Uses of Interface

Packages that use EvaluationCell
org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel usermodel package maps HSSF low level strutures to familiar workbook/sheet model This package contains common internal POI code for manipulating formulas. 

Uses of EvaluationCell in org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel

Methods in org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel with parameters of type EvaluationCell
 Ptg[] HSSFEvaluationWorkbook.getFormulaTokens(EvaluationCell evalCell)

Uses of EvaluationCell in

Methods in that return EvaluationCell
 EvaluationCell EvaluationSheet.getCell(int rowIndex, int columnIndex)

Methods in with parameters of type EvaluationCell
 ValueEval WorkbookEvaluator.evaluate(EvaluationCell srcCell)
 Ptg[] EvaluationWorkbook.getFormulaTokens(EvaluationCell cell)
 void WorkbookEvaluator.notifyDeleteCell(EvaluationCell cell)
          Should be called to tell the cell value cache that the specified cell has just been deleted.
 void WorkbookEvaluator.notifyUpdateCell(EvaluationCell cell)
          Should be called to tell the cell value cache that the specified (value or formula) cell has changed.

Uses of EvaluationCell in org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel

Methods in org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel with parameters of type EvaluationCell
 Ptg[] XSSFEvaluationWorkbook.getFormulaTokens(EvaluationCell evalCell)

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