module RSpec module Mocks RSpec.describe "A method stub" do before(:each) do @class = do class << self def existing_class_method existing_private_class_method end private def existing_private_class_method :original_value end end def existing_instance_method existing_private_instance_method end private def existing_private_instance_method :original_value end end @instance = @stub = end describe "using stub" do it "returns declared value when message is received" do allow(@instance).to receive(:msg).and_return(:return_value) expect(@instance.msg).to equal(:return_value) verify @instance end end it "instructs an instance to respond_to the message" do allow(@instance).to receive(:msg) expect(@instance).to respond_to(:msg) end it "instructs a class object to respond_to the message" do allow(@class).to receive(:msg) expect(@class).to respond_to(:msg) end it "ignores when expected message is received with no args" do allow(@instance).to receive(:msg) @instance.msg expect do verify @instance end.not_to raise_error end it "ignores when message is received with args" do allow(@instance).to receive(:msg) @instance.msg(:an_arg) expect do verify @instance end.not_to raise_error end it "ignores when expected message is not received" do allow(@instance).to receive(:msg) expect do verify @instance end.not_to raise_error end it "handles multiple stubbed methods" do allow(@instance).to receive_messages(:msg1 => 1, :msg2 => 2) expect(@instance.msg1).to eq(1) expect(@instance.msg2).to eq(2) end it "is retained when stubbed object is `clone`d" do allow(@stub).to receive(:foobar).and_return(1) expect(@stub.clone.foobar).to eq(1) end it "is cleared when stubbed object when `dup`ed" do allow(@stub).to receive(:foobar).and_return(1) expect{ @stub.dup.foobar }.to raise_error NoMethodError, /foobar/ end context "using `with`" do it 'determines which value is returned' do allow(@stub).to receive(:foo).with(1) { :one } allow(@stub).to receive(:foo).with(2) { :two } expect( eq(:two) expect( eq(:one) end it 'allows differing arities' do allow(@stub).to receive(:foo).with(:two, :args) { :two_args } allow(@stub).to receive(:foo).with(:three, :args, :total) { :three_args_total } expect(, :args)).to eq(:two_args) expect(, :args, :total)).to eq(:three_args_total) end end context "stubbing with prepend", :if => Support::RubyFeatures.module_prepends_supported? do module ToBePrepended def value "#{super}_prepended".to_sym end end it "handles stubbing prepended methods" do klass = { prepend ToBePrepended; def value; :original; end } instance = expect(instance.value).to eq :original_prepended allow(instance).to receive(:value) { :stubbed } expect(instance.value).to eq :stubbed end it "handles stubbing prepended methods on a class's singleton class" do klass = { class << self; prepend ToBePrepended; end; def self.value; :original; end } expect(klass.value).to eq :original_prepended allow(klass).to receive(:value) { :stubbed } expect(klass.value).to eq :stubbed end it "handles stubbing prepended methods on an object's singleton class" do object = def object.value; :original; end object.singleton_class.send(:prepend, ToBePrepended) expect(object.value).to eq :original_prepended allow(object).to receive(:value) { :stubbed } expect(object.value).to eq :stubbed end it 'does not unnecessarily prepend a module when the prepended module does not override the stubbed method' do object = def object.value; :original; end object.singleton_class.send(:prepend, expect { allow(object).to receive(:value) { :stubbed } }.not_to change { object.singleton_class.ancestors } end it 'does not unnecessarily prepend a module when stubbing a method on a module extended onto itself' do mod = do extend self def foo; :bar; end end expect { allow(mod).to receive(:foo) }.not_to change { mod.singleton_class.ancestors } end it 'does not unnecessarily prepend a module when the module was included' do object = def object.value; :original; end object.singleton_class.send(:include, ToBePrepended) expect { allow(object).to receive(:value) { :stubbed } }.not_to change { object.singleton_class.ancestors } end it 'reuses our prepend module so as not to keep mutating the ancestors' do object = def object.value; :original; end object.singleton_class.send(:prepend, ToBePrepended) allow(object).to receive(:value) { :stubbed } RSpec::Mocks.teardown RSpec::Mocks.setup expect { allow(object).to receive(:value) { :stubbed } }.not_to change { object.singleton_class.ancestors } end context "when multiple modules are prepended, only one of which overrides the stubbed method" do it "can still be stubbed and reset" do object = object.singleton_class.class_eval do def value; :original; end prepend ToBePrepended prepend { } end expect(object.value).to eq :original_prepended allow(object).to receive(:value) { :stubbed } expect(object.value).to eq :stubbed reset object expect(object.value).to eq :original_prepended end end context "when a module with a method override is prepended after reset" do it "can still be stubbed again" do object = def object.value; :original; end object.singleton_class.send(:prepend, ToBePrepended) allow(object).to receive(:value) { :stubbed } RSpec::Mocks.teardown RSpec::Mocks.setup object.singleton_class.send(:prepend, { def value :"#{super}_extra_prepend" end }) allow(object).to receive(:value) { :stubbed_2 } expect(object.value).to eq(:stubbed_2) end end end describe "#rspec_reset" do it "removes stubbed methods that didn't exist" do allow(@instance).to receive(:non_existent_method) reset @instance expect(@instance).not_to respond_to(:non_existent_method) end it "restores existing instance methods" do # See bug reports 8302 and 7805 allow(@instance).to receive(:existing_instance_method) { :stub_value } reset @instance expect(@instance.existing_instance_method).to eq(:original_value) end it "restores existing singleton methods with the appropriate context" do klass = do def self.say_hello @hello if defined?(@hello) end end subclass = subclass.instance_variable_set(:@hello, "Hello") expect(subclass.say_hello).to eq("Hello") allow(klass).to receive(:say_hello) { "Howdy" } expect(subclass.say_hello).to eq("Howdy") reset klass expect(subclass.say_hello).to eq("Hello") end it "restores existing private instance methods" do # See bug reports 8302 and 7805 allow(@instance).to receive(:existing_private_instance_method) { :stub_value } reset @instance expect(@instance.send(:existing_private_instance_method)).to eq(:original_value) end it "restores existing class methods" do # See bug reports 8302 and 7805 allow(@class).to receive(:existing_class_method) { :stub_value } reset @class expect(@class.existing_class_method).to eq(:original_value) end it "restores existing private class methods" do # See bug reports 8302 and 7805 allow(@class).to receive(:existing_private_class_method) { :stub_value } reset @class expect(@class.send(:existing_private_class_method)).to eq(:original_value) end it "does not remove existing methods that have been stubbed twice" do allow(@instance).to receive(:existing_instance_method) allow(@instance).to receive(:existing_instance_method) reset @instance expect(@instance.existing_instance_method).to eq(:original_value) end it "correctly restores the visibility of methods whose visibility has been tweaked on the singleton class" do # hello is a private method when mixed in, but public on the module # itself mod = { extend self def hello; :hello; end private :hello class << self; public :hello; end; } expect(mod.hello).to eq(:hello) allow(mod).to receive(:hello) { :stub } reset mod expect(mod.hello).to eq(:hello) end it "correctly handles stubbing inherited mixed in class methods" do mod = do def method_a raise "should not execute method_a" end def self.included(other) other.extend self end end a = { include mod } b = do def self.method_b "executed method_b" end end allow(a).to receive(:method_a) allow(b).to receive(:method_b).and_return("stubbed method_b") expect(b.method_b).to eql("stubbed method_b") end if Support::RubyFeatures.module_prepends_supported? context "with a prepended module (ruby 2.0.0+)" do module ToBePrepended def existing_method "#{super}_prepended".to_sym end end before do @prepended_class = do prepend ToBePrepended def existing_method :original_value end def non_prepended_method :not_prepended end end @prepended_instance = end it "restores prepended instance methods" do allow(@prepended_instance).to receive(:existing_method) { :stubbed } expect(@prepended_instance.existing_method).to eq :stubbed reset @prepended_instance expect(@prepended_instance.existing_method).to eq :original_value_prepended end it "restores