require 'psychic/runner/version' autoload :Thor, 'thor' autoload :YAML, 'yaml' module Psychic autoload :Util, 'psychic/util' autoload :Logger, 'psychic/logger' autoload :Shell, 'psychic/shell' autoload :OutputHelper, 'psychic/output_helper' class Runner autoload :MagicTaskFactory, 'psychic/runner/magic_task_factory' autoload :BaseRunner, 'psychic/runner/base_runner' autoload :CodeSample, 'psychic/runner/code_sample' autoload :SampleFinder, 'psychic/runner/sample_finder' autoload :SampleRunner, 'psychic/runner/sample_runner' autoload :HotReadTaskFactory, 'psychic/runner/hot_read_task_factory' autoload :TaskFactoryRegistry, 'psychic/runner/task_factory_registry' class TaskNotImplementedError < NotImplementedError def initialize(task_name) super("#{self.class} cannot handle task #{task_name}") end end TaskFactoryRegistry.autoload_task_factories! include BaseRunner include SampleRunner attr_reader :runners, :hot_read_task_factory, :task_factories, :sample_factories def initialize(opts = { cwd: Dir.pwd }) # rubocop:disable Metrics/MethodLength # TODO: Will reduce method length after further splitting Runner vs TaskFactory fail 'cwd is required' unless opts[:cwd] # must be a string on windows... opts[:cwd] = Pathname(opts[:cwd]).to_s @opts = opts init_attr(:cwd) { Dir.pwd } init_hints init_attr(:logger) { new_logger } init_attr(:env) { ENV.to_hash } init_attrs :cli, :interactive, :parameter_mode, :restore_mode, :dry_run @shell_opts = select_shell_opts @parameters = load_parameters(opts[:parameters]) # super @hot_read_task_factory = @sample_finder =[:cwd], @hot_read_task_factory.hints['samples']) @task_factories = TaskFactoryRegistry.active_task_factories(opts) @runners = [@hot_read_task_factory, @task_factories].flatten @known_tasks = @runners.flat_map(&:known_tasks).uniq end def known_samples @sample_finder.known_samples end def task_for(task_name) runner = runners.find { |r| r.known_task?(task_name) } return nil unless runner runner.task_for(task_name) end private def init_attr(var) var_name = "@#{var}" var_value = @opts[var] var_value = yield if var_value.nil? && block_given? instance_variable_set(var_name, var_value) end def init_attrs(*vars) vars.each do | var | init_attr var end end def init_hints @hints = Psychic::Util.stringified_hash(@opts[:hints] || load_hints || {}) if @hints['options'] @opts.merge! Psychic::Util.symbolized_hash(@hints['options']) end end def select_shell_opts # Make sure to delete any option that isn't a MixLib::ShellOut option { |key, _| Psychic::Shell::AVAILABLE_OPTIONS.include? key } end def load_hints hints_file = Dir["#{@cwd}/psychic.{yaml,yml}"].first YAML.load( unless hints_file.nil? end def load_parameters(parameters) if parameters.nil? || parameters.is_a?(String) load_parameters_file(parameters) else parameters end end def load_parameters_file(file = nil) if file.nil? file ||= File.expand_path(DEFAULT_PARAMS_FILE, cwd) return {} unless File.exist? file end parameters = Psychic::Util.replace_tokens(, @env) YAML.load(parameters) end end end