(function (global, factory) { if (typeof define === "function" && define.amd) { define(["exports"], factory); } else if (typeof exports !== "undefined") { factory(exports); } else { var mod = { exports: {} }; factory(mod.exports); global.constants = mod.exports; } })(typeof globalThis !== "undefined" ? globalThis : typeof self !== "undefined" ? self : this, function (_exports) { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(_exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); _exports.OneMinusBlendColorFactor = _exports.GPUVertexFormat = _exports.GPUTextureViewDimension = _exports.GPUTextureFormat = _exports.GPUTextureDimension = _exports.GPUStoreOp = _exports.GPUStencilOperation = _exports.GPUPrimitiveTopology = _exports.GPULoadOp = _exports.GPUInputStepMode = _exports.GPUIndexFormat = _exports.GPUFrontFace = _exports.GPUFilterMode = _exports.GPUCullMode = _exports.GPUCompareFunction = _exports.GPUColorWriteFlags = _exports.GPUChunkSize = _exports.GPUBlendOperation = _exports.GPUBlendFactor = _exports.GPUBindingType = _exports.GPUAddressMode = _exports.BlendColorFactor = void 0; var GPUPrimitiveTopology = { PointList: 'point-list', LineList: 'line-list', LineStrip: 'line-strip', TriangleList: 'triangle-list', TriangleStrip: 'triangle-strip' }; _exports.GPUPrimitiveTopology = GPUPrimitiveTopology; var GPUCompareFunction = { Never: 'never', Less: 'less', Equal: 'equal', LessEqual: 'less-equal', Greater: 'greater', NotEqual: 'not-equal', GreaterEqual: 'greater-equal', Always: 'always' }; _exports.GPUCompareFunction = GPUCompareFunction; var GPUStoreOp = { Store: 'store', Clear: 'clear' }; _exports.GPUStoreOp = GPUStoreOp; var GPULoadOp = { Load: 'load' }; _exports.GPULoadOp = GPULoadOp; var GPUFrontFace = { CCW: 'ccw', CW: 'cw' }; _exports.GPUFrontFace = GPUFrontFace; var GPUCullMode = { None: 'none', Front: 'front', Back: 'back' }; _exports.GPUCullMode = GPUCullMode; var GPUIndexFormat = { Uint16: 'uint16', Uint32: 'uint32' }; _exports.GPUIndexFormat = GPUIndexFormat; var GPUVertexFormat = { Uint8x2: 'uint8x2', Uint8x4: 'uint8x4', Sint8x2: 'sint8x2', Sint8x4: 'sint8x4', Unorm8x2: 'unorm8x2', Unorm8x4: 'unorm8x4', Snorm8x2: 'snorm8x2', Snorm8x4: 'snorm8x4', Uint16x2: 'uint16x2', Uint16x4: 'uint16x4', Sint16x2: 'sint16x2', Sint16x4: 'sint16x4', Unorm16x2: 'unorm16x2', Unorm16x4: 'unorm16x4', Snorm16x2: 'snorm16x2', Snorm16x4: 'snorm16x4', Float16x2: 'float16x2', Float16x4: 'float16x4', Float32: 'float32', Float32x2: 'float32x2', Float32x3: 'float32x3', Float32x4: 'float32x4', Uint32: 'uint32', Uint32x2: 'uint32x2', Uint32x3: 'uint32x3', Uint32x4: 'uint32x4', Sint32: 'sint32', Sint32x2: 'sint32x2', Sint32x3: 'sint32x3', Sint32x4: 'sint32x4' }; _exports.GPUVertexFormat = GPUVertexFormat; var GPUTextureFormat = { // 8-bit formats R8Unorm: 'r8unorm', R8Snorm: 'r8snorm', R8Uint: 'r8uint', R8Sint: 'r8sint', // 16-bit formats R16Uint: 'r16uint', R16Sint: 'r16sint', R16Float: 'r16float', RG8Unorm: 'rg8unorm', RG8Snorm: 'rg8snorm', RG8Uint: 'rg8uint', RG8Sint: 'rg8sint', // 32-bit formats R32Uint: 'r32uint', R32Sint: 'r32sint', R32Float: 'r32float', RG16Uint: 'rg16uint', RG16Sint: 'rg16sint', RG16Float: 'rg16float', RGBA8Unorm: 'rgba8unorm', RGBA8UnormSRGB: 'rgba8unorm-srgb', RGBA8Snorm: 'rgba8snorm', RGBA8Uint: 'rgba8uint', RGBA8Sint: 'rgba8sint', BGRA8Unorm: 'bgra8unorm', BGRA8UnormSRGB: 'bgra8unorm-srgb', // Packed 32-bit formats RGB9E5UFloat: 'rgb9e5ufloat', RGB10A2Unorm: 'rgb10a2unorm', RG11B10uFloat: 'rgb10a2unorm', // 64-bit formats RG32Uint: 'rg32uint', RG32Sint: 'rg32sint', RG32Float: 'rg32float', RGBA16Uint: 'rgba16uint', RGBA16Sint: 