// Copyright 2012 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved. // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without // modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are // met: // // * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright // notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. // * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above // copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following // disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided // with the distribution. // * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its // contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived // from this software without specific prior written permission. // // THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS // "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT // LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR // A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT // OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, // SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT // LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, // DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY // THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT // (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE // OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. function oneMatch(re) { "abcd".replace(re, function() { }); assertEquals("abcd", RegExp.input); assertEquals("a", RegExp.leftContext); assertEquals("b", RegExp.lastMatch); assertEquals("", RegExp.lastParen); assertEquals(undefined, RegExp.lastIndex); assertEquals(undefined, RegExp.index); assertEquals("cd", RegExp.rightContext); for (var i = 1; i < 10; i++) { assertEquals("", RegExp['$' + i]); } } oneMatch(/b/); oneMatch(/b/g); "abcdabcd".replace(/b/g, function() { }); assertEquals("abcdabcd", RegExp.input); assertEquals("abcda", RegExp.leftContext); assertEquals("b", RegExp.lastMatch); assertEquals("", RegExp.lastParen); assertEquals(undefined, RegExp.lastIndex); assertEquals(undefined, RegExp.index); assertEquals("cd", RegExp.rightContext); for (var i = 1; i < 10; i++) { assertEquals("", RegExp['$' + i]); } function captureMatch(re) { "abcd".replace(re, function() { }); assertEquals("abcd", RegExp.input); assertEquals("a", RegExp.leftContext); assertEquals("bc", RegExp.lastMatch); assertEquals("c", RegExp.lastParen); assertEquals(undefined, RegExp.lastIndex); assertEquals(undefined, RegExp.index); assertEquals("d", RegExp.rightContext); assertEquals('b', RegExp.$1); assertEquals('c', RegExp.$2); for (var i = 3; i < 10; i++) { assertEquals("", RegExp['$' + i]); } } captureMatch(/(b)(c)/); captureMatch(/(b)(c)/g); "abcdabcd".replace(/(b)(c)/g, function() { }); assertEquals("abcdabcd", RegExp.input); assertEquals("abcda", RegExp.leftContext); assertEquals("bc", RegExp.lastMatch); assertEquals("c", RegExp.lastParen); assertEquals(undefined, RegExp.lastIndex); assertEquals(undefined, RegExp.index); assertEquals("d", RegExp.rightContext); assertEquals('b', RegExp.$1); assertEquals('c', RegExp.$2); for (var i = 3; i < 10; i++) { assertEquals("", RegExp['$' + i]); } function Override() { // Set the internal lastMatchInfoOverride. After calling this we do a normal // match and verify the override was cleared and that we record the new // captures. "abcdabcd".replace(/(b)(c)/g, function() { }); } function TestOverride(input, expect, property, re_src) { var re = new RegExp(re_src); var re_g = new RegExp(re_src, "g"); function OverrideCase(fn) { Override(); fn(); assertEquals(expect, RegExp[property]); } OverrideCase(function() { return input.replace(re, "x"); }); OverrideCase(function() { return input.replace(re_g, "x"); }); OverrideCase(function() { return input.replace(re, ""); }); OverrideCase(function() { return input.replace(re_g, ""); }); OverrideCase(function() { return input.match(re); }); OverrideCase(function() { return input.match(re_g); }); OverrideCase(function() { return re.test(input); }); OverrideCase(function() { return re_g.test(input); }); } var input = "bar.foo baz......"; var re_str = "(ba.).*?f"; TestOverride(input, "bar", "$1", re_str); input = "foo bar baz"; var re_str = "bar"; TestOverride(input, "bar", "$&", re_str); function no_last_match(fn) { fn(); assertEquals("hestfisk", RegExp.$1); } /(hestfisk)/.test("There's no such thing as a hestfisk!"); no_last_match(function() { "foo".replace("f", ""); }); no_last_match(function() { "foo".replace("f", "f"); }); no_last_match(function() { "foo".split("o"); }); var base = "In the music. In the music. "; var cons = base + base + base + base; no_last_match(function() { cons.replace("x", "y"); }); no_last_match(function() { cons.replace("e", "E"); }); // Here's one that matches once, then tries to match again, but fails. // Verify that the last match info is from the last match, not from the // failure that came after. "bar.foo baz......".replace(/(ba.).*?f/g, function() { return "x";}); assertEquals("bar", RegExp.$1); // A test that initially does a zero width match, but later does a non-zero // width match. var a = "foo bar baz".replace(/^|bar/g, ""); assertEquals("foo baz", a); a = "foo bar baz".replace(/^|bar/g, "*"); assertEquals("*foo * baz", a); // We test FilterASCII using regexps that will backtrack forever. Since // a regexp with a non-ASCII character in it can never match an ASCII // string we can test that the relevant node is removed by verifying that // there is no hang. function NoHang(re) { print(re); "This is an ASCII string that could take forever".match(re); } NoHang(/(((.*)*)*x)å/); // Continuation after loop is filtered, so is loop. NoHang(/(((.*)*)*å)foo/); // Body of loop filtered. NoHang(/å(((.*)*)*x)/); // Everything after a filtered character is filtered. NoHang(/(((.*)*)*x)å/); // Everything before a filtered character is filtered. NoHang(/[æøå](((.*)*)*x)/); // Everything after a filtered class is filtered. NoHang(/(((.*)*)*x)[æøå]/); // Everything before a filtered class is filtered. NoHang(/[^\x00-\x7f](((.*)*)*x)/); // After negated class. NoHang(/(((.*)*)*x)[^\x00-\x7f]/); // Before negated class. NoHang(/(?!(((.*)*)*x)å)foo/); // Negative lookahead is filtered. NoHang(/(?!(((.*)*)*x))å/); // Continuation branch of negative lookahead. NoHang(/(?=(((.*)*)*x)å)foo/); // Positive lookahead is filtered. NoHang(/(?=(((.*)*)*x))å/); // Continuation branch of positive lookahead. NoHang(/(?=å)(((.*)*)*x)/); // Positive lookahead also prunes continuation. NoHang(/(æ|ø|å)(((.*)*)*x)/); // All branches of alternation are filtered. NoHang(/(a|b|(((.*)*)*x))å/); // 1 out of 3 branches pruned. NoHang(/(a|(((.*)*)*x)ø|(((.*)*)*x)å)/); // 2 out of 3 branches pruned. var s = "Don't prune based on a repetition of length 0"; assertEquals(null, s.match(/å{1,1}prune/)); assertEquals("prune", (s.match(/å{0,0}prune/)[0])); // Some very deep regexps where FilterASCII gives up in order not to make the // stack overflow. var regex6 = /a*\u0100*\w/; var input0 = "a"; regex6.exec(input0); var re = "\u0100*\\w"; for (var i = 0; i < 200; i++) re = "a*" + re; var regex7 = new RegExp(re); regex7.exec(input0); var regex8 = new RegExp(re, "i"); regex8.exec(input0); re = "[\u0100]*\\w"; for (var i = 0; i < 200; i++) re = "a*" + re; var regex9 = new RegExp(re); regex9.exec(input0); var regex10 = new RegExp(re, "i"); regex10.exec(input0); var regex11 = /^(?:[^\u0000-\u0080]|[0-9a-z?,.!&\s#()])+$/i; regex11.exec(input0); var regex12 = /u(\xf0{8}?\D*?|( ? !)$h??(|)*?(||)+?\6((?:\W\B|--\d-*-|)?$){0, }?|^Y( ? !1)\d+)+a/; regex12.exec("");