non-prepended instance methods" do allow(@prepended_instance).to receive(:non_prepended_method) { :stubbed } expect(@prepended_instance.non_prepended_method).to eq :stubbed reset @prepended_instance expect(@prepended_instance.non_prepended_method).to eq :not_prepended end it "restores prepended class methods" do klass = do class << self; prepend ToBePrepended; end def self.existing_method :original_value end end allow(klass).to receive(:existing_method) { :stubbed } expect(klass.existing_method).to eq :stubbed reset klass expect(klass.existing_method).to eq :original_value_prepended end it "restores prepended object singleton methods" do object = def object.existing_method; :original_value; end object.singleton_class.send(:prepend, ToBePrepended) allow(object).to receive(:existing_method) { :stubbed } expect(object.existing_method).to eq :stubbed reset object expect(object.existing_method).to eq :original_value_prepended end end end end it "returns values in order to consecutive calls" do allow(@instance).to receive(:msg).and_return("1",2,:three) expect(@instance.msg).to eq("1") expect(@instance.msg).to eq(2) expect(@instance.msg).to eq(:three) end it "keeps returning last value in consecutive calls" do allow(@instance).to receive(:msg).and_return("1",2,:three) expect(@instance.msg).to eq("1") expect(@instance.msg).to eq(2) expect(@instance.msg).to eq(:three) expect(@instance.msg).to eq(:three) expect(@instance.msg).to eq(:three) end it "yields a specified object" do allow(@instance).to receive(:method_that_yields).and_yield(:yielded_obj) current_value = :value_before @instance.method_that_yields {|val| current_value = val} expect(current_value).to eq :yielded_obj verify @instance end it "yields multiple times with multiple calls to and_yield" do allow(@instance).to receive(:method_that_yields_multiple_times).and_yield(:yielded_value). and_yield(:another_value) current_value = [] @instance.method_that_yields_multiple_times {|val| current_value << val} expect(current_value).to eq [:yielded_value, :another_value] verify @instance end it "yields a specified object and return another specified object" do yielded_obj = double("my mock") expect(yielded_obj).to receive(:foo).with(:bar) allow(@instance).to receive(:method_that_yields_and_returns).and_yield(yielded_obj).and_return(:baz) expect(@instance.method_that_yields_and_returns { |o| :bar }).to eq :baz end it "throws when told to" do allow(@stub).to receive(:something).and_throw(:up) expect { @stub.something }.to throw_symbol(:up) end it "throws with argument when told to" do allow(@stub).to receive(:something).and_throw(:up, 'high') expect { @stub.something }.to throw_symbol(:up, 'high') end it "overrides a pre-existing method" do allow(@stub).to receive(:existing_instance_method).and_return(:updated_stub_value) expect(@stub.existing_instance_method).to eq :updated_stub_value end it "overrides a pre-existing stub" do allow(@stub).to receive(:foo) { 'bar' } allow(@stub).to receive(:foo) { 'baz' } expect( eq 'baz' end it "allows a stub and an expectation" do allow(@stub).to receive(:foo).with("bar") expect(@stub).to receive(:foo).with("baz")"bar")"baz") end end RSpec.describe "A method stub with args" do before(:each) do @stub = allow(@stub).to receive(:foo).with("bar") end it "does not complain if not called" do end it "does not complain if called with arg" do"bar") end it "complains if called with no arg" do expect { }.to raise_error(/received :foo with unexpected arguments/) end it "complains if called with other arg", :github_issue => [123,147] do expect {"other") }.to raise_error(/received :foo with unexpected arguments.*Please stub a default value/m) end it "does not complain if also mocked w/ different args" do expect(@stub).to receive(:foo).with("baz")"bar")"baz") end it "complains if also mocked w/ different args AND called w/ a 3rd set of args" do expect(@stub).to receive(:foo).with("baz")"bar")"baz") expect {"other") }.to raise_error end it 'uses the correct stubbed response when responding to a mock expectation' do allow(@stub).to receive(:bar) { 15 } allow(@stub).to receive(:bar).with(:eighteen) { 18 } allow(@stub).to receive(:bar).with(:thirteen) { 13 } expect(@stub).to receive(:bar).exactly(4).times expect( eq(15) expect( eq(13) expect( eq(18) expect( eq(15) end end end end