'rgba16sint', RGBA16Float: 'rgba16float', // 128-bit formats RGBA32Uint: 'rgba32uint', RGBA32Sint: 'rgba32sint', RGBA32Float: 'rgba32float', // Depth and stencil formats Stencil8: 'stencil8', Depth16Unorm: 'depth16unorm', Depth24Plus: 'depth24plus', Depth24PlusStencil8: 'depth24plus-stencil8', Depth32Float: 'depth32float', // BC compressed formats usable if 'texture-compression-bc' is both // supported by the device/user agent and enabled in requestDevice. BC1RGBAUnorm: 'bc1-rgba-unorm', BC1RGBAUnormSRGB: 'bc1-rgba-unorm-srgb', BC2RGBAUnorm: 'bc2-rgba-unorm', BC2RGBAUnormSRGB: 'bc2-rgba-unorm-srgb', BC3RGBAUnorm: 'bc3-rgba-unorm', BC3RGBAUnormSRGB: 'bc3-rgba-unorm-srgb', BC4RUnorm: 'bc4-r-unorm', BC4RSNorm: 'bc4-r-snorm', BC5RGUnorm: 'bc5-rg-unorm', BC5RGSnorm: 'bc5-rg-snorm', BC6HRGBUFloat: 'bc6h-rgb-ufloat', BC6HRGBFloat: 'bc6h-rgb-float', BC7RGBAUnorm: 'bc7-rgba-unorm', BC7RGBAUnormSRGB: 'bc7-rgba-srgb', // 'depth24unorm-stencil8' extension Depth24UnormStencil8: 'depth24unorm-stencil8', // 'depth32float-stencil8' extension Depth32FloatStencil8: 'depth32float-stencil8' }; _exports.GPUTextureFormat = GPUTextureFormat; var GPUAddressMode = { ClampToEdge: 'clamp-to-edge', Repeat: 'repeat', MirrorRepeat: 'mirror-repeat' }; _exports.GPUAddressMode = GPUAddressMode; var GPUFilterMode = { Linear: 'linear', Nearest: 'nearest' }; _exports.GPUFilterMode = GPUFilterMode; var GPUBlendFactor = { Zero: 'zero', One: 'one', SrcColor: 'src-color', OneMinusSrcColor: 'one-minus-src-color', SrcAlpha: 'src-alpha', OneMinusSrcAlpha: 'one-minus-src-alpha', DstColor: 'dst-color', OneMinusDstColor: 'one-minus-dst-color', DstAlpha: 'dst-alpha', OneMinusDstAlpha: 'one-minus-dst-alpha', SrcAlphaSaturated: 'src-alpha-saturated', BlendColor: 'blend-color', OneMinusBlendColor: 'one-minus-blend-color' }; _exports.GPUBlendFactor = GPUBlendFactor; var GPUBlendOperation = { Add: 'add', Subtract: 'subtract', ReverseSubtract: 'reverse-subtract', Min: 'min', Max: 'max' }; _exports.GPUBlendOperation = GPUBlendOperation; var GPUColorWriteFlags = { None: 0, Red: 0x1, Green: 0x2, Blue: 0x4, Alpha: 0x8, All: 0xF }; _exports.GPUColorWriteFlags = GPUColorWriteFlags; var GPUStencilOperation = { Keep: 'keep', Zero: 'zero', Replace: 'replace', Invert: 'invert', IncrementClamp: 'increment-clamp', DecrementClamp: 'decrement-clamp', IncrementWrap: 'increment-wrap', DecrementWrap: 'decrement-wrap' }; _exports.GPUStencilOperation = GPUStencilOperation; var GPUBindingType = { UniformBuffer: 'uniform-buffer', StorageBuffer: 'storage-buffer', ReadonlyStorageBuffer: 'readonly-storage-buffer', Sampler: 'sampler', ComparisonSampler: 'comparison-sampler', SampledTexture: 'sampled-texture', MultisampledTexture: 'multisampled-texture', ReadonlyStorageTexture: 'readonly-storage-texture', WriteonlyStorageTexture: 'writeonly-storage-texture' }; _exports.GPUBindingType = GPUBindingType; var GPUTextureDimension = { OneD: '1d', TwoD: '2d', ThreeD: '3d' }; _exports.GPUTextureDimension = GPUTextureDimension; var GPUTextureViewDimension = { OneD: '1d', TwoD: '2d', TwoDArray: '2d-array', Cube: 'cube', CubeArray: 'cube-array', ThreeD: '3d' }; _exports.GPUTextureViewDimension = GPUTextureViewDimension; var GPUInputStepMode = { Vertex: 'vertex', Instance: 'instance' }; _exports.GPUInputStepMode = GPUInputStepMode; var GPUChunkSize = 16; // size of a chunk in bytes (STD140 layout) // @TODO: Move to src/constants.js _exports.GPUChunkSize = GPUChunkSize; var BlendColorFactor = 211; _exports.BlendColorFactor = BlendColorFactor; var OneMinusBlendColorFactor = 212; _exports.OneMinusBlendColorFactor = OneMinusBlendColorFactor; });