require 'spec_helper' describe 'Connection pool populator integration' do let(:options) { {} } let(:server_options) do SpecConfig.instance.test_options.merge(options).merge(SpecConfig.instance.auth_options) end let(:address) do end let(:monitoring) do false) end let(:listeners) do end declare_topology_double let(:app_metadata) do end let(:cluster) do double('cluster').tap do |cl| allow(cl).to receive(:topology).and_return(topology) allow(cl).to receive(:app_metadata).and_return(app_metadata) allow(cl).to receive(:options).and_return({}) allow(cl).to receive(:update_cluster_time) allow(cl).to receive(:cluster_time).and_return(nil) allow(cl).to receive(:run_sdam_flow) end end let(:server) do register_server(, cluster, monitoring, listeners, {monitoring_io: false}.update(server_options) ).tap do |server| allow(server).to receive(:description).and_return(ClusterConfig.instance.primary_description) end ) end let(:pool) do server.pool end describe '#initialize' do context 'when a min size is provided' do let(:options) do { min_pool_size: 2, max_pool_size: 5 } end it 'creates the pool with min pool size connections' do pool sleep 2 expect(pool.size).to eq(2) expect(pool.available_count).to eq(2) end it 'does not use the same objects in the pool' do expect(pool.check_out).to_not equal(pool.check_out) end end context 'when min size is zero' do it 'does not start the background thread' do pool sleep 2 expect(pool.size).to eq(0) expect(pool.instance_variable_get('@populator').running?).to be false end end end describe '#clear' do context 'when a min size is provided' do let(:options) do { min_pool_size: 1 } end it 'repopulates the pool periodically only up to min size' do pool sleep 2 expect(pool.size).to eq(1) expect(pool.available_count).to eq(1) first_connection = pool.check_out pool.check_in(first_connection) pool.clear sleep 2 expect(pool.size).to eq(1) expect(pool.available_count).to eq(1) second_connection = pool.check_out pool.check_in(second_connection) expect(second_connection).to_not eq(first_connection) # When populate is re-run, the pool size should not change pool.populate expect(pool.size).to eq(1) expect(pool.available_count).to eq(1) third_connection = pool.check_out expect(third_connection).to eq(second_connection) end end end describe '#check_in' do context 'when a min size is provided' do let(:options) do { min_pool_size: 1 } end it 'repopulates the pool after check_in of a closed connection' do pool sleep 2 expect(pool.size).to eq(1) first_connection = pool.check_out first_connection.disconnect! expect(pool.size).to eq(1) pool.check_in(first_connection) sleep 2 expect(pool.size).to eq(1) expect(pool.available_count).to eq(1) second_connection = pool.check_out expect(second_connection).to_not eq(first_connection) end end end describe '#check_out' do context 'when min size and idle time are provided' do let(:options) do { max_pool_size: 2, min_pool_size: 2, max_idle_time: 0.5 } end it 'repopulates the pool after check_out empties idle connections' do pool first_connection = pool.check_out second_connection = pool.check_out first_connection.record_checkin! second_connection.record_checkin! pool.check_in(first_connection) pool.check_in(second_connection) expect(pool.size).to eq(2) # let both connections become idle sleep 0.5 # check_out should discard first two connections, trigger in-flow # creation of a single connection, then wake up populate thread third_connection = pool.check_out expect(third_connection).to_not eq(first_connection) expect(third_connection).to_not eq(second_connection) # populate thread should create a new connection for the pool sleep 2 expect(pool.size).to eq(2) fourth_connection = pool.check_out expect(fourth_connection).to_not eq(first_connection) expect(fourth_connection).to_not eq(second_connection) expect(fourth_connection).to_not eq(third_connection) end end end describe '#close' do context 'when min size is provided' do let(:options) do { min_pool_size: 2, max_pool_size: 5 } end it 'terminates and does not repopulate the pool after pool is closed' do pool sleep 2 expect(pool.size).to eq(2) connection = pool.check_out expect(pool.size).to eq(2) pool.close(force: true) expect(pool.closed?).to be true expect(pool.instance_variable_get('@available_connections').empty?).to be true expect(pool.instance_variable_get('@checked_out_connections').empty?).to be true # populate thread should terminate sleep 2 expect(pool.instance_variable_get('@populator').running?).to be false expect(pool.closed?).to be true end end end describe '#close_idle_sockets' do context 'when min size and idle time are provided' do let(:options) do { min_pool_size: 1, max_idle_time: 0.5 } end it 'repopulates pool after sockets are closes' do pool sleep 2 expect(pool.size).to eq(1) connection = pool.check_out connection.record_checkin! pool.check_in(connection) # let the connection become idle sleep 0.5 # close idle_sockets should trigger populate pool.close_idle_sockets sleep 2 expect(pool.size).to eq(1) expect(pool.check_out).not_to eq(connection) end end end describe '#populate' do let(:options) do { min_pool_size: 1 } end context 'when populate encounters a network error twice' do it 'retries once and does not stop the populator' do expect_any_instance_of(Mongo::Server::ConnectionPool).to \ receive(:create_and_add_connection).twice.and_raise(Mongo::Error::SocketError) pool sleep 2 expect(pool.populator.running?).to be true end end context 'when populate encounters a non-network error' do it 'does not retry and does not stop the populator' do expect_any_instance_of(Mongo::Server::ConnectionPool).to \ receive(:create_and_add_connection).and_raise(Mongo::Error) pool sleep 2 expect(pool.populator.running?).to be true end end end describe 'when forking is enabled' do only_mri context 'when min size is provided' do min_server_version '2.8' it 'populates the parent and child pools' do client = ClientRegistry.instance.new_local_client([SpecConfig.instance.addresses.first], server_options.merge(min_pool_size: 2, max_pool_size: 5)) # let pool populate sleep 2 server = client.cluster.next_primary pool = server.pool expect(pool.size).to eq(2) fork do # follow forking guidance client.close client.reconnect # let pool populate sleep 2 server = client.cluster.next_primary pool = server.pool expect(pool.size).to eq(2) end end end end end