module Mobility module Backends module Sequel =begin Defines query methods for Postgres backends. Including class must define two private methods: - a private method +matches+ which takes a key (column name), value and locale and returns an SQL expression, and checks that the column has the specified value in the specified locale - a private method +has_locale+ which takes a key (column name) and locale, and returns an SQL expression which checks that the column has a value in the locale (The +matches+ and +has_locale+ methods are implemented slightly differently for hstore/json/jsonb/container backends.) =end module PgQueryMethods def initialize(attributes, _) super define_query_methods end # Create query for conditions and translated keys # @note This is a destructive action, it will alter +cond+. # # @param [Hash] cond Hash of attribute/value pairs # @param [Array] keys Translated attribute names # @param [Boolean] invert Invert query, true for +exclude+, false otherwise # @return [Sequel::SQL::Expression] Query expression def create_query!(cond, keys, invert = false) { |key| values = cond.delete(key) values = [values] unless values.is_a?(Array) { |value| create_query_op(key, value, invert) }.inject(&:|) }.inject(invert ? :| : :&) end private def define_query_methods %w[exclude or where].each do |method_name| define_query_method(method_name) end end def define_query_method(method_name) q = self define_method method_name do |*cond, &block| if i18n_keys = q.extract_attributes(cond.first) cond = cond.first query = q.create_query!(cond, i18n_keys, method_name == "exclude") if method_name == "or" query = ::Sequel.&(cond, query) unless cond.empty? super(query, &block) else super(cond, &block).where(query) end else super(*cond, &block) end end end def create_query_op(key, value, invert) locale = Mobility.locale.to_s if invert has_locale(key, locale) & ~matches(key, value, locale) else value.nil? ? ~has_locale(key, locale) : matches(key, value, locale) end end def matches(_key, _value, _locale) raise NotImplementedError end def has_locale(_key, _locale) raise NotImplementedError end end end end end