# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Created on Fri Apr 15 17:21:40 2016 @author: devd """ from __future__ import division from createRandomString import * from meshers import * import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.patches as mpatches import networkx as nx import numpy as np import time from math import log, floor, sqrt def experiment(length, ones_range_min, ones_range_max, reps, numStrings, attempts): strings = [] ones = [] randmatch_avg = [] randmatch_std_dev = [] greedymatch_avg = [] greedymatch_std_dev = [] for numOnes in range(ones_range_min, ones_range_max+1): ones.append(numOnes) freed_pages_randmatching = [] freed_pages_greedymatching = [] for iterations in range (reps): for i in range(numStrings): strings.append(createRandomString(length, numOnes)) s = [x for x in strings] frdpgs_randmatching = len(randomMesher(s,attempts))/2 perc = (frdpgs_randmatching/numStrings)*100 freed_pages_randmatching.append(perc) b, unmatched = greedyMesher(strings) frdpgs_greedymatching = (numStrings - len(unmatched))/2 perc = (frdpgs_greedymatching/numStrings)*100 freed_pages_greedymatching.append(perc) strings = [] m = np.asarray(freed_pages_randmatching) m_a = np.mean(m) randmatch_avg.append(m_a) m_s = np.std(m) randmatch_std_dev.append(m_s) c = np.asarray(freed_pages_greedymatching) c_a = np.mean(c) greedymatch_avg.append(c_a) c_s = np.std(c) greedymatch_std_dev.append(c_s) return ones, randmatch_avg, randmatch_std_dev, greedymatch_avg, greedymatch_std_dev def plot_it(length, ones_range_min, ones_range_max, reps, numStrings, attempts): ones, match_avg, match_std_dev, color_avg, color_std_dev = experiment(length, ones_range_min, ones_range_max, reps, numStrings, attempts) plt.errorbar(np.asarray(ones), np.asarray(match_avg), np.asarray(match_std_dev), markersize=3, lw=1, fmt='-o') plt.errorbar(np.asarray(ones), np.asarray(color_avg), np.asarray(color_std_dev), markersize=3, lw=1, fmt='-o') plt.ylim([0,60]) plt.ylabel('Percentage of pages freed') plt.xlabel('Number of objects per page') blue_patch = mpatches.Patch(color='blue', label='random matching') green_patch = mpatches.Patch(color = 'green', label = 'greedy matching') plt.legend(handles=[blue_patch, green_patch]) plt.title('RANDOM MATCHING VS GREEDY MATCHING MESHING RESULTS \n{}-object pages, {} pages, n^2 attempts'.format(length, numStrings)) plt.show() # plt.savefig('randvgreedy{},{},n^2_attempts'.format(length, numStrings) + '.png', dpi = 1000) plt.close() #length = [32,64] length = [32] ones_range_min = 1 ones_range_max = 32 reps = 10 #numStrings = [80,100,150,200] numStrings = [80] start = time.time() for l in length: for n in numStrings: #attempts = n #attempts = int(floor(n*log(n,2))) #attempts = int(floor(n*sqrt(n))) #attempts = int(floor(n**1.75)) attempts = int(floor(n**2)) print 'num attempts: {}'.format(attempts) plot_it(l, ones_range_min, int(l/2), reps, n, attempts) print 'rand match vs greedy match plot {},{} done'.format(l,n) end = time.time() print('making this took {} seconds'.format(end-start) )