// ========================================================================== // Job Post (UJB) patterns & modules // ========================================================================== // --- // INLINE JOB POST // Styling of contracted and expanded job posts // on job posts index page // --- .job-post-inline { .job-post-headline { @include transition(all $transition-timing-button $transition-easing-button); // Only transition the BG if signed in as nested anchors // will be controlling text transitions &.job-post-signed-in { @include transition(background-color $transition-timing-button $transition-easing-button); } &.shown, &:active, &:focus, &:hover { color: rgba(map-get($colors, 1), 0.75) !important; mark { color: map-get($colors, 1) !important; font-weight: $type-weight-normal !important; } .job-post-favorite { border-color: transparent !important; color: inherit !important; } } &.shown:after { @include _box-shadow(3); bottom: 0; content: ''; display: block; left: 0; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; z-index: 0; } @each $key, $val in $colors-job-types { &.job-post-type-#{$key} { &.shown, &:active, &:focus, &:hover { background-color: map-get($val, 2) !important; color: map-get($val, 1) !important; } mark { color: map-get($val, 2); font-weight: $type-weight-normal !important; } .job-post-favorite { &:active, &:focus, &:hover { background-color: map-get($val, 3) !important; } } } } // Counter the global link hover style as we don't need it here &:hover, a:hover { opacity: 1; } } } // --- // JOB POST // Basic standalone job post styling // --- .job-post { @include _box-shadow(6); .job-post-headline { color: #4a78ff !important; // see above color notes mark { color: map-get($colors, 1) !important; font-weight: $type-weight-normal !important; } &.job-post-type-freelance { color: #ffccc7 !important; // see above color notes } } } // --- // JOB POST HEADLINES // Carousel styling for madlib-style carousel // --- .job-post-templates { // Main carousel item container base styling .snapper_pane_crop { position: relative; z-index: map-get($layer-scale, 2); } // Headline highlighted words base coloring and behavior .marked { border-bottom: 1px solid map-get($colors, 2); color: map-get($colors, 3); font-weight: $type-weight-normal; @include transition(all $transition-timing-text $transition-easing-text); &:empty:before { content: attr(data-job-post-default); } &:empty:focus { color: transparent; cursor: text; @include transition(border-color $transition-timing-text $transition-easing-text); } &:not(:empty):active, &:not(:empty):focus, &:hover, { border-color: map-get(map-get($colors-job-types, fulltime), 2); color: map-get(map-get($colors-job-types, fulltime), 2); } } .snapper_nextprev { display: none; @include _mq(map-get($breakpoints, bps)) { display: block; } } // Base prev/next styling .snapper_nextprev_prev, .snapper_nextprev_next { background: transparent url('data:image/svg+xml,#{$icon-prev}') no-repeat center center; background-size: 125%; display: block; height: _rem($base-rhythm * 3); text-indent: -999em; width: _rem($base-rhythm * 3); } .snapper_nextprev_next { background-image: url('data:image/svg+xml,#{$icon-next}'); } // Within prev/next wrapper container: for non-form pages .snapper_nextprev_contain { > .snapper_nextprev { bottom: 0; left: 0; position: absolute; right: 0; z-index: 0; @include _mq(map-get($breakpoints, bpl)) { bottom: auto; top: 50%; @include transform(translate3d(0, -50%, 0)); } } .snapper_nextprev_prev, .snapper_nextprev_next { bottom: _rem(-($base-rhythm * 5) - $base-rhythm-half); height: _rem($base-rhythm * 4); left: 0; position: absolute; width: _rem($base-rhythm * 4); @include _mq(map-get($breakpoints, bpl)) { bottom: auto; left: _rem(-($base-rhythm * 8)); top: 50%; @include transform(translate3d(0, -50%, 0)); } } .snapper_nextprev_next { left: auto; right: 0; @include _mq(map-get($breakpoints, bpl)) { right: _rem(-($base-rhythm * 8)); } } } // Dots navigation to move between items .snapper_nav { label { height: _rem(7px); width: _rem(7px); } > a:not(.snapper_nav_item-selected) { opacity: 0.125; } } // Adjust styling for compact on form pages &.job-post-templates-compact { .snapper { // overflow: hidden; &:before, &:after { content: none; display: none; } } .snapper_nextprev_item { display: inline-block; } } // Adjust styling for fullsize on non-form pages &.job-post-templates-fullsize { .snapper_pane_crop { @include _box-shadow(3); } .snapper_nav { label { height: _rem($base-rhythm); width: _rem($base-rhythm); } } } } // +/- 30px from vendor css still showing scrollbar in safari .enhanced .job-post-templates .snapper_pane_crop .snapper_pane { padding-bottom: 40px; margin-bottom: -40px; }