# require 'spec_helper' # require 'action_mailer' # require 'support/active_record' # require 'support/matchers' # # describe Travis::Mailer::Build do # include Support::ActiveRecord # # let(:build) { Factory(:build, :state => :finished, :started_at => Time.utc(2011, 6, 23, 15, 30, 45), :finished_at => Time.utc(2011, 6, 23, 16, 47, 52)) } # let(:recipients) { ['owner@example.com', 'committer@example.com', 'author@example.com'] } # let(:email) { Travis::Mailer::Build.finished_email(build, recipients) } # # before :each do # Travis::Mailer.setup # ActionMailer::Base.delivery_method = :test # end # # describe 'finished build email notification' do # # it 'delivers to the repository owner, committer and commit author' do # email.should deliver_to(recipients) # end # # it 'is a multipart email' do # email.should be_multipart # end # # it 'contains the expected text part' do # email.text_part.body.should include_lines(%( # Build : #1 # Duration : 1 hour, 17 minutes, and 7 seconds # Commit : 62aae5f7 (master) # Author : Sven Fuchs # Message : the commit message # Status : Failed # View the changeset : https://github.com/svenfuchs/minimal/compare/master...develop # View the full build log and details : http://travis-ci.org/svenfuchs/minimal/builds/#{build.id} # )) # end # # it 'contains the expected html part' do # email.text_part.body.should include_lines(%( # 1 hour, 17 minutes, and 7 seconds # 62aae5f7 (master) # Author # the commit message # Failed # View the changeset # https://github.com/svenfuchs/minimal/compare/master...develop # View the full build log and details # http://travis-ci.org/svenfuchs/minimal/builds/#{build.id} # )) # end # # context 'in HTML' do # it 'escapes newlines in the commit message' do # build.commit.message = "bar\\nbaz" # email.deliver # inline css interceptor is called before delivery. # email.html_part.decoded.should =~ %r(barbaz) # nokogiri seems to convert
on mri, but not jruby? # end # # it 'inlines css' do # email.deliver # email.html_part.decoded.should =~ %r(]+style=") # end # end # end # # describe 'finished_email' do # describe 'for a successful build' do # let(:build) { Factory(:successful_build) } # # it 'subject' do # email.subject.should == '[Passed] svenfuchs/successful_build#1 (master - 62aae5f)' # end # # it 'should have the "success" css class on alert-message' do # email.deliver # email.html_part.decoded.should include('