require "exporter" module Myreplicator class Transporter @queue = :myreplicator_transporter # Provided for Resque def initialize *args options = args.extract_options! end def tmp_dir @tmp_dir ||= File.join(Myreplicator.app_root,"tmp", "myreplicator") Dir.mkdir(@tmp_dir) unless @tmp_dir end ## # Main method provided for resque # Reconnection provided for resque workers ## def self.perform transfer # Kick off the load process end ## # Schedules the transport job in Resque ## def schedule cron Resque.set_schedule("myreplicator_transporter", { :cron => cron, :class => "Myreplicator::Transporter", :queue => "myreplicator_transporter" }) end ## # Connects to all unique database servers # downloads export files concurrently from multiple sources ## def self.transfer unique_jobs = Export.where("active = 1").group("source_schema") unique_jobs.each do |export| download export end end ## # Connect to server via SSH # Kicks off parallel download ## def export parallel_download(export, completed_files(export)) end ## # Gathers all files that need to be downloaded # Gives the queue to parallelizer library to download in parallel ## def self.parallel_download export, files p = => "Myreplicator::Transporter") files.each do |filename| puts filename p.queue << {:params =>[export, filename], :block => download_file} end end ## # Code block that each thread calls # instance_exec is used to execute under Transporter class # 1. Connects via SFTP # 2. Downloads metadata file first # 3. Gets dump file location from metadata # 4. Downloads dump file ## def self.download_file proc = { |params| export = params[0] filename = params[1] ActiveRecord::Base.verify_active_connections! ActiveRecord::Base.connection.reconnect! => "transporter", :name => "metadata_file", :file => filename, :export_id => ) do |log| sftp = export.sftp_to_source json_file = Transporter.remote_path(export, filename) json_local_path = File.join(tmp_dir,filename) puts "Downloading #{json_file}"!(json_file, json_local_path) metadata = Transporter.metadata_obj(json_local_path) dump_file = metadata.export_path puts metadata.state if metadata.state == "export_completed" => "transporter", :name => "export_file", :file => dump_file, :export_id => do |log| puts "Downloading #{dump_file}" local_dump_file = File.join(tmp_dir, dump_file.split("/").last)!(dump_file, local_dump_file) Transporter.remove!(export, json_file, dump_file) # store back up as well unless metadata.store_in.blank? Transporter.backup_files(metadata.backup_path, json_local_path, local_dump_file) end end end #if puts "#{Thread.current.to_s}___Exiting download..." end } end def self.backup_files location, metadata_path, dump_path FileUtils.cp(metadata_path, location) FileUtils.cp(dump_path, location) end ## # Returns true if the file should be deleted ## def self.junk_file? metadata case metadata.state when "failed" return true when "ignored" return true end return false end def self.remove! export, json_file, dump_file ssh = export.ssh_to_source puts "rm #{json_file} #{dump_file}" ssh.exec!("rm #{json_file} #{dump_file}") end ## # Gets all files ready to be exported from server ## def self.completed_files export ssh = export.ssh_to_source done_files = ssh.exec!(get_done_files(export)) unless done_files.blank? return done_files.split("\n") end return [] end def self.metadata_obj json_path metadata = => json_path) return metadata end ## # Reads metadata file for the export path ## def self.get_dump_path json_path, metadata = nil metadata = Transporter.metadata_obj(json_path) if metadata.nil? return metadata.export_path end ## # Returns where path of dump files on remote server ## def self.remote_path export, filename File.join(Myreplicator.configs[export.source_schema]["ssh_tmp_dir"], filename) end ## # Command for list of done files # Grep -s used to supress error messages ## def self.get_done_files export cmd = "cd #{Myreplicator.configs[export.source_schema]["ssh_tmp_dir"]}; grep -ls export_completed *.json" end end end