# frozen_string_literal: true require_relative 'lib/tabled' STAR_WARS_CHARACTERS = [ { name: 'Luke Skywalker', height: '172', mass: '77', hair_color: 'blond', skin_color: 'fair', eye_color: 'blue', birth_year: '19BBY', gender: 'male' }, { name: 'C-3PO', height: '167', mass: '75', hair_color: 'n/a', skin_color: 'gold', eye_color: 'yellow', birth_year: '112BBY', gender: 'n/a' }, { name: 'R2-D2', height: '96', mass: '32', hair_color: 'n/a', skin_color: 'white, blue', eye_color: 'red', birth_year: '33BBY', gender: 'n/a' }, { name: 'Darth Vader', height: '202', mass: '136', hair_color: 'none', skin_color: 'white', eye_color: 'yellow', birth_year: '41.9BBY', gender: 'male' }, { name: 'Leia Organa', height: '150', mass: '49', hair_color: 'brown', skin_color: 'light', eye_color: 'brown', birth_year: '19BBY', gender: 'female' }, { name: 'Owen Lars', height: '178', mass: '120', hair_color: 'brown, grey', skin_color: 'light', eye_color: 'blue', birth_year: '52BBY', gender: 'male' }, { name: 'Beru Whitesun lars', height: '165', mass: '75', hair_color: 'brown', skin_color: 'light', eye_color: 'blue', birth_year: '47BBY', gender: 'female' }, { name: 'R5-D4', height: '97', mass: '32', hair_color: 'n/a', skin_color: 'white, red', eye_color: 'red', birth_year: 'unknown', gender: 'n/a' }, { name: 'Biggs Darklighter', height: '183', mass: '84', hair_color: 'black', skin_color: 'light', eye_color: 'brown', birth_year: '24BBY', gender: 'male' }, { name: 'Obi-Wan Kenobi', height: '182', mass: '77', hair_color: 'auburn, white', skin_color: 'fair', eye_color: 'blue-gray', birth_year: '57BBY', gender: 'male' } ].freeze print "Printing without any params: \n" data = STAR_WARS_CHARACTERS.map do |character| [character[:name], character[:height], character[:gender]] end Tabled.new(data).print_to_console # --------------------------------- # | Luke Skywalker 172 male | # --------------------------------- # | C-3PO 167 n/a | # --------------------------------- # | R2-D2 96 n/a | # --------------------------------- # | Darth Vader 202 male | # --------------------------------- # | Leia Organa 150 female | # --------------------------------- # | Owen Lars 178 male | # --------------------------------- # | Beru Whitesun lars 165 female | # --------------------------------- # | R5-D4 97 n/a | # --------------------------------- # | Biggs Darklighter 183 male | # --------------------------------- # | Obi-Wan Kenobi 182 male | # --------------------------------- print "\n\n############################\n\n" print "Printing without frame: \n" data = STAR_WARS_CHARACTERS.map do |character| [character[:name], character[:height], character[:gender]] end Tabled.new(data, framed: false).print_to_console # Luke Skywalker 172 male # --------------------------------- # C-3PO 167 n/a # --------------------------------- # R2-D2 96 n/a # --------------------------------- # Darth Vader 202 male # --------------------------------- # Leia Organa 150 female # --------------------------------- # Owen Lars 178 male # --------------------------------- # Beru Whitesun lars 165 female # --------------------------------- # R5-D4 97 n/a # --------------------------------- # Biggs Darklighter 183 male # --------------------------------- # Obi-Wan Kenobi 182 male # --------------------------------- print "\n\n############################\n\n" print "Printing without frame: and row separator\n" data = STAR_WARS_CHARACTERS.map do |character| [character[:name], character[:height], character[:gender], { footer: 'One very long footer! Be carefull' }] end Tabled.new(data, titles: %w[Name Height Gender]).print_to_console # Luke Skywalker 172 male # C-3PO 167 n/a # R2-D2 96 n/a # Darth Vader 202 male # Leia Organa 150 female # Owen Lars 178 male # Beru Whitesun lars 165 female # R5-D4 97 n/a # Biggs Darklighter 183 male # Obi-Wan Kenobi 182 male