describe Curly::Scanner, ".scan" do it "returns the tokens in the source" do scan("foo {{bar}} baz").should == [ [:text, "foo "], [:component, "bar", nil, {}, []], [:text, " baz"] ] end it "scans components with identifiers" do scan("{{}}").should == [ [:component, "foo", "bar", {}, []] ] end it "scans comments in the source" do scan("foo {{!bar}} baz").should == [ [:text, "foo "], [:comment, "bar"], [:text, " baz"] ] end it "allows newlines in comments" do scan("{{!\nfoo\n}}").should == [ [:comment, "\nfoo\n"] ] end it "scans to the end of the source" do scan("foo\n").should == [ [:text, "foo\n"] ] end it "allows escaping Curly quotes" do scan('foo {{{ bar').should == [ [:text, "foo "], [:text, "{{"], [:text, " bar"] ] scan('foo }} bar').should == [ [:text, "foo }} bar"] ] scan('foo {{{ lala! }} bar').should == [ [:text, "foo "], [:text, "{{"], [:text, " lala! }} bar"] ] end it "scans context block tags" do scan('{{@search_form}}{{query_field}}{{/search_form}}').should == [ [:context_block_start, "search_form", nil, {}, []], [:component, "query_field", nil, {}, []], [:block_end, "search_form", nil, {}, []] ] end it "scans conditional block tags" do scan('foo {{#bar?}} hello {{/bar?}}').should == [ [:text, "foo "], [:conditional_block_start, "bar?", nil, {}, []], [:text, " hello "], [:block_end, "bar?", nil, {}, []] ] end it "scans conditional block tags with parameters and attributes" do scan('{{#active.test? name="test"}}yo{{/active.test?}}').should == [ [:conditional_block_start, "active?", "test", { "name" => "test" }, []], [:text, "yo"], [:block_end, "active?", "test", {}, []] ] end it "scans inverse block tags" do scan('foo {{^bar?}} hello {{/bar?}}').should == [ [:text, "foo "], [:inverse_conditional_block_start, "bar?", nil, {}, []], [:text, " hello "], [:block_end, "bar?", nil, {}, []] ] end it "scans collection block tags" do scan('foo {{*bar}} hello {{/bar}}').should == [ [:text, "foo "], [:collection_block_start, "bar", nil, {}, []], [:text, " hello "], [:block_end, "bar", nil, {}, []] ] end it "treats quotes as text" do scan('"').should == [ [:text, '"'] ] end it "treats Ruby interpolation as text" do scan('#{foo}').should == [ [:text, '#{foo}'] ] end it "raises Curly::SyntaxError on unclosed components" do ["{{", "{{yolo"].each do |template| expect { scan(template) }.to raise_error(Curly::SyntaxError) end end it "raises Curly::SyntaxError on unclosed comments" do ["{{!", "{{! foo bar"].each do |template| expect { scan(template) }.to raise_error(Curly::SyntaxError) end end def scan(source) Curly::Scanner.scan(source) end end