is a new resource, not present on the server # def conditional_update(resource, id, search_params, format = @default_format) options = { search: { flag: false, compartment: nil, parameters: {} } } search_params.each do |key, value| options[:search][:parameters][key] = value end base_update(resource, id, options, format) end # # Update an existing resource by its id or create it if it is a new resource, not present on the server # def base_update(resource, id, options, format) options = {} if options.nil? options[:resource] = resource.class options[:format] = format options[:id] = id reply = put resource_url(options), resource, fhir_headers(options) reply.resource = parse_reply(resource.class, format, reply) if reply.body.present? reply.resource_class = resource.class reply end # # Partial update using a patchset (PATCH) # def partial_update(klass, id, patchset, options = {}, format = @default_format) options = { resource: klass, id: id, format: format }.merge options if [FHIR::Formats::ResourceFormat::RESOURCE_XML, FHIR::Formats::ResourceFormat::RESOURCE_XML_DSTU2].include?(format) options[:format] = FHIR::Formats::PatchFormat::PATCH_XML options[:Accept] = format elsif [FHIR::Formats::ResourceFormat::RESOURCE_JSON, FHIR::Formats::ResourceFormat::RESOURCE_JSON_DSTU2].include?(format) options[:format] = FHIR::Formats::PatchFormat::PATCH_JSON options[:Accept] = format end reply = patch resource_url(options), patchset, fhir_headers(options) reply.resource = parse_reply(klass, format, reply) reply.resource_class = klass reply end # # Delete the resource with the given ID. # def destroy(klass, id = nil, options = {}) options = { resource: klass, id: id, format: @default_format }.merge options headers = fhir_headers(options) headers.delete('Content-Type') reply = delete resource_url(options), headers reply.resource_class = klass reply end # # Create a new resource with a server assigned id. Return the newly created # resource with the id the server assigned. # def create(resource, options = {}, format = @default_format) base_create(resource, options, format) end # # Conditionally create a new resource with a server assigned id. # def conditional_create(resource, if_none_exist_parameters, format = @default_format) query = '' if_none_exist_parameters.each do |key, value| query += "#{key}=#{value}&" end query = query[0..-2] # strip off the trailing ampersand options = {} options['If-None-Exist'] = query base_create(resource, options, format) end # # Create a new resource with a server assigned id. Return the newly created # resource with the id the server assigned. # def base_create(resource, options, format) options = {} if options.nil? options[:resource] = resource.class options[:format] = format reply = post resource_url(options), resource, fhir_headers(options) if [200, 201].include? reply.code type = reply.response[:headers].detect{|x, _y| x.downcase=='content-type'}.try(:last) if !type.nil? reply.resource = if type.include?('xml') && !reply.body.empty? if @fhir_version == :stu3 FHIR::Xml.from_xml(reply.body) else FHIR::DSTU2::Xml.from_xml(reply.body) end elsif type.include?('json') && !reply.body.empty? if @fhir_version == :stu3 FHIR::Json.from_json(reply.body) else FHIR::DSTU2::Json.from_json(reply.body) end else resource # just send back the submitted resource end = FHIR::ResourceAddress.pull_out_id(, reply.self_link) else = FHIR::ResourceAddress.pull_out_id(, reply.self_link) reply.resource = resource # don't know the content type, so return the resource provided end else = FHIR::ResourceAddress.pull_out_id(, reply.self_link) reply.resource = resource # just send back the submitted resource end reply.resource.client = self reply.resource_class = resource.class reply end end end end