require 'rake' require 'tmpdir' require 'pry' require 'wortsammler.rb' wortsammlerbin = "'#{File.expand_path("bin")}'" wortsammler = "'#{File.expand_path(File.join("bin", "wortsammler"))}'" testprojectdir = "testproject/30_Sources" specdir = File.dirname(__FILE__) testoutput = "#{specdir}/../testoutput" describe "Wortsammler generic issues" do it "provides a help", :exp => false do result = `#{wortsammler} -h` result.should include("Usage: Wortsammler [options]") $?.success?.should == true end it "runs silent", :exp => false do result = `#{wortsammler}` result.empty?.should == true end it "reports version numbers", :exp => false do result = `#{wortsammler} -v` result.should include "wortsammler" result.should include "pandoc" result.should include "XeTeX" end it "turns on vervbose mode", :exp => false do result = `#{wortsammler} -v` result.should include "DEBUG" end it "can create a new project folder", :exp => false do FileUtils.rm_rf(testprojectdir) system "#{wortsammler} -n #{testprojectdir}" $?.success?.should == true Dir["#{testprojectdir}/**/*"].should include "#{testprojectdir}/001_Main" Dir["#{testprojectdir}/**/snippets.xlsx"].should include "#{testprojectdir}/900_snippets/snippets.xlsx" end it "does not initialize into an existing project folder" do tempdir = Dir.mktmpdir `#{wortsammler} -n #{tempdir}` $?.success?.should == false end it "controls the pandoc options by document class" do pending "implement test to control pandoc options by document class" end end describe "Wortsammler options validator" do it "rejects no processing" do system "#{wortsammler} -i." $?.success?.should == false end end describe "Wortsammler beautifier features" do it "beautifies all markdown files in a folder" do tempdir = Dir.mktmpdir mdtext = "#this is headline\n\n lorem ipsum\n\nbla fasel" cycles = 10 cycles.times { |i|"#{tempdir}/#{i}.md", "w") { |f| f.puts mdtext } } system "#{wortsammler} -bi #{tempdir}" $?.success?.should == true cycles.times { |i| beautified_result ="#{tempdir}/#{i}.md").readlines.join beautified_result.should include("# this is headline") } end it "beautifies a single file", exp: false do tempdir = Dir.mktmpdir mdfile = "#{tempdir}/" mdtext = "#this is headline\n\n lorem ipsum\n\nbla fasel", "w") { |f| f.puts mdtext } system "#{wortsammler} -bi #{mdfile}" $?.success?.should == true beautified_result = beautified_result.should include("# this is headline") end it "recognizes if the specified manifest file is a directory", exp: false do"testproject/30_Sources/ZSUPP_Tools") { |d| manifest = "../ZSUPP_Manifests" cmd = "#{wortsammler} -bm #{manifest} 2>&1" r = `#{cmd}` r.include?("directory").should == true } $?.success?.should == false end it "beautifies input files in a manifest" do"testproject/30_Sources/ZSUPP_Tools") { |d| manifest = "../ZSUPP_Manifests/sample_the-sample-document.yaml" cmd = "#{wortsammler} -bm #{manifest}" system cmd } $?.success?.should == true end it "claims missing input" do system "#{wortsammler} -b" $?.success?.should == false end it "claims undefined document path" do system "#{wortsammler} -bi this-path-does-not-exist" $?.success?.should == false end it "creates a semantically unchanged markdown file", exp: false do testname = 'test_beautify' inputfile = %Q{#{specdir}/#{testname}.md} outputfile = %Q{#{testoutput}/#{testname}.md} referencefile = %Q{#{specdir}/#{testname}} FileUtils.cp(inputfile, outputfile) cmd = "#{wortsammler} -bi '#{outputfile}'" system cmd reference = result = result.should == reference end end describe "Wortsammler conversion" do it "converts a single file to output format" do tempdir = Dir.mktmpdir mdfile = "#{tempdir}/" mdtext = "#this is headline\n\n lorem ipsum\n\nbla fasel", "w") { |f| f.puts mdtext } system "#{wortsammler} -pi #{mdfile} -o #{tempdir} -f latex:pdf:html:docx" $?.success?.should == true Dir["#{tempdir}/*"].map { |f| File.basename(f) }.sort.should == ["single.docx", "single.html", "single.latex", "single.log", "", "single.pdf" ] end it "converts a single file to default output format" do tempdir = Dir.mktmpdir mdfile = "#{tempdir}/" mdtext = "#this is headline\n\n lorem ipsum\n\nbla fasel", "w") { |f| f.puts mdtext } system "#{wortsammler} -pi #{mdfile} -o #{tempdir}" $?.success?.should == true Dir["#{tempdir}/*"].map { |f| File.basename(f) }.sort.should == ["single.log", "", "single.pdf" ] end it "handles chapters up to 6 levels", exp: false do tempdir = "#{specdir}/../testoutput" mdfile = "#{tempdir}/" mdtext = "#this is headline\n\n lorem ipsum\n\nbla fasel" def lorem(j) (1.upto 100).map { |i| "text_#{j} lorem ipsum #{i} dolor " }.join(" ") end def chapter(i, depth) ["\n\n", "##########"[1 .. depth], " this is example on level #{i} .. #{depth}\n\n", lorem(i), ].join("") end, "w") { |f| 1.upto 10 do |i| 1.upto 6 do |j| f.puts chapter(i, j) end end } system "#{wortsammler} -pbi '#{mdfile}' -o '#{tempdir}' -f pdf:latex" $?.success?.should == true Dir["#{tempdir}/chapternesting*"].map { |f| File.basename(f) }.sort.should == ["", "chapternesting.pdf", "chapternesting.latex", "chapternesting.log", "" ].sort end it "handles lists up to 9 levels", exp: false do tempdir = "#{specdir}/../testoutput" mdfile = "#{tempdir}/" mdtext = "#this is headline\n\n lorem ipsum\n\nbla fasel" def lorem(j) (1.upto 100).map { |i| "text_#{j} lorem ipsum #{i} dolor " }.join(" ") end def chapter(i, depth) ["\n\n", "##########"[1 .. depth], " this is example on level #{i} .. #{depth}\n\n", lorem(i), ].join("") end, "w") { |f| f.puts "# depth test for lists" f.puts "" f.puts lorem(1) f.puts "" 0.upto 8 do |i| f.puts [" " * i, "- this is list level #{i}"].join end } system "#{wortsammler} -pbi '#{mdfile}' -o '#{tempdir}' -f pdf:latex" $?.success?.should == true Dir["#{tempdir}/listnesting*"].map { |f| File.basename(f) }.sort.should == ["", "listnesting.pdf", "listnesting.latex", "listnesting.log", "" ].sort end it "converts all files within a folder to output format" do tempdir = Dir.mktmpdir mdtext = "# Header\n\n lorem ipsum\n" basefiles = ["f1", "f2", "f3"] outfiles = { |f| ["#{f}.md", "#{f}.latex"] }.flatten.sort basefiles.each { |f|"#{tempdir}/#{f}.md", "w") { |fo| fo.puts mdtext } } system "#{wortsammler} -pi #{tempdir} -o #{tempdir} -f latex" $?.success?.should == true Dir["#{tempdir}/*"].map { |f| File.basename(f) }.sort.should == outfiles end it "processes a manifest" do"testproject/30_Sources/ZSUPP_Tools") { |d| manifest = "../ZSUPP_Manifests/sample_the-sample-document.yaml" cmd = "#{wortsammler} -pm #{manifest}" system cmd } $?.success?.should == true end it "investigates the existence of a manifest" do manifest = "testproject/30_Sources/ZSUPP_Manifests/xxthis-path-does-not-exist.yaml" system "#{wortsammler} -m #{manifest}" $?.success?.should == false end it "extracts the traceables according to a manifest", :exp => false do manifest = "testproject/30_Sources/ZSUPP_Manifests/sample_the-sample-document.yaml" tracefile = "testproject/30_Sources/ZGEN_RequirementsTracing/" FileUtils.rm(tracefile) if File.exists?(tracefile) system "#{wortsammler} -cm #{manifest}" result ="testproject/30_Sources/ZGEN_RequirementsTracing/") expect(result).to include("\\[RS\\_Comp\\_001\\] **Flexibler Dokumentumfang** { }()") $?.success?.should == true end it "extracts plantuml according to a manifest", :exp => false do manifest = "testproject/30_Sources/ZSUPP_Manifests/sample_the-sample-document.yaml" system "#{wortsammler} -um #{manifest}" $?.success?.should == true end it "extracts plantuml from a single file", :exp => false do outfile = "#{testoutput}/authentification.png" FileUtils.rm(outfile) if File.exists?(outfile) system "#{wortsammler} -ui \"#{specdir}/\"" $?.success?.should == true File.exist?(outfile).should == true end it "extracts plantuml from a folder", :exp => false do outfile = "#{testoutput}/authentification.png" FileUtils.rm(outfile) if File.exists?(outfile) system "#{wortsammler} -ui \"#{specdir}\"" $?.success?.should == true File.exist?(outfile).should == true end it "processes snippets" do pending "Test not yet implemented" end it "handles undefined snippets" do pending "Test not yet implemented" end it "runs the rake file in the sample document", exp: false do"testproject/30_Sources/ZSUPP_Tools") { |d| path = ENV['PATH'] ENV['PATH'] = "#{wortsammlerbin}:#{path}" puts ENV['PATH'] #system 'wortsammler -h' cmd = "rake sample" system cmd } Dir["testproject/30_Sources/ZGEN_Documents/*.*"].count.should == 15 $?.success?.should == true end it "compiles all documents", exp: false do"testproject/30_Sources/ZSUPP_Tools") { |d| path = ENV['PATH'] ENV['PATH'] = "#{wortsammlerbin}:#{path}" puts ENV['PATH'] #system 'wortsammler -h' cmd = "rake all" #system cmd } end end describe "Wortsammler output formats" do it "generates dzslides", exp: false do mdfile = %Q{'#{specdir}/'}"spec") do system %Q{#{wortsammler} -pi #{mdfile} -o '#{testoutput}' -f slidy} end end it "generates beamer files", exp: false do mdfile = %Q{'#{specdir}/'}"spec") do system %Q{#{wortsammler} -pi #{mdfile} -o '#{testoutput}' -f beamer} end end it "generates markdown", exp: true do end end describe "Wortsammler syntax extensions", :exp => false do it "[RS_Comp_012] supports embedded images" do tempdir = "#{specdir}/../testoutput" imagefile = "floating-image.pdf" { |c| FileUtils.cp("#{specdir}/#{imagefile}", ".") mdfile = "" mdtext = ["#this is headline", (5 .. 100) { |oi| ["\n\n", "this is image\n\n~~EMBED \"#{imagefile}\" o 40mm 60mm~~", (1 .. 20) { |ii| "#{oi} und #{ii} lorem ipsum und blafasel" }.join(" "), "\n\n", (5 .. 15 + oi) { |ii| "#{oi} und #{ii} lorem ipsum und blafasel" }.join(" "), "\n\n"] } ].flatten.join("\n"), "w") { |f| f.puts mdtext } system "#{wortsammler} -pi '#{mdfile}' -o '.' -f pdf:latex:html:docx" FileUtils.rm imagefile } $?.success?.should == true end it "TC_EXP_001 expands expected results from testcases", exp: false do proc ="pdf") outfile = "#{specdir}/../testoutput/" File.unlink(outfile) if File.exists?(outfile) proc.prepareFile("#{specdir}/", outfile) a =, "r").readlines.join a.should include("TC-DES-003-01") end it "TC_EXP_002 removes plantuml sources", exp: false do proc ="pdf") outfile = "#{specdir}/../testoutput/" File.unlink(outfile) if File.exists?(outfile) proc.prepareFile("#{specdir}/", outfile) a =, "r").readlines.join a.include?(".plantuml").should == false end it "TC_EXP_003x handles Markdown inlays", exp: true do tempdir = "#{specdir}/../testoutput" mdinlayfile = "" mdinlayfile_1 = "" mdfile = "tc_exp_003" { |c| FileUtils.cp("#{specdir}/#{mdinlayfile}", ".") FileUtils.cp("#{specdir}/#{mdinlayfile_1}", ".") mdtext = ["#this is headline", "", "~~~~", "", "now verbatim by indent inclucde #{mdinlayfile}", "", " ~~MD \"#{mdinlayfile.gsub('_', '\_')}\"~~", "~~~~", "", "", "now full format inclucde #{mdinlayfile}", "", "~~MD \"#{mdinlayfile}\"~~", "", "", "now full format inclucde #{mdinlayfile_1}", "", "~~MD \"#{mdinlayfile_1}\"~~", ].flatten.join("\n")"#{mdfile}.md", "w") { |f| f.puts mdtext } system "#{wortsammler} -pi '#{mdfile}.md' -o '.' -f txt" FileUtils.rm mdinlayfile FileUtils.rm mdinlayfile_1 } ref ="#{specdir}/tc_exp_003_reference.txt").read result ="#{tempdir}/#{mdfile}.txt").read expect(result).to eq ref end it "generates an index", exp: false do system "wortsammler -pi \"#{specdir}/\" -f pdf:latex -o \"#{testoutput}\"" system "pdftotext \"#{testoutput}/test_mkindex.pdf\"" the_time ="%B %-d, %Y") ref ="#{specdir}/test_mkindex_reference.txt", encoding: "ISO-8859-1").read result ="#{testoutput}/test_mkindex.txt", encoding: "ISO-8859-1").read result = result.gsub(the_time, "January 5, 2019") # adapt this if you update the reference expect(result).to eq ref end it "reports TeX messages", exp: false do system %Q{wortsammler -pi '#{specdir}/' -f pdf:latex -o '#{testoutput}' >> '#{testoutput}/test_mkindex.lst'} system "pdftotext \"#{testoutput}/test_mkindex.pdf\"" result ="#{testoutput }/test_mkindex.lst").read result.include?("[WARN]").should == true